Jiang Huanhuan's heart skipped a beat.After listening to the doctor's words, she had already made mental preparations, but she still found it hard to accept seeing Lin Fei so crazy.

You know, before, he was still standing in front of him like a guardian angel, trying his best to spread his wings to shield him from the storm.

Good people should have sweets, but why does Lin Fei suffer all the time?

Jiang Huanhuan felt that this was unfair, and thinking about it made people feel sad.

"Senior, don't run!" She yelled and chased Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was really crazy. He went on a rampage all the way, and even knocked a little nurse to the ground. She let out an ouch in pain, and immediately cursed: "You don't have eyes when you walk?!"

The brain of Lin Fei's body seemed to instinctively still have a nostalgia for school, so he rushed back to school in one breath.Jiang Huanhuan was out of breath, and finally caught up with the school.

Lin Fei was still wearing a hospital gown, with gauze wrapped around his hands and head, which was quite eye-catching.

"Student...senior——" Jiang Huanhuan couldn't help panting heavily, and even the graceful slope of his chest was undulating.

The students who saw this scene couldn't help but make comments.

"Isn't this the lunatic? Yesterday he looked quite normal, and he even worked as a security guard. Why is he crazy again?"

"Possibly an intermittent nervous disorder?"

"And the wound and hospital gown, what happened?"

"Crazy, who knows what he will do? He must have offended others and got punished."

"Oh, I really don't understand. You say such a disgusting lunatic, how can such a beautiful girl like Jiang Huanhuan treat him so well?"

Lin Fei heard these words, but didn't respond, he just hid by the wall and curled up into a ball.

No matter how Jiang Huanhuan tried to persuade him, he remained indifferent.If you reach out to touch him, you can also elicit a greatly exaggerated reaction from him.

Lin Fei grabbed the mud and threw it onto Jiang Huanhuan's pink skirt.

Immediately, some people couldn't stand it anymore, saying that the dog biting Lu Dongbin didn't know a good heart.Jiang Huanhuan took such good care of this lunatic on weekdays, yet he actually threw mud on such a kind and clean girl.

However, Jiang Huanhuan just pursed his lips and looked at him sadly.

How could such a good person with unimaginable abilities end up in such a miserable end?

Jiang Huanhuan didn't flinch, and wanted to grab Lin Fei's hand and take him back to the hospital to continue recuperating and adjusting his body.However, Lin Fei bit her hand directly as if he felt the danger.

Jiang Huanhuan let out a cry of pain, and the audience was in an uproar.

"Damn it, madman, get out!"

"Yes, you are not allowed to stay at school!"

They were filled with righteous indignation, and some even picked up stones and threw them directly at Lin Fei.

A younger brother nicknamed "Black Dog" under Zheng Ming happened to pass by and also saw this scene, his eyes widened immediately, and he was shocked.

Damn, is this still the fierce guy from yesterday?Why did his mother go by in one night and become like this?

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the black dog, watching this scene calmly, intending to pass the information to Zheng Ming.

"Stop!" Seeing that Lin Fei's forehead was red and swollen from the stones, Jiang Huanhuan hurriedly said, "He's just scared! He's been in school for two years, have you ever seen him do anything outrageous?"

The others were stunned for a moment, thinking it made sense.Some people even had absurd thoughts in their hearts, feeling that Lin Fei was like a bullied stray dog, full of wariness.Although I was terrified when I saw people coming up, I had to put on a vicious look and tried my best to protect myself.

The boy is okay, but the girls feel somewhat sympathetic to him.

After all, this Senior Lin Qingfeng is really miserable...

Jiang Huanhuan's hand was still being bitten by Lin Fei, but he was enduring the pain and approaching him.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, she hugged Lin Fei.

Lin Fei trembled all over, feeling uneasy and resisting.

But Huanhuan used all her strength and hugged him tightly.

Lin Fei felt the woman's soft body tightly attached to his body, smelled the faint fragrance of gardenia, and his whole body became stiff for a while.

It's just that he clenched Huanhuan's teeth tightly and finally let go.

At this time, Huanhuan already had tooth marks and blood on the back of his hand, but he stuck it to Lin Fei's ear, and whispered softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, no one will bully you, I will accompany you."

Lin Fei's face was blank, but he felt a warm, itchy and crispy breath in his ears.

Immediately, a boy directly scolded "Fuck", feeling extremely unbalanced.

Damn it, Jiang Huanhuan, a professional flower, actually embraced such a crazy psychopath? !

Some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures, thinking that this incident was so crazy that it should be posted on the school post bar to share.

The black dog looked at this scene thoughtfully, then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he took out his mobile phone, and walked away from the side.

After Jiang Huanhuan comforted Lin Fei, she even wanted to take him to class with her.

However, the latter remained unmoved at all and refused to go anywhere.In desperation, Jiang Huanhuan had no choice but to repeatedly tell him not to run around and wait for him to finish class.

Then she realized that she seemed to be talking nonsense, and a lunatic obviously couldn't listen to her words.

A while after Jiang Huanhuan left, Li Hua and Han Meimei came.

The two of them were startled when they saw Lin Fei, and worriedly asked what happened to him, why did he get hurt like this?

However, Lin Fei showed a vigilant look, and silently moved away from them, and even grabbed a handful of mud.

Li Hua had a bad premonition in his heart, and immediately asked: "Dude, don't mess with me! Didn't you be fine yesterday, why is it abnormal again?"

However, Lin Fei turned a deaf ear to it, and just put on a vicious look, as if trying to scare the two of them away.

Seeing that the two of them still didn't leave, and were still talking here, Lin Fei threw the mud out without thinking.

"Crack!" Li Hua grabbed the lump of mud with quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately glared, "Damn it, are you serious?"

Han Meimei and him looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while, and felt that it was very tricky.

"Forget it, let's cook for him first." Li Hua sighed, feeling a headache.

Why did you suddenly fall ill again in just two days?

Han Meimei nodded and was about to go to the cafeteria with Li Hua when Huanhuan walked over with two lunch boxes.

Although the three of them were not in the same class, they usually took good care of Lin Qingfeng, so they knew each other and greeted each other immediately.

Then Huanhuan naturally sat beside Lin Fei and opened the lunch box.

Li Hua was dumbfounded.

With her posture, is she going to have dinner with Lin Fei?

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