I'm not dead, how can they hurt you?

Lin Fei's vision was already blurred, and he could only see the hazy outline.

His brain was almost unable to think, and he didn't know how much impact this simple sentence had on Jiang Huanhuan's heart.

Jiang Huanhuan has watched the scene of the hero saving the beauty a lot on TV, but this is the first time he experienced it personally.What's more, on TV, the main character easily beats the little minions to be handsome, how can there be such a tragic shock of risking his life?

She stared blankly at this figure who was not tall, and even looked a bit bleak and desolate, and suddenly her nose became sore.

At this moment, Lin Fei was the most handsome man in the world in Jiang Huanhuan's eyes.

none of them.

"Kill!" Scarface's spine was broken, and he could only lie on the ground and give orders.

Several younger brothers immediately rushed forward, wanting to kill this seemingly incompetent guy.

But they never dreamed that the nerves of the guy in front of him had gone through all kinds of tests, even experienced the meteorite disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs, and his tenacity was far beyond the limits of human imagination.


Lin Fei slapped out a palm, and the chest of a little brother collapsed immediately, and the whole person flew out of the hole, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were already crushed by force.

The two young lovers on the bed were about to cry from fright, they didn't care whether to be exposed or not, they didn't wear any clothes, and rushed out of the room screaming.

Lin Fei's strikes were ruthless and decisive, and he was sure to hit and kill, which made people feel terrified.

But a younger brother had a goddamn idea on the spot, and idioms and allusions such as "surround Wei and save Zhao", "sound east and west", "brightness and darkness" popped up in his mind.

Instead of attacking Lin Fei, Moo turned ruthless and directly stabbed Jiang Huanhuan!

Go to Nima's mission, go to Nima's brother Hao wants a woman!I just want to catch this bitch and make my brother die!

Jiang Huanhuan almost suffocated on the spot, her beautiful eyes widened.

But in the blink of an eye, a hand suddenly stretched out.

Lin Fei originally wanted to grab the dagger, but his movements were slow.


The blade directly pierced his palm, exposing a section from the back of his hand.The blood stained the blade red and dripped down from the tip of the blade.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and the audience froze in a deathly silence.

"He can't do it!" Scarface's crazy and excited roar broke the silence.

At this moment, the remaining three younger brothers seemed to be crazy, and launched an offensive towards Lin Fei desperately.


Lin Fei slapped again, and directly slapped the sneak attacking boy away, vomiting blood and falling down on the spot.

Afterwards, Lin Fei let out a roar, forcibly summoned up all his energy, and slammed the heads of the two younger brothers together hard.


The skulls of the two younger brothers shattered on the spot, and they fell to the ground without saying a word.

Scarface was frightened out of his wits, his heart collapsed and he went crazy.

Originally, it was just to catch a beautiful female college student. What kind of bad luck did I have to have to meet this kind of evil star?

Before he could react, Lin Fei had already pulled out the dagger in his palm.

This scene was quite ferocious, the sharp blade cut through the flesh and was pulled out, and the severe pain caused beads of sweat to ooze from Lin Fei's forehead.The blade that blocked the wound was taken out, which made the blood flow even faster.

Under the pain, Lin Fei fell to the ground with a "plop".

However, he tried his best to move his body bit by bit resolutely, holding the dagger full of blood tightly, and approached Scarface as if he had seen his father and enemy killed.

Lin Fei's eye sockets were filled with dense scarlet bloodshots, almost intertwined into a net.

Scarface was scared.

That blazing killing intent burned like a flame, supporting Lin Fei, who was almost half-crippled, to move forward resolutely.

"Damn you—crazy!"

"Don't come here, don't come here, you fool!" Dao Scar's voice and body were trembling, he immediately gritted his teeth, lay down on the floor and punched Lin Fei who was approaching.


Lin Fei's jaw was dislocated, but his face was still expressionless, only a pair of bloodshot eyes seemed to be staring open.


The short knife pierced Scarface's head so hard that Lin Fei let out a powerless roar, and grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands and twisted it!

Scarface is dead.

Can't die anymore.

Jiang Huanhuan hurriedly went to help Lin Fei who was lying on the ground: "Senior, hold on, I'll send you to the nearest clinic right away!"

She struggled to carry Lin Fei on her back, but she didn't notice that the younger brother who played sneak attack earlier was not dead.His mouth and nose were bleeding, and it was obvious that his internal injuries were extremely serious, and he was not far from death.But there was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he suddenly picked up the broken metal stick beside him.

Just when Jiang Huanhuan got up and walked to the door with Lin Fei on his back, he jumped up suddenly and let out a hoarse roar: "Die to me!"


This stick hit Lin Fei firmly on the back of the head. Even though his strength was not as good as before, he still beat Lin Fei on the spot until his head was bloodied, his vision went dark, and he passed out directly.

Jiang Huanhuan staggered and turned his head away in horror, only to see the little brother vomit blood while laughing, and fell to the ground like crazy.

She suddenly felt a wave of anger dazzled her, and she even had the urge to rush up and whip the corpse to vent her anger.

But seeing the back of Lin Fei's head bleeding profusely, Jiang Huanhuan panicked instantly.

"Don't die, don't you die!" Jiang Huanhuan cried and covered the back of his head tightly with his hands.The touch of the slightly hot blood between the palms and fingers made the girl feel indescribable fear.

"Help, can someone help me! I'm going to die!" With a crying voice, she clutched the back of Lin Fei's head and rushed towards the elevator, desperately and helplessly asking for help.

However, when the others heard this, their faces changed, and they wished they could hide away from Jiang Huanhuan, not wanting to get into any trouble.

Jiang Huanhuan gritted his teeth stubbornly, and rushed to the elevator with all his strength.After entering the elevator, she hurriedly pressed the button for the first floor, and ran out after the elevator arrived and opened the door.

She took Lin Fei directly to the nearest clinic, and the doctor was shocked when he saw Lin Fei's condition.

The doctor didn't care too much, and immediately dealt with the most dangerous head injury, and then dealt with other injuries.

After the emergency treatment, the doctor advised Jiang Huanhuan to transfer Lin Fei to Gusu No. 1 Civilian Hospital, saying that the patient suffered a head injury and did not know if there were any other problems. He suggested that he go for a checkup.

Jiang Huanhuan didn't dare to neglect, and immediately took a taxi to take Lin Fei to the hospital.Under her worry and apprehension, the results of CT examination came out.

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