"How do I know when this Triton will come?" Lin Fei asked back with a smile.

Ao Yi has the treasure of the Dragon Palace to restore his vitality. God knows how badly this Triton was injured, and how long it will take to recover his vitality and make a comeback?

In case he stops for a year or so, is it possible that he still wants to live in Dragon Palace?

"That's true." Ao Yi smiled coyly, looking a little embarrassed, "Just in case this Triton suddenly kills, what should I do if Lin Tiandi is not around?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "The chasing soul seal."

After all, Ao Yi is the Dragon King of the East China Sea, so he is naturally well-informed, and he knows what fairy art is right away.He knew that this kind of fairy art could always sense the situation of the person who was imprinted, so he subconsciously looked at Prime Minister Gui.

As soon as he thought of Lin Fei being able to see every movement clearly, he certainly didn't want to be subjected to such a spell.

Prime Minister Gui was stunned, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I'm not suitable!"

Lin Fei shook his head, and said directly: "There is no need for such a big reaction. I will block all contact with the chasing soul seal, and only trigger the reminder restriction when you are in danger."

Ao Yi was startled, he didn't expect to be able to transform the chasing soul seal to such an extent.He sighed secretly, and said in his heart that he is indeed Lin Tiandi, and all kinds of supernatural powers are really unimaginable.

In this way, Ao Yi has no scruples.

Lin Fei cast the soul chasing mark on him, but he was not in a hurry to leave, but looked at Ying Long.

Seeing that Lin Fei's matter had come to an end, Ying Long took a step forward and asked Ao Yi something.

Of course, it mainly revolves around the situation of the Tianlong clan in the fairy world after her death.

When this topic was mentioned, Ao Yi's complexion changed, he seemed a little hesitant and dared not speak.

"Say." Ying Long's expression turned cold, and he had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

Ao Yi looked up at the sky with a look of concern.

He was also extremely afraid of that lofty Immortal Emperor.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeve, covered the Dragon Palace with a light curtain, and said, "I've covered the sky, but it doesn't matter."

Ao Yi thanked him, then bit the bullet, gritted his teeth and said: "Great God Yinglong, Immortal Emperor Taiyi ordered the destruction of the Heavenly Dragon Clan back then, only two Heavenly Dragons handed over their dragon souls and surrendered to him to keep them. Others Heavenly Dragons... have all fallen."


These words were like a bolt from the blue, almost defeating Ying Long on the spot.

Her face was extremely pale, and her figure staggered.

The majestic God of Heavenly Dragon, if Lin Fei hadn't stretched out his hand to support her, I'm afraid she might fall down on the spot.

"Why?!" Ying Long's voice almost popped out from between his teeth.

The wrath of the dragon god caused panic in the underwater world!

Even if she does not want to return to the Immortal Realm, she should only bear the responsibility. Why would the entire Tianlong Clan be implicated?

It is said that a husband and wife can be in love for a hundred days, so is Tai Yi really going to be so heartless?

Ao Yi shivered, and said in a trembling voice: "Taiyi seems to just want to find an excuse to get rid of the Tianlong family and seize the power of Tianlong. It is said that he smoked many dragon bones, dragon tendons and dragon scales, and also Refining the soul of the heavenly dragon is to forge another extreme emperor soldier!"

According to Ao Yi, the ancestors of the Ao family in the East China Sea were also summoned by Tai Yi, and they were so frightened that the current Dragon King was trembling, like a light on his back, and sweating like rain.However, the lofty Immortal Emperor just glanced at him lightly, then said "too weak" in disappointment, and then waved his hand as if to repel flies.

The ancestors of the Ao family were amnesty, kowtowed in a hurry to express their gratitude, and returned to the Dragon Palace. They were awakened from their dreams at night...

After this incident, the ancestors of the Ao family were so afraid that they did not dare to practice, and they also told their descendants not to cultivate to the level comparable to Tianlong.

What kind of real dragon beast is like a pig waiting to be slaughtered in front of the immortal emperor-as long as it grows fat, it's time to slaughter it.

Lin Fei was silent for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "I think Tai Yi doesn't want to live anymore."

When everyone heard the words, they were all terrified.

Could it be that an immortal emperor is about to fall?


Sword Demon Duan Canghai really worked hard.

He traveled around the places where Chi You's corpse was buried day and night without sleep, and soon collected all of Chi You's hands and feet, leaving only the last upper half of his body.

At this time, Duan Canghai's cultivation has reached the terrifying level of the Great Perfection of God Transformation, and he has even half-stepped into the realm of the Hollow Void!

As a strong man who has stepped into the realm of the void, he doesn't need any epiphany, he doesn't need to understand the laws of the world, and he doesn't need to pay attention to the meaning of "seeing the world with an open mind".

Because he once walked this road full of thorns, and now walking again, he found that the rough road has been flattened by him.

That's why Duan Canghai only needs the resources for his practice, to turn the purest and majestic power into his own.

Obviously, Chi You's body containing the power of a huge demon god is the most suitable thing, enough to drive him crazy.

But at this moment, the place to bury Chi You's body was in front of him, but Duan Canghai hesitated.

Because he is well aware of the horror of the restricted area of ​​life in front of him.

"Huang Di, are you a lunatic? To bury Chi You's body in Donghuang?!" Duan Canghai clenched his fists tightly, with an uncertain expression, staring at the small world in front of him.

There are four forbidden places in the world of Chinese comprehension, which are Donghuang, Beihai, Nanhu, and Ximo.

The Nanming Palace, which once ruled the South Lake, was also extremely brilliant, but it just declined in the vicissitudes of time.But even so, the background of Nanming Palace is extremely strong, and it is not a problem to invite a few strands of immortal spirit incarnations.

As the holy land of the monster race, Donghuang is the most mysterious and dangerous.

Because the controllers of the other three forbidden lands are humans after all, at least they are of the same race.If you come from a certain big sect in China, or have some relationship with it, and you chat with each other, maybe you can go to play as a guest.

But Donghuang is the territory of the Yaozu.

Just like human beings will not show mercy to birds and beasts, they will only treat them as food, at best they will be treated as pets.People will think that cannibalism is simply appalling, insane, and unacceptable, but eating other animals feels at ease and has no psychological burden.

Coincidentally, the Yaozu's attitude towards humans is just like that of humans towards other animals.

The simple truth is that races are different.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

"Couldn't Chi You's body be swallowed?" Duan Canghai thought, "Probably not, his body is immortal, even if the monsters swallow it, they can't digest it, they can only excrete it."

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt sick, as if he had eaten two fingers of dead flies.

"Seek for wealth and danger!"

Duan Canghai is like the ultimate explorer, the ultimate iron-headed boy, brazenly breaking into the restricted area of ​​life in the eyes of the human race.

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