I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 487 The Whereabouts of the Heaven Patching Stone


The violent force shook the sea water to the surroundings, forcibly opening up a waterless land on the bottom of the sea for a short time.


The overwhelming bloody sword shadows were like lotus petals, instantly cutting open the armor of the Yellow Emperor's dark army, causing their bones to shatter.

When the sea water spread and irrigated again, only the scarred warrior was left in the arena.His armor has been broken, and many bones of the mount under him are shattered, and it feels quite crumbling.

"A trash who has been dead for many years, dares to fight for the top?" Duan Canghai sneered, not paying attention to him.

The general let out a shout of divine sense, suddenly drove his mount, and charged towards Duan Canghai with the spear that had been broken in two.

Although there was only one person, the phantom of thousands of troops appeared behind him.

The sound of horseshoes falling like thunder, and the sound of thousands of soldiers rushing to kill on the battlefield suddenly formed an indomitable and invincible violent momentum.

Even Duan Canghai couldn't help being shocked, knowing that this general was probably a ruthless character at the level of an enemy of ten thousand people.

However, this still doesn't change anything.


Su Ying sword slashed out a moon-white boundless sword energy, directly cutting the general into two pieces, and the remnant body fell from the mount.

But at this moment, the horn on the mount's head emitted a blazing light, and a divine light shot out like a sharp sword, directly hitting Duan Canghai.


Invisible fluctuations radiated out, and the sea water was pushed away again, forcibly squeezed in all directions.

Duan Canghai swung around his body with a black body shield, resisting the blow.


Amidst the loud noise, Duan Canghai didn't move at all, and the protective demon gang didn't suffer the slightest damage.

"It turned out to be a unicorn." Duan Canghai snorted coldly, knowing that if this beast had the strength it had in life, this blow would probably cut him in two.

It's a pity that it is now turned into a corpse, which is not enough to be a way at all.

He slashed down with his sword, and the silver sword light bloomed brilliantly, causing the unicorn in front of him to explode on the spot in the bucket-thick sword light.

Duan Canghai didn't stop at his feet, and rushed straight into the depths of the building.


On the surface of the sea, a skyrocketing water wave suddenly exploded.

The bottom of the sea seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and a tsunami was set off, causing the torrential waves to beat in all directions. The sky and the earth were covered with white waves, and countless water droplets splashed down.

Duan Canghai broke through the water suddenly, and spread out a pair of magic wings in a "peng" manner.

He held a severed arm in his hand, which was as thick as an adult's thigh, and he laughed wildly.

Duan Canghai returned to the cliff, stimulated by his true energy, instantly evaporated the sea water from his body.

He suddenly had an interesting plan.

Swallow all the power of the demon god in Chi You's body, and then take his intact body to the Blood Maple Forest to revive this demon god who once overturned the ancient history of China!

At that time, Chi You will only have a tyrannical body left, and his strength will only be a little of what is left in his head, so he is expected to be no match for him.

"In this world, how can there be a subordinate who is stronger than the demon god Chi You?" Duan Canghai became excited just thinking about it.

What he didn't know was that he had worked so hard to achieve such good fortune, but in Feiyun Villa it was like a joke.

Especially Nuba and Yinglong, the two extremely powerful gods, one after the other, also stepped into the realm of transforming gods.

Not half a point worse than him.


Lin Fei came to the Sutra Pavilion and flipped through a large collection of books extremely quickly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Heavenly Demon God Palace is the number one sect in the cultivation world, and it even plundered the entire Chinese cultivation world wantonly.The amount of ancient books contained in it is extremely unimaginable, and it can be called a vast sea.

But for Lin Fei, finding the information he wanted was not a difficult problem.

It was difficult for him to expand his consciousness, but it was no problem to cover a few meters around his body, just like extracting the required information from a large number of surveillance videos in the police station.

A series of ancient books made of bamboo slips, jade slips, and sheepskin, all of which were scanned by Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness, and all the contents were engraved in his mind.

Speaking of which, if this method is used in studies, I am afraid that it will be easy to pass the college entrance examination to Tsinghua University and Peking University, just like a joke.

Lin Fei finally stopped when he had flipped all the classics in the Sutra Pavilion to almost normal.

Because he already has the information he needs.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, there is a collection of a sky-filling stone.

It is well known that the East China Sea Dragon Palace has a treasury, which seems to have continued the dragon clan's consistent style of loving treasures. There are not only all kinds of gold and silver treasures, agate and jade, but also various magic weapons for self-cultivation.

After learning this crucial information, Lin Fei had no intention of delaying, so he went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

It just occurred to him that Ying Long might be happy to see his fellow clansmen, and maybe he wanted to ask the Dragon King of the East China Sea something about the Tianlong clan, so he returned to Feiyun Villa earlier.

Sure enough, Ying Long had this intention, so he set off with Lin Fei.

She transformed into a human form and accompanied Lin Fei to the bottom of the East China Sea.The terrifying pressure was enough to crush the nuclear submarine into pieces, but it had no effect on the two of them.

The bottom of the sea is too deep, resulting in darkness all around, and no light can be seen.

But at the same time, this kind of restriction is nothing to the two of them.From their perspective, the bottom of the sea is azure blue, and everything is still very clear.

But under such circumstances, Ying Long showed a surprised look, and communicated with Lin Fei with his spiritual thoughts: "Tianzun, I found a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals within the coverage of my spiritual consciousness. They seem to have suffered heavy casualties, as if they have experienced A big battle!"

Lin Fei said lightly: "The bottom of the sea is not peaceful, maybe there are some monsters running rampant, it's not surprising."

Ying Long let out a "hmm" and didn't pay much attention to it, and quickly flew to the Dragon Palace together with him.

After passing through a layer of light curtain, everything in front of me is different.

This is a palace located on the bottom of the sea, it stands quietly on the bottom of the water, with carved beams and painted buildings, it is beautiful.

Such a scene in the water is enough to surprise anyone.

Although it is mottled and broken, it is covered with dense ice-like algae, stretching its body at the bottom of the lake.

But it's still there, and that's the greatest miracle.

On the top of the palace in the middle, there is a pure white jade bead.

Avoid water drops, so that there is no seawater in the entire Dragon Palace Realm.At the same time, it also exudes a faint white light, shining in this small world, bringing light to the dark and deep underwater world.

Lin Fei walked unhurriedly to the front of the gate of the Dragon Palace, and saw a young man in a golden dragon robe rushing up with a group of soldiers and crab generals, staring at him covetously.

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