I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 502 As long as the hostage is killed, he will not be persecuted by the gangsters

The four of them each used their supernatural powers, and that kind of power was not like a fair competition between brothers in the same sect, but more like they would fight endlessly if they met the murder of their father and enemy.

The three of them entered the state of Heavenly Demon Transformation, and Lin Fei also entered the state of Xuanxian Transformation.

It was equivalent to the four powerhouses in the realm of transforming gods caught in a chaotic battle, so frightened that Li Changhe and others hurriedly ran away and hid far away.

At the beginning, the four of them were still extremely chaotic, and it didn't matter who I hit and who hit me again.Later, by a strange coincidence, they found their respective opponents.

The Heavenly Demon Fan in Su Tianshuang's hand turned into a black circle of light, making a terrifying sound of sonic boom, and the offensive continued to attack Liu Meng.

On the other side, Lin Fei also got along with Jiang Qingyue.

The situation on their side is not bad, Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng fought, and gradually they started to fight.

"You violent maniac! Last time I took a whip and whipped me so much that I couldn't live without it. Today, I want revenge for whatever I say!" After Su Tianshuang finished speaking, he performed the Heavenly Demon Flame Dance without hesitation.


Nine hundred and ninety-nine fiery dragons suddenly appeared, and their momentum was extremely frightening, causing the people watching the battle from a distance to wipe the cold sweat off their foreheads involuntarily.

"I once suspected that they were not brothers and sisters from the same school."

"How can this be a rivalry between the same sects? It's like meeting enemies and wanting each other's life, right?"

And Liu Meng was not to be outdone, and also performed the Heavenly Demon Kuangyan Dance, not forgetting to rant: "Do you have a short memory, or do you fall in love with being whipped by me? Look for a beating!"

If the battle between the two was already extremely earth-shattering, then the other side was even more frightening.

Jiang Qingyue didn't dare to underestimate her seventh junior brother at all, and immediately displayed a vision.

The bright moon rises on the sea, and Ling Jiutian confronts the sword fairy!

Even everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, full of anticipation and curiosity about the outcome of this battle, and excitedly began to applaud and cheer.

"The two young masters are both in the same realm, the body of the Taiyin or the body of the Immortal Sword, who is stronger?" Hong Tu said in a deep voice as he watched the scene without thinking it was a big deal.

"Does it need to be said, the sixth son must be stronger." Wang Ping naturally supported his son.

But Li Changhe was not happy, and immediately said displeased: "In my opinion, the seventh son is stronger."

The two were arguing, and the person next to them fanned the flames, and they even got into a fight over this matter.

The scene was once chaotic.

And they are so ruthless when they attack, if other people see it, they will be stunned on the spot, and even mistakenly think that there is civil turmoil in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and they are engaged in rebellion in the den...

During the battle between Lin Fei and Jiang Qingyue, the sword fairy image swung its sword impressively, smashing the silver plate image into pieces.Immediately afterwards, the turbulent and violent sea water was also photographed brazenly, directly submerging the phantom of the sword fairy.

Sword Immortal Xuying burst out with Lingyun Sword Intent, which caused the sea water to boil and evaporate.He tried his best to fly up, and the sword of fairy light in his hand went straight to Jiang Qingyue's eyebrows, but was caught in another big wave.

The vision power of the two was evenly divided, and both collapsed at the same time.

"Why don't you use Nanming Lake water to boost the power of the vision?" Lin Fei asked aloud.

"We are brothers in the same school. This is cheating, and victory is useless." Jiang Qingyue blinked her big watery eyes, and answered very simply.

What a victory without force.

This made Lin Fei not have the slightest idea of ​​exerting strength beyond the scope of "nameless" strength and winning on the spot.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Lin Fei shouted violently, and countless silver sword lights circling around him suddenly appeared all over his body.


The murderous aura of these silver sword shadows soared into the sky, each one was as thick as a bucket, and they violently shot towards Jiang Qingyue.

Relying on the strength of the Taiyin body, Jiang Qingyue used her palms to forcibly regret these sword shadows.


He either split the sword shadow, or simply cut it off, facing such a powerful killing technique, he resisted all of them.

Besides, Jiang Qingyue just grinned her teeth and gasped, shaking her red hands: "It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

Lin Fei looked dumbfounded for a while, his body guarding spirit restrained in an instant, and the Lingyun sword intent all over his body disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Qingyue froze for a moment, then asked, "Seventh Junior Brother, are you not fighting?"

Lin Fei waved his hand, and said: "If you continue to fight, there will be no results. No one can win. If you continue to fight, I'm afraid Bing Po will run away."

To play around with this kind of thing, just click and stop.

What's more, Bing Po will take the initiative to recognize the master within a quarter of an hour after being born.

It's a pity that after Lin Fei's words fell, Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng were still madly attacking each other.

"You violent, manly woman, you will never get married, no one wants you!"

"You are a narcissist, a sissy, you will not be able to marry a wife in your life, and you are doomed to be lonely all your life!"

"Heavenly Demon Extermination Tribulation!"

"Heavenly Demon Extermination Tribulation!"

"The mad dragon descends to the sky!"

"The mad dragon descends to the sky!"

"Fucking man, can you not learn my tricks?"

"What? Did you create "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art"? It can only be used by you alone?"

Both of their body shields were completely shattered, their bodies were bloody, and their clothes were also torn to pieces.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Jiang Qingyue swallowed in surprise, thinking that they wouldn't do it, would they?

"Seventh Junior Brother, what should we do?" He looked at Lin Fei blankly.

"What else can I do? Let's persuade the fight." Lin Fei said with a hint of helplessness.

Clearly, verbal persuasion will not work.So the two took out the most effective special method of persuading a fight-as long as the two fighting people are turned over, they will not be able to fight anymore!

Jiang Qingyue used the vision again, and even stirred up the torrential flood of Nanming Lake, and joined hands with Lin Fei.

With such an exaggerated power, the two guys who were still fighting before turned their heads and directly joined forces to fight against Jiang Qingyue and Lin Fei.

However, Jiang Qingyue and "Wuming" were half a chip stronger than them.In addition, Jiang Qingyue has a favorable location, directly demonstrating the ultimate meaning of "violent persuasion" to the fullest.

Both Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng were sent flying, and they were also frantically imposed layer after layer of seals by the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art.

"Jiang Qingyue Wuming, do you want to eat the whip?" Liu Meng almost gritted her teeth and stared at the two of them.

Jiang Qingyue shuddered, and immediately looked aggrieved, blinking her watery eyes, pointing her two fingers together and said: "Senior Sister, I see you guys fighting so scary, isn't this trying to persuade you to fight?"

Liu Meng was so angry that her eyes went dark, and she almost passed out on the spot.

Su Tianshuang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and Dang Lian roared sadly and angrily: "You fucking call this persuasion?!"

This is just like in the hostage rescue activities, the rescuer thought "as long as I kill the hostage, the hostage will not be threatened by the gangsters" is exactly the same...

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