I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 489 Triton Playing 3 Dent

"It's over...it's dead this time!"

Prince Long trembled all over, and closed his eyes in despair.

The silver-armored woman behind this human turned out to be the legendary god of dragons, Yinglong. What kind of terrifying existence is he?

He even once guessed that this human being is actually the Immortal Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, but then he vetoed this idea.

"God Yinglong, calm down!" At this moment, a hurried and anxious shout came over.

It was Ao Yi, the Dragon King who rushed over in a hurry.He came too hastily, and even knocked down Prime Minister Gui beside him.

The latter made an "ouch" sound, and the tortoise shell fell backwards on the ground, unable to turn over...

Ao Yi was startled by Ying Long's appearance at first, and after seeing Lin Fei's face clearly, he knelt down with a "plop" and couldn't speak clearly: "Xiao Xiao Xiao...Xiao Long pays homage to Lin Lin Lin. .. Lin Tiandi!"


His words undoubtedly caused a thunderstorm to explode in the minds of all the creatures in Dragon Palace.

Emperor Lin Tian?

The legendary Wansheng Tianzun, who pushes across the multiverse, has only one enemy in the heavens and the world, and Lin Fei, who was beheaded by him personally? !

"Greetings to Emperor Lin Tian! Greetings to Great God Yinglong!" Everyone in the Dragon Palace, whether they were shrimp soldiers, crab generals or murlocs, knelt down neatly and respectfully.

Only then did Ying Long restrain his terrifying real body and Long Wei, and transformed into a beautiful and heroic woman in silver armor, standing quietly behind Lin Fei.

"Everyone get up." Lin Fei sighed lightly, originally he didn't intend to make such a big battle.

"Xie Lin Tiandi!" Dragon King Ao Yi heaved a sigh of relief. Even when he stood up, he was still hunched over, with an extremely respectful appearance, which was far from the identity of the Lord of the East China Sea.

He didn't have any excuses for the others to stand up, but seeing that Prince Long also turned into a human form and wanted to stand up, he immediately became angry.

Doesn't this short-sighted idiot know what to do? !

"You uneducated thing!" Ao Yi flew into a rage and kicked Prince Long on the back.

Just as Prince Long stood up, he was kicked again so that he knelt on the ground with a "plop", and he was stunned.

"You don't know etiquette, you act impulsively, and you offend Lin Tiandi and don't kowtow to ask him to forgive you?" Ao Yi gave wild glances, afraid that Prince Long would not be clear about the situation.

"Forget about the Dragon King, why make such a fuss?" Lin Fei waved his hand, restrained the Dragon Prince who was about to kowtow, and helped him up.

This time there is no need to remind Ao Yi, Prince Long quickly said respectfully and gratefully: "The little one is not just Lin Tiandi coming here, I have offended you a lot earlier, thank you for your forgiveness!"

Lin Fei smiled faintly, then turned his head to look at Ao Yi, and said straight to the point: "Dragon King. To be honest, I came this time to ask for something from your East China Sea Dragon Palace."

Ao Yi is actually a full-fledged miser, and his heart hurts secretly when he heard this.

Yay!There used to be a broken-skinned hozen who came to pull out the Dinghaishen needle, but now a more ruthless one came, God knows what he wanted!

I, East China Sea Dragon Palace, why am I so unlucky?

But even though he was thinking so in his heart, Ao Yi didn't dare to show it, and even pretended to be proud and laughed: "Emperor Lin Tian opened his mouth, let alone a thing, even if I emptied my entire Dragon Palace, it doesn't matter!"

Prime Minister Gui, who had just been turned over by someone, immediately widened his eyes when he heard this, and was stunned.

Is this... still that hairless iron cock dragon king?

Lin Fei felt a little funny when he heard this, so he teased: "Well, since the Dragon King is so bold, I will evacuate the entire Dragon Palace."

The smile on the Dragon King's face froze instantly, and the whole person seemed to be frozen in place, motionless.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Lin Fei asked amusedly.

"No, no, why do you have any opinions?" The Dragon King forced a smile, which was uglier than crying.

"I'm just joking with you," Lin Fei didn't intend to tease him anymore, seeing the Dragon King like this was as uncomfortable as killing him, "I came here this time to take away the Sky-Mending Stone."

Ao Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a look of embarrassment, and looked at Prime Minister Gui in blank dismay.

The other members of the Dragon Palace also looked heavy when they heard these words, and even the Dragon Prince hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Seeing their reaction, Lin Fei frowned slightly, knowing that it was probably an accident.

Sure enough, Ao Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Emperor Lin Tian, ​​you came a step too late, and the Heaven-Bending Stone was snatched away..."

Lin Fei took a deep look at him, and said, "You are the Dragon King of the East China Sea, with the body of a real dragon and the realm of the void, who can snatch the Sky-Mending Stone from you?"

Mentioning this, Ao Yi gritted his teeth with hatred: "Emperor Lin Tian didn't know something. Some time ago, a foreign god came to the East China Sea. He called himself Triton. He held a sea god trident, which was very fierce."

"My strength and his were between June [-]th, but the Seagod Trident was extremely powerful. In the end, we were defeated and the Sky Mending Stone was taken away by him."

Ao Yi claimed that Triton and he were seriously injured, but he was still extremely arrogant.Before he left, he even uttered harsh words, telling Dragon Palace to either hand over all the treasures and leave immediately, or he would lead an army of sea beasts to bloodbath the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Lin Fei thought of the group of remnant soldiers and defeated generals that Ying Long had mentioned earlier, and it was possible that he might have fought against Triton's men, which was why he ended up in such a bleak situation.

"The one who plays the trident? His name is Triton?" He was a little puzzled, and looked at Ying Long, who also shook his head with a blank expression.

"I only know that there is a sea god called Poseidon who plays with tridents all day long," he said, "but Triton has never heard of it."

Is Poseidon laid off?

Everyone in Dragon Palace also looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they didn't know what to do.

"Do you know the origin of this Triton?" Lin Fei asked.

"This..." Ao Yi showed an extremely embarrassed look, "I don't know."

It's so embarrassing that they can't even tell the origin of the enemy.

Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, and then said: "I'll help you get rid of this Triton, but I own the mending stone, how about it?"

Ao Yi was overjoyed in an instant, and quickly saluted to thank him: "Thank you Lin Tiandi!"

The other members of the entire Dragon Palace did not dare to neglect, and quickly expressed their thanks in unison.

You must know that with Lin Fei's strength, no one in the entire Dragon Palace would dare to say no to it even if it was a robbery.But he chose to act like this, which is tantamount to helping Dragon Palace resolve a catastrophe.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it saved the lives of the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace!

"Lin Tiandi, do you want to sit in my East Sea Dragon Palace?" Ao Yi asked expectantly.

Only this Supreme Being sits in the Dragon Palace, let alone Triton, Ao Yi is not afraid even if the gods and demons all over the sky come, and even dares to challenge them...

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