I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 504 Make the Best Use of Everything

It was only around eight o'clock at night, and everyone in Feiyun Villa hadn't fallen asleep yet.

The autumn water plucks the guqin, and the sound of the qin is like the ding-dong of flowing water, which has the implication of the night mooring of the autumn river. The artistic conception is long and memorable.

Xia Yue, on the other hand, sang and crooned along with the sound of flowing water, her voice was as ethereal as mist, with an unspeakable charm like that of a mermaid.The ethereal singing sound that seems to come from the mirage fairyland makes people stop, intoxicated and forget to return.

Dongxue even started a sword dance when she heard the sword. There was no killing intent and sword aura, only the lotus steps on the waist, graceful and graceful.That slim silhouette is particularly touching under the moonlight.

Admiring such a beautiful scenery, Chunhua even forgot to prune the delicate potted plants in his hands, feeling deeply moved.When these three sisters devote themselves to their fields of expertise and hobbies, they will feel completely different from ordinary days, and they are so beautiful.

Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling were also like qualified audiences, and they couldn't bear to applaud for fear of ruining such a beautiful artistic conception.

Not to mention them, even Ying Long and Nu Ba, two well-informed beings who have lived for so long, not only showed emotion on their faces, but also nodded slightly.

"Back when I strayed into the mermaid fantasy land in the East China Sea, the mermaid singing in it was like the summer moon. It seemed to have some kind of enchanting magic power, which made people want to stop and be mesmerized." Ying Long spoke to the female demon with his spiritual thoughts. The sound transmission alone did not disturb them.

"Qiu Shui's state of mind is astonishingly cultivated, and she is completely immersed in the world of the sound of the piano. I think as long as she has enough time, she is also an excellent embryo who can enter the divine state of Tianyin.

Nuba also responded in a deep voice with divine thoughts, full of admiration: "There is also Dongxue, who has already entered the realm of swordsmanship at such a young age. The human sword is like one body, and it can be swung freely and driven like an arm."

Lin Fei had already stepped on the treetops, but he didn't make any movement, he just watched the scene quietly.

The formulas practiced by the four maids are all the top immortal formulas in their fields.Coupled with his so-so talent, and the support of unimaginably huge cultivation resources, his realm can be said to be a thousand miles a day.

Among the four, Qiu Shui's talent was the most outstanding, obviously much higher than the others.The main reason is that on the basis of attainments of mind and nature, it perfectly fits with the mind and nature required by the four immortal formulas of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Of course, if she switched to learning the art of swords, knives, and guns, she might just be a hidden gem.If this is the case, it will only waste the excellent talent and leave everyone alone.

At the end of the song, Qiu Shui left the strings with both hands, and there was still a lingering sound, which made people feel endless aftertaste and felt melancholy.

"Okay." Lin Fei smiled slightly, opened his mouth in admiration, and lightly landed on the ground from the treetops.

A group of beautiful women were surprised, and then swarmed over.

Lin Fei talked to them a few words, and immediately turned his right hand, and the ice soul the size of a longan suddenly appeared in his palm.

Although its icy power has been sealed, it still emits a bright and bright light, shining on the entire Feiyun Villa.Its miraculous aura made everyone unable to help but marvel at it.

"Could it be the ice soul of Nanming Lake?!" Ying Long asked in surprise, and subconsciously looked at Nuba, as if he had already thought of something.

Nanming Lake condenses the most cloudy and cold air, and it takes a thousand years of strength to give birth to an ice soul.If you calculate the time, it is roughly this time that another one will be born.

"Exactly." Lin Fei smiled faintly, and immediately put it into the palm of the female demon, "The extreme yin and extreme coldness of Nanming Bing Po should be able to resist the destructive energy you emit."

The nun was moved and pursed her lips, but in the end she just said three words sincerely: "Thank you Tianzun!"

The gratitude in it may only be understood by herself.

In the past, because of the unavoidable persecution of the female demon, she was once regarded as a disaster star and plague god, and even made various rituals and customs, hoping to drive her away.

In order not to bring disasters to the world, she hid in many places, far away from the human habitation, and suffered the pain of loneliness.

Now that Nanming Ice Soul seals off the town, it can not only keep one's cultivation base from being sealed off, but also prevent the world from being ruined, which is naturally a relief.

Lin Fei just waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Swallow it."

Nuba took a deep breath, took a deep look at the Bing Po in her hand, then lightly parted her vermilion lips, and swallowed the crystal clear Bing Po emitting white light in one gulp.

If other people swallowed an ice soul like this, even a monk who is called a demigod in the realm of transforming gods, I am afraid that he will die suddenly on the spot, and his soul will perish in the ice.

But Nuba is the god of drought in ancient times, so her physique cannot be judged by common sense.After swallowing Bing Po, she even clearly felt that the aura of drought exuding from her body was gone.

Like a thread of ice, that ice soul fell into the stomach along the esophagus, and turned into boundless cold air.The nun guides it to revolve around the sky, and finally it turns into countless pure ice powers, all of which are condensed on the eyebrow soul platform.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei immediately stretched out a finger, completely erasing the seal between Nuba's eyebrows.

Everyone stared at this scene closely, and even the nun couldn't help being nervous, for fear that Rongcheng would be plunged into a terrible drought.

However, nothing happened.

"That's great, sister Nuba!"

"That is, you no longer have to worry about using your power to cause a devastating disaster!"

Several women cheered, sincerely happy for her.

Lin Fei smiled slightly, feeling that this piece of ice soul was used to its full potential.Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he was not in a hurry to return to the Heavenly Demon Palace, but simply stayed to guide everyone's cultivation and answer questions.


The Eastern Desolation Demon Realm, the Blackwater Swamp.

Duan Canghai felt that the ups and downs in life were so exciting, it was like a dream.

Originally, he thought that encountering the Black Water Profound Snake in the Hollow Realm would be a dead end.It never occurred to him that this big monster who called himself "True Black Snake" was extremely friendly to him, and even called him a brother.

Duan Canghai pinched his thigh quietly, and found that it still hurts, and he was not dreaming.

"Come on, brother Canghai, this is my favorite swamp toad, take a bite!" Heishuixuan snake said, and directly took a giant toad the size of a millstone in his mouth.

It looked like it had just been bitten to death, its whole body was covered in blood, its body was covered with huge tumorous lumps, it was covered with black mud, and it had an extremely stench.

Duan Canghai's complexion was uglier than eating a dead fly, and he felt suspicious of life for a while.

"Why, don't you give me face?" Zhenjun Xuan Snake stared at him with a look of displeasure on his face.

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