I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 552 The Second Demon Emperor

Zhu Qingfeng let out a roar of divine sense that roared the universe, and instantly pushed the immortal golden body to the top.

In the light of Zhu Xian's sword, there seems to be a world that is being shattered, and there are many visions.

The sword fell, directly destroying the timeline completely.

Wan Zhutu, the emperor soldier of the extreme way, was cut in two by this sword!

Zhu Qingfeng crossed his arms, firmly blocking the front of the sword.Immediately, his pupils shrank sharply, showing a look of horror.


His Heavenly Demon Black Tortoise Immortal Golden Body actually felt an extremely clear and deep pain!

Not only that, but this sword contains endless destructive energy, and it cuts into his flesh and blood decisively, pushing forward minute by inch, until it gets stuck on his fairy bone, it is difficult to advance an inch .

Lin Fei yanked the Immortal Execution Sword down, directly leaving a deep bone wound on Zhu Qingfeng's arm.Even the bone of the Immortal Emperor, who is immortal for thousands of calamities, has left a scar impressively.

The pain of the blade cutting through the bone was indescribable.

But Zhu Qingfeng suddenly stepped on the void, stabilizing his figure again.His heart was incomparably turbulent, his whole body was burning with qi and blood, and the wound healed in an instant.

"Is this Yi Mie?" He was deeply shocked, and his whole body was trembling.

You know, under this sword, even Wan Zhutu, the emperor soldier of Jidao, was cut open!

If it weren't for Wan Zhutu's resistance, Zhu Qingfeng's arm would have been cut off by this sword.

The visions around Lin Fei were flickering, and he was also burning with energy and blood. He forcibly suppressed the injury of the Great Dao that was about to move, and the injury on his right arm healed in an instant.

In Lin Fei's opinion, the counterattack of Tian Mie's move against him was nothing at all.But he has a great injury, so the situation is not good.Those petty fights that are not on the table in his opinion are nothing, but it is naturally different to use such a terrible trick.

Logically speaking, his journey to immortality and the road to life should have been cut off by that great injury.Not only did he not die, but he even had today's cultivation base and realm, even the six realms are unimaginable.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Qingfeng laughed wildly: "Wansheng Tianzun, you are exhausted, and you are destined to perish here today!"

After the voice fell, the surrounding space suddenly changed rapidly again.

In a space of nothingness and silence, there was an iron chain-like "crash" sound coming from a distance.

An extremely terrifying aura suddenly made the Heaven and Earth Avenue roar.

Lin Fei raised his head abruptly, his eyes shot in that direction like a sharp sword, and his heart shook violently.

This air machine is...

Another Immortal Emperor!

"Wansheng Tianzun, do you know why I have broken and stood up and returned to the realm of the immortal emperor, but I can't leave the Ten Thousand Monster Hall?" Zhu Qingfeng showed a serene smile, with the arrogance that everything is under control. meaning.

"The master of Wan Yao Temple won't let you leave, am I right?" Lin Fei's face became more and more serious.

If Wu Moling and the others were here, they might panic instantly.

Because they had never seen or even thought that Lin Fei would show such a look!

Perhaps only Ji Yaoguang, who had seen Lin Fei's memories, would think of the life-and-death battle between him and the female dicrosaurus when he was young.

"That's right!" Zhu Qingfeng said with a sneer, "Back then, I falsely thought that Snake and Sword Master Qingcao had a good relationship, and worshiping him as a teacher meant coveting his magical powers and this Wan Yao Temple. This idiot has no defense against me, let me He took away his Ten Thousand Dragon Chain of the Extreme Emperor Armament, and successfully imprisoned him here with a sneak attack!"

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he said with hatred: "It's a pity that this guy is already in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, even if I suddenly sealed him with purple bamboo to break the spirit, ten thousand bamboo pictures, and I used ten thousand dragon chains to run through him all over his body." body, was also injured by him, trapped in this ghost place!"

Zhu Qingfeng's arrogance had reached the peak, and he said sharply with a flick of his sleeves: "If it hadn't been for the deity who has been fighting with the trapped Green Grass Sword Master for more than 2000 years, hurting both sides and stopping his cultivation, Emperor Zhenwu may not be my opponent!"

Qingcao Sword Master, the second immortal emperor in Donghuang, is also the strongest in Donghuang and even the entire sky demon world.

Before he ascended to the status of Demon Emperor, he became famous all over the world with his cursive sword formula, claiming that a single blade of grass cut off the sun, moon and stars.

Lin Fei always thought that he went to the Sky Demon Realm, but he never thought that he would be imprisoned in the Ten Thousand Demon Palace.

"In this way, Sword Master Qingcao has been imprisoned and tortured by you for more than 5000 years." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "Sure enough, there is no worst, only worse."

Sprites have been trapped in Tianzhu for 3000 years, which is already inhumane.But compared to Sword Master Qingcao, it doesn't seem to be the worst.

And Zhu Qingfeng chose to let Sword Master Qingcao appear at this time, because the continuous destruction of the latter for more than 5000 years had already made him insane, insane, and completely became a bloodthirsty madman who only knew how to kill.

If it was on a normal day, Zhu Qingfeng would not dare to release him.Even though he has fallen to the early stage of Immortal Emperor after suffering more than 5000 years, he is still a terrible opponent.Once Sword Master Qingcao is out of trouble, it will be an out-of-control scene where he will be caught and killed.

Even if he has used the "Heavenly Demon Illusory Heart Jue" to learn his cursive sword art all these years, under the illusion, there is exactly the same aura of the same origin, but it just makes the latter's hostility and killing intent less intense, but Still very unsafe.

But at this moment, Zhu Qingfeng had no choice.

The Wanzhu map was destroyed, if Lin Fei had another "Heaven's Destroyer", he was afraid that he would be in a precarious situation.

Sword Master Qingcao must be released from trouble!

Anyway, with Lin Fei, a human being here, he would not be the first person to be attacked!

Thinking of this, Zhu Qingfeng didn't hesitate any more, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold it in the void.


The Wanlong chain made a sound of ringing, and countless mysterious characters flashed out, forming a circular rune array.

Accompanied by Zhu Qingfeng stretching out his hand and tugging, in the depths of the distant void space, the Wanlong Chain was pulled out forcefully, and was pulled out from the body of Sword Master Qingcao.


Sword Master Qingcao had countless blood holes all over his body, dripping with blood.

"It's... the immortal emperor of the human race... kill kill kill—"

His eyes were as scarlet as blood, and traces of blood escaped from the gap between his teeth, and the sword intent was fierce and monstrous.


Sword Master Qingcao is still in place, and a transparent and illusory body of primordial spirit has come out of his body.The entire empty space seemed to be filled with an invisible fairy sword in an instant.They turned into a storm of death, frantically shuttled fiercely.


Lin Fei and Zhu Qingfeng's whole bodies emitted dense metal and iron sounds.

Lin Fei frowned.

Even in his body of the Immortal Emperor, Rao was also beheaded to the point of pain.

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