I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 503 Ice Soul

Although the process of "persuading a fight" is very unreasonable, the effect is very obvious.

At least, Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng, who felt like they were going to fight to the death, had calmed down temporarily.

Seeing this scene, Li Changhe and Wang Ping were also terrified. Dang even exchanged glances at the same time, and stopped fighting.

"Aren't you guys going to fight?" Jiang Qingyue looked over suspiciously.

"No, no, haha, what's the fight? We two brothers have a good relationship, right?" Li Changhe gave Wang Ping another look as he spoke, and hooked his shoulders to him.

Wang Ping was also very witty. He looked like an iron buddy, hooked Li Changhe's shoulder very affectionately, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, we just exchanged ideas for a while. It's not like Li Changhe just entered the Divine Palace Soon, do you want to learn "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art" from me?"

The two of them looked very serious, and they couldn't see the guy who was still fighting back and forth at all.

What are you kidding, let's see what happened to the person who was "persuaded" before?

Who can stand this!

Seeing that the storm subsided, everyone looked at the piece of Nanming Ice Soul floating in the air.

In fact, it had already shown signs of choosing a master before.It's just that as soon as they flew half a distance away, they were immediately thrown away by the terrifying impact caused by the four of them fighting.

If Nanming Bingpo thought like a human being, I'm afraid that he would already be scolding his mother at the top of his voice-dammit, are you crazy?I put such a big baby in front of you, you are not in a hurry to snatch me, why are you still fighting?

I, Nanming Bing Po, don't want to lose face!

Of course, although rare treasures such as Nanming Ice Pond have spirits, they are far more than such a terrifying level.

It just quietly bloomed with a cold light after the powerful fluctuation subsided, slowly floating in the air and flying out.

Seeing the direction where Nanming Bing Po was going, both Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng turned pale instantly, feeling an uncontrollable sense of loss.

Because it flew in the opposite direction to where Jiang Qingyue and Lin Fei were.

Several people immediately stared at this scene, wanting to know who will get it this time.But Li Changhe and Wang Ping reacted even more, and even held their breath, hoping that their young master would be favored by Nanming Bingpo.

This Nanming Ice Soul paused for a moment in the air, and immediately flew towards Jiang Qingyue.

"Okay! Sure enough, the sixth son is a Taiyin body, and he was born to be close to Nanming Bingpo! There is no suspense at all in this result!" Wang Ping immediately slapped his thigh, more excited than he got the baby.

Li Changhe felt it was a pity, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

But just when everyone thought that Nanming Ice Soul would belong to Jiang Qingyue, it froze in the air.

Then they moved closer to Lin Fei!

The audience was dumbfounded.

what does it mean?

Never heard of such a situation!

This piece of Nanming Ice Soul seems to have a choice phobia, and it is actually hesitating between the two, as if he can't make up his mind on who to choose.

Not to mention the others, even Jiang Qingyue was stunned, blinking her big watery eyes, confused about the situation.

"Seventh Junior Brother, what do you think we should do?" He was frowning, staring straight at this piece of ice.

"It's easy." Lin Fei responded very simply.

With the sound of "Qing", the Zhuxian Sword was unsheathed behind him, emitting a cold light, and the sword's intent soared into the sky.

"Seventh Junior Brother, what are you doing?" Jiang Qingyue was dumbfounded.

But Lin Fei didn't give the others any time to react, and the Zhuxian sword in his hand had already been chopped off.


With a crisp sound, Nanming Bing Po was cut off with a piece the size of a longan.As for the remaining half, he slapped him flying through the air with one palm.

"Crack!" Jiang Qingyue grabbed it immediately, feeling an extremely quiet chill spread from her palm to her whole body.That kind of feeling made the pores of his whole body relax, and he felt a sense of ecstasy and comfort, and his whole body exuded an icy breath.

It was like a traveler who was about to die of thirst eating a popsicle in the hot summer desert.

The heart is cold, the heart is flying, so cool that I can't extricate myself.

And Lin Fei didn't hesitate, and directly accepted the longan-sized piece of ice soul that had been chopped off.

"Seventh Junior Brother, you..." Jiang Qingyue hesitated to speak, showing some gratitude.

After all, in his opinion, even if Lin Fei wants to share with him equally, it is no exaggeration.In the end, he only cut off a small piece, and gave most of it to himself without hesitation.

You must know that this is the Nanming Ice Soul. I don't know how many people are jealous of it, but they still can't ask for it!

Lin Fei generously gave up such a large part, how magnanimous is this?

Not only Jiang Qingyue, but everyone else present was also shocked.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and said calmly: "Senior Brother Six, you are the body of the Taiyin, and this thing is more important to you. I want such a piece, which is actually enough."

Seeing this scene, Wang Ping couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Seventh Young Master is so magnanimous! I was worried that he would take away the entire Bing Po, but he really treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, which made me feel ashamed... ..."

Seeing the turmoil settle down, Su Tianshuang immediately sighed, a little disappointed, but he could only accept the reality.

On the contrary, Jiang Qingyue felt that she had taken advantage of the sky, and she seemed quite embarrassed: "Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Brother, since I got this piece of ice soul, all the cultivation resources obtained by other Nanming Palace, I'm not going to touch it at all."

Lin Fei also nodded slightly, and then said: "The part of Li Changhe remains unchanged, and I personally don't take it at all."

Both Su Tianshuang and Liu Meng looked at them in surprise, and then agreed directly without being pretentious.

As a result, the "spoil sharing conference" came to an end, and everyone ransacked the entire Nanming Palace and ran away.

And the Four Great Forbidden Grounds outside the world have abruptly become the Three Great Forbidden Grounds, and Nanming Palace has ceased to exist since then.

In fact, Lin Fei didn't let the ice soul in his hand recognize its owner, but immediately sealed it with divine power quietly.After all, he really doesn't have much use for this thing, it's all taken by the female demon.

How suffocating and uncomfortable is it for a person who has a whole body of cultivation base and divine power, but can't use it and has been restrained all the time?

Anyway, Lin Fei couldn't accept it.

Not to mention the loss of the most extreme cultivation, even if he really only had the strength of "Wuming", it would be extremely difficult to accept.

After all, that means that you can no longer control everything, and even hand over the right to life and death to others.

Lin Fei pretended to go back to the Unnamed Palace to rest, but actually returned to Feiyun Villa.

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