The words of Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly sounded like the classic line in the movie "Nine Pins of Sesame Official": Don't do this, my lord, I'm going to scream.

According to common sense, Duan Canghai should cooperate with him, showing a smile that men can understand and saying: "You bark, even if you bark your throat, no one cares about you!"

But Duan Canghai's pupils contracted sharply, and he stopped his sword move, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly's words were like a basin of ice water poured on him from head to toe.

This is Donghuang.

There is the Black Snake True Lord in the Blackwater Swamp, and the Black Tree Forest has the Sky-Splitting Demon Butterfly. How many monster clan powers in the Void Realm are there in other areas?

Duan Canghai has the Suying sword in his hand, he can gain the upper hand with one against two, what about the three?

What about four?Even if this number continues to increase?

If Duan Canghai still wanted to get out of the Eastern Wasteland alive, he had to stop.

True Monarch Xuan Snake felt that he had hovered twice from the death line, his forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.

"What do you want?" Duan Canghai asked Sky Splitting Modie.

"Donghuang can enter but cannot exit. If fellow Taoists want to leave here, please take Chi You's body out of the formation eyes." Tian Xie Mo Lie looked straight into his eyes and said.

"It seems that I have no other choice." Duan Canghai sneered and said.

Things that are on the surface.If he doesn't cooperate well, then it will be a group of monster clan powers pressing the horse's head to drink water.

"Mutual benefit, what's wrong?" Sky Splitting Demon Butterfly said without hesitation.

"Okay!" Duan Canghai whistled after saying this.

Amidst the loud whistle, a black figure "swish" its head out of the swamp like a sharp arrow, swam to him in an instant, and jumped directly into his arms.

Duan Canghai saw the black mud all over Xiaotian Demon Dog's body, but his expression changed in an instant: "Get lost!"

Before the words fell, he had already kicked out.

With a sound of "pa", the Xiaotian Demon Dog fell directly into the mud, struggled to get out, and looked at Duan Canghai with an aggrieved look.Looking at its appearance, it seems to be asking, "Didn't you ask me to come, why did you kick me out when I came?"

Duan Canghai now feels sick when he sees the black mud, and feels like vomiting.He forcibly suppressed such thoughts, and then returned to the position of the formation.

Without any fancy movements, he directly used the power of the demon god to pull Chi You's body, and pulled it out like a carrot with a "puchi" sound!


In an instant, the entire vast and boundless Eastern Wilderness changed.

Invisibly, it seems that some kind of prohibition has collapsed.The spiritual energy imprisoned in the formation gathered at the top of the sky in an instant, and there was a rain of spiritual energy, and the sky was covered with white light rain!

This sudden change caused the entire Eastern Wilderness Demon Realm to boil, instantly stirring up countless great demons.

A ferocious bird song came from the sky, piercing through gold and cracking rocks, and it came from a dark cloud. Looking closely, it turned out to be an unbelievably huge bird, covering the sky and the moon, and it was unknown how many miles long.

It looked down, and its eyes were like two blood moons, fierce and fierce.While flapping its wings, the mountains and rivers regressed, and it swallowed a large amount of spiritual energy into its stomach while opening its mouth and inhaling.

In an abyss of black water, the spiritual energy was swallowed as if caught in a vortex.Some ink dragons raised their heads, their golden pupils reflected in the light rain above their heads;

On the Black Mountain, a ten-meter-long, bucket-thick, silvery centipede meanders in the mountain. It looks like it is cast from silver.

Wherever it passed, the black mist billowed like a tide, and all beasts retreated from it, not daring to compete with it for spiritual energy;


Amidst a loud noise, a rock full of trees and flowers rose up from the ground.After looking carefully, it was discovered that he was actually a mountain giant.The giant opened its mouth wide, and instantly swallowed a ferocious bird flying in the air with spiritual energy.

And in the center of the Eastern Desolation, there are even sword-like mountain peaks that reach directly into the sky.

In an ancient palace, a pair of icy pupils opened, and a terrifying scene of disillusionment of stars emerged out of them.Accompanied by his awakening, a terrifying aura permeated the world, causing everything to tremble.

"Old Ancestor, you're awake!" A big monster in the Void Realm knelt down at his feet respectfully.

Known as the "Old Ancestor", the mysterious existence sitting on the throne has long silver-white hair, his lips have not moved, but his divine thoughts have resounded through the entire Wan Yao Temple: "Quickly capture the treasures of the four forbidden places, and find the saints of the human race." .”

"Kill it!"

The big monster in the void realm humbled his head on the icy ground: "I respect the decree of my ancestors!"

But in the black water swamp, Duan Canghai knew that he should run away.

"Let's go!" He stretched out his hand and waved a light palm, directly grabbed the Sky Screaming Demon Dog, and then fled away with extreme speed.

In an instant, a black light avenue stretched out from Duan Canghai's feet, and the scenery of mountains and rivers quickly retreated behind him.

Sky Cracking Demon Butterfly and True Lord Xuan Snake naturally had no intention of chasing him down. They were hurrying up and frantically devouring the aura that had been deposited in the formation for more than 4000 years in the Eastern Wilderness.

While Duan Canghai and Xiaotian Demon Dog were fleeing at high speed, they did not forget to crazily devour the massive spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth.Between spitting and taking, even the air exhaled from the mouth and nose turned into a small snake made of white rays of light.

After leaving the Eastern Wilderness Demon Realm, Duan Canghai didn't dare to stop, and appeared in a small town far away in an instant.

Duan Canghai restrained his whole body, looked at his appearance, and suddenly felt a wave of nausea from the depths of his soul.

At this time, not only was he covered in ragged clothes, but he also had a body of black mud that was almost dry, exuding a stench that irritated his eyes.The hair was covered with dirt, even the kind of bum who was covered in dirt, covered with oil stains and smelled rancid, looked much cleaner than him.

A homeless man who was sleeping on the street, somewhat insane and mentally abnormal was alarmed.He opened his eyes and saw Duan Canghai, and immediately showed a look of fear.

Duan Canghai was a little puzzled, and thought that since he had reached the realm of Dongxu, he should perfectly transform Chi You's demon power into his own original power.This time all the energy has been restrained, how can a homeless man be afraid of himself?

Did he show his flaws, or is this actually a hidden master?

Thinking of this, Duan Canghai couldn't help frowning, and looked at the homeless man with a cloudy expression.

In the end, the homeless man held on to his broken bowl, full of vigilance, and said, "This is where I hang out, you go beg for food elsewhere!"

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