I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 488 The Power of the Dragon God

It could be seen that Prince Long and the others were very nervous, as if their nerves were tense.

It seems that something unsettling has happened recently, and the whole Dragon Palace is extremely guarded.And at this moment, there are mortals coming here, no matter what, they can't make people relax.

"Take it down for me, life or death!" Prince Long really didn't want to have half a word of nonsense, so he directly gave the death order.


A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals stood up, all of them were over two meters tall, holding weapons such as harpoons and hammers, and looked quite intimidating.

They roared angrily, lined up in a formation and charged straight at Lin Fei and Ying Long.

"Get out of the way." Lin Fei said calmly, flicking his sleeve lightly.


Amidst the loud noise, these shrimp soldiers and crabs will only feel a burst of irresistible repulsion.They instantly felt a sharp pain all over their bodies, and were thrown into the air amidst the screams, falling like dumplings in all directions.

The weapons of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were also thrown out of their hands amidst the sound of "clang", and fell to pieces.

Prince Long's complexion changed instantly, knowing that he had encountered a serious problem.

But he roared angrily, and stretched out his hand to hold it in the void.As the rays of light flowed and condensed, a golden battle gun suddenly appeared in his hand.There was a three-foot golden light on the tip of the spear, and the phantom of a golden dragon was coiled around the body of the gun, making the faint sound of a dragon howling.

"Should die!" Prince Long really didn't care about Sanqi 21, his body protection god was wrapped around like a golden dragon, and he shot out at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei stretched out two fingers calmly, and directly clamped the tip of the gun.

Prince Long's expression changed, but his reaction was extremely quick.He didn't try to forcefully break free, but shook his right arm, pouring divine power into the barrel of the gun.


The divine aura on the tip of the spear suddenly shot up, and it shot out like a sharp sword, as if it wanted to pierce Lin Fei's head directly!

However, Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, and just lightly folded his two fingers.


With a crisp sound, the tip of the Golden Dragon Spear, the most precious treasure of the Dragon Palace, was snapped off by him.The divine aura protruding from it also instantly deviated from the direction, almost brushing against Lin Fei's eyes.

But even so, Lin Fei's expression was still as calm as water, and he didn't frown because of the seemingly extremely thrilling scene.

"What?!" Prince Long was shocked and angry, and a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals were also stunned.

How fierce this must be, breaking the Golden Dragon Spear with bare hands!

Prince Long knew that the situation was not good, so he immediately let out an angry roar: "Quickly call Father King and Prime Minister Gui!"

As soon as the words fell, he used the golden dragon gun without the tip as a stick, flew up directly, and knocked heavily on Lin Fei's head with a stick.


There was a terrible sound of sonic boom in the air, and the surging power contained in this stick was enough to smash the mountain into pieces!

"Boy without a tutor, is this how your father taught you to treat guests?" Lin Fei said lightly with his spiritual thoughts, and firmly held the Golden Dragon Spear with a "snap", without moving a muscle.

The huge power was easily and naturally dispelled by his physical body, and the earth did not even suffer the slightest attack.

However, Prince Long took advantage of this moment to pinch the handprint of the Fa Jue with his left hand, and immediately roared: "Water Dragon Jue!"


Nine lifelike water dragons suddenly emerged from his side, roaring violently and rushing towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was already tired of fighting and playing house with this little kid, so Dang didn't dodge or dodge, but just stretched out a hand forward.


Dragon Palace's spell bombarded Lin Fei, but it didn't cause any damage, and even his clothes weren't wet.

On the contrary, he grabbed Prince Long by the back collar, and picked it up easily like he was catching a naughty kid.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals present were dumbfounded!

Fuck, that is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Dragon Palace, the number two person who rules the entire East China Sea!

The key point is that he is still a real dragon, a legendary beast!

Why was he caught by this human like a chicken?

Prince Long was going crazy, he had never felt such humiliation.He immediately uttered a thunderous dragon roar, and instantly changed into his original form.

After the huge golden dragon body unfolded, Prince Long was horrified to find that he was still being grabbed by the neck by Lin Fei.

"Mortal, kneel down for me!" He let out a majestic roar, and the rolling dragon power swept across the mighty, trying to use the upper level of life and body to make the human being in front of him succumb.

The mighty Longwei really should not be underestimated, the effect is astonishing.The shrimp soldiers and crab generals present were all trembling with fright, and knelt down on the ground amidst the sound of "plop", fear and awe of the higher life surged from their souls.

However, Lin Fei was still as calm as water, and even said lightly: "Little boy, even your ancestors dare not speak to me like that."

Then he looked at Ying Long, smiled and said, "Let him see what a real dragon is, and calm down for a while."

Hearing this, Ying Long, who had been unable to intervene beside him, took a deep breath and immediately showed his original shape.

Baizhang Tianlong!

Its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, and when it spreads lightly, it will cover the sky above the Dragon Palace!

The huge dragon might not only spread in the Dragon Palace Realm, but even spread out uncontrollably.In a radius of a hundred miles, from the sea level to the underwater creatures, all marine creatures were frightened and fell into a frantic panic.


A sea fish frantically swayed its tail, set off a wave, and swam desperately to the distance.It felt an extremely terrifying sense of crisis, far more terrifying than those large predators in the ocean, and an unimaginable existence far surpassing natural enemies.

And in the Dragon Palace, all life was almost suffocated on the spot.

Dragon King and Prime Minister Turtle, who were just about to rush to the gate of the city, suddenly felt their feet go limp.Especially the Dragon King, as the Dragon Clan who can most clearly feel the oppressive force of the Heavenly Dragon God, fell to his knees with a "plop".

Prime Minister Gui was also terrified of the two battles, hurriedly went to help him up, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, what happened?!"

The Dragon King swallowed his saliva, and the emperor's crown on his head was crooked, and a string of beaded curtains made a soft "crash" sound: "This breath... the god of the dragon! It is definitely the god of the dragon!"

Prime Minister Gui was stunned: "Ying Long is still alive? Wasn't it killed by Immortal Emperor Taiyi..."

The Dragon King glared at him immediately: "Shut up! Pay attention to your words and demeanor, and go with me to meet the Supreme God of the Dragon Clan!"

At the gate of the city, Prince Long was trembling all over, looking dully at the figure of the hundred-foot-high dragon above.

His bucket-thick dragon body, in front of Ying Long, is as small as a loach and insignificant...

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