I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 512 Don't do this, fellow Daoist, I'm going to call!

Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly cast a sympathetic look at Duan Canghai, still floating in the air with a pair of snow-white crystal clear feet.

From the very beginning when she came to the Blackwater Swamp, she was unwilling to get close to this silt, and kept a high distance above the sky. Naturally, there was a reason for it.

This place is so dirty and disgusting.

Duan Canghai finally understood why this black water swamp can smell so bad.When he thought that he had soaked in the place full of the excrement of the black water snakes for two days, and his body was covered with it, he felt that he was about to be unable to breathe.

In addition, the poisonous toad he ate also had mud from this swamp;

The water grass cigarette he smoked also had the same mud on it...

Let alone a generation of sword demons, even an ordinary person can't bear it.

At this time, the sea is insane, with frequent killing moves, and the killing intent and sword intent are all the way to the top.

Blood Prison Demon Lotus Slash!

Seven Kills Sword Art!

Raging sea slashes violently!

Canglang Breaks the Moon Strike!

The boundless demonic energy was raging and violent, rolling and roaring like a tsunami, smashing everything into pieces.

True Monarch Xuan Snake was so frightened that he pulled out his clan's most precious Ni Lin and tried his best to avoid and defend Duan Canghai's attack.

"Zhu Yudie, help!" True Monarch Xuan Snake was really scared, and the moment he yelled, his leg was severed.


The moment his legs were broken, he turned into a huge snake tail and crashed into the swamp, blood cascading down like a waterfall.

Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly frowned immediately, deeply shocked.

The guy who was not in her eyes at all before, and who was teased and humiliated by True Monarch Xuan Snake, has such shocking strength after entering the realm of Dongxu!

Even leaving aside weapons, Duan Canghai's current strength surpasses that of True Monarch Xuan Snake.Not to mention, he still has the Suying Immortal Sword in his hand.

As long as there is a little carelessness, True Monarch Xuan Snake will die directly under the sword.

Rao even though he has raised the spirit of 12 points, but he can only be left and right, struggling to support.

In the eyes of Cracking Demon Butterfly, the Duan Canghai in front of him has the strength not weaker than the saints of the human race, and is on par with himself!

For example, the body of the fairy sword, the sun and the sun, and the saint with double pupils.

"Fellow Daoist, please stop!" The Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly flapped its wings and joined the battle in an instant, wanting to stop the berserk Duan Canghai.

However, Duan Canghai has already been driven crazy, so how could he stop easily?

"Whoever blocks me will die!" Duan Canghai yelled violently, and in an instant he used the Seven Killing Sword again.

The killing sound shook the sky, and boundless killing intent surged forward.

Violence, anger, hatred, all kinds of negative emotions flooded the sky, and the light emitted by the Suying Immortal Sword also changed from moon white to blood red.

"Pfft!" There was another spring of blood gushing out, True Monarch Xuan Snake flew upside down, Ni Lin in his hand was chopped into two pieces.

The most frightening thing was that Duan Canghai's sword energy also contained a devastating destructive energy that was crazily destroying his vitality.

This kind of destructive energy is like meeting an enemy on the sofa, full of simple and violent connotations: kill you to death!

It's not "kill you", it's "kill until you die"!

It seems that as long as True Monarch Xuan Snake is still alive, this destructive energy will be endless and frantically destroy his source of life.

True Monarch Xuan Snake has been killed to the point of fear, and his whole body is trembling.He really wanted to scold Zhu Yudie for being an idiot, because she interrupted him to kill Duan Canghai earlier, so something happened now?

He desperately pulled out the destructive energy in his body like a cocoon, but the latter was crazy and never died.As much as True Monarch Xuan Snake is extracted, it will divide and reproduce in the body, and it still uses the source of life that eats away at him as energy.

so horrible!

It's terrifying!

Zhenjun Xuan Snake has lived for more than 2000 years, but he has never encountered such a brutal killing move.

This guy in front of him was definitely an unimaginably terrifying existence!

"True Master Xuan Snake, if you don't want to die, you must learn how to sever your wrists!" The Sky Splitting Demon Butterfly flapped its wings, and there was an extremely terrifying sound of sonic boom in an instant.

A black light soared into the sky, and hit the Suying Immortal Sword with a "Dang".

Duan Canghai was immediately sent flying, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.And this black light directly tore through the void and rushed into the sky, leaving a black crack, as if cutting the sky into two.

True Monarch Xuan Snake was on the verge of going crazy, but he had to follow the advice of Sky Splitting Demon Butterfly.With a ruthless heart, he immediately dug out a large piece of flesh and blood from his injured part!

He let out a scream like a pig being killed in pain, and his veins burst out all over his body.This piece of flesh, which was the size of an ordinary human head, dried up almost instantly, filled with a deadly atmosphere, like a piece of dried bacon.

But no matter what, True Monarch Xuan Snake finally escaped the terrible crisis of death.

It has to be said that the Xiaotian Demon Dog and the group of black water snakes are extremely witty.Seeing that the situation was not right earlier, she ran away early and hid far away.

When gods fight, mortals suffer, this truth is obvious.

It is precisely this kind of action that has avoided the situation of being accidentally injured.

The Xiaotian Devil Dog was even more worried about being caught as a "dog hostage", so it rolled all over in the mud, hid in the water grass pile, and lay motionless on its stomach.

"Fellow Daoist, if you don't stop, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!" Sky Splitter shouted in a cold voice with his black hair flying in the wind.

She was hit by a ray of sword light earlier, and the protective energy all over her body exploded.

Originally, two enemies and one should be able to suppress Duan Canghai.However, Su Ying's sword is too fierce and powerful, neither of them dare to respond to its sharpness, they can only choose to retreat again and again, if they are not careful, they will die under the sword.

"Go away!" Duan Canghai's demonic power was overwhelming, with strands of black magic light escaping from the corners of his eyes, "This deity has never suffered such a shameful humiliation, and today I will wash away the shame with the blood of this reptile!"

Sky Cracking Demon Die frowned, knowing that he was completely driven into a hurry, and he was afraid that he would not be able to negotiate now.

Then fight!

She waved her wings again, and in an instant, countless black powders scattered and disappeared, only the rich and fragrant fragrance spread out.

At this moment, True Monarch Xuan Snake's eyes were in a trance, and he froze in place in a daze.

But Duan Canghai sneered, and came again with Suying Immortal Sword: "Small tricks are useless to me!"

His indestructible magic sword heart, ruthless and ruthless, how can it be affected by the same realm of sorcery?

Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly's pupils shrank slightly, and at the very moment, it rose into the air, avoiding the fatal sword.

In desperation, she finally used her trump card.

"Fellow Daoist, don't do this, I'm going to call you!"

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