Li Hua guessed right.

Huanhuan not only wanted to eat with Lin Fei, but even took him to the bathroom to wash his hands after seeing his dirty hands.

Lin Fei was still unwilling to move, she had no choice but to take out a bottle of mineral water from her bag, poured it on Lin Fei's hands and scrubbed him carefully.

Li Hua was a little dazed, thinking that I wouldn't be able to get close just now, and even threw mud at me, why are you all right when you go up?

And I always feel... Huanhuan's attitude towards seniors seems a little different today?

Even Li Hua, a straight man, felt it, let alone Han Meimei.Such gentle and patient care, and the other party is not my relative, so can't it be her boyfriend?

Jiang Huanhuan took out a tissue, wiped Lin Fei's hands clean, and then handed him the chopsticks.

However, Lin Fei's hands were very clumsy, and even after pinching the chopsticks, they were still shaking and shaking non-stop, and the chopsticks fell off.

Jiang Huanhuan was stunned for a moment, and then did something that shocked Han Meimei and Li Hua—she picked up the food with chopsticks in one hand, and put the lunch box underneath with the other, and sent it to Lin Fei's mouth.

"You might not believe me if you tell me." Li Hua murmured.

"What?" Han Meimei asked.

"I'm so jealous that I'm envious of a lunatic. I have a showdown, I'm sour, I'm lemon essence." Li Hua was full of coquettish words, "You've never been so nice to me!"

Han Meimei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and immediately pinched him: "Then you are crazy too, can I promise to take care of you like this?"

Li Hua laughed awkwardly, saying that he was just joking.

Jiang Huanhuan blushed a little, but still briefly told the two of what happened last night.The two were shocked when they heard that, and couldn't help but look at Lin Fei who was only focused on eating.

"By the way, do you know why the senior is so powerful?" Jiang Huanhuan couldn't help asking.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Li Hua was also puzzled when he thought of this, feeling that it was really an unsolved mystery in the world.It stands to reason that senior Lin Qingfeng is just an ordinary student, and he is insane. After his spiritual energy recovered, he did not involve cultivation.

Why is it so fierce?

Unable to come to a conclusion, Jiang Huanhuan stopped thinking about it and just advised the two of them to have dinner first.Anyway, Lin Fei has him to take care of him, so the two don't have to worry about it for the time being.

The two agreed and went to the cafeteria holding hands.

Speaking of which, the feeling of these two people getting along together is quite good. They held hands together and flicked vigorously, playing and fighting, looking carefree.

But when Jiang Huanhuan was feeding Lin Fei, halfway through the meal, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

She raised her head and saw Zheng Ming and others standing in front, looking at them with a sneer.

"Still eating? Eat your mother!" He cursed, grabbed the lunch box from Jiang Huanhuan's hand, and smashed it on the ground with a "dang", spilling the food and oil soup inside.

"Food...Food!" Lin Fei panicked and fell down on the ground, grabbing the spilled food with his hands.

Jiang Huanhuan was heartbroken to death watching it, and immediately felt his nose sore, and hurriedly grabbed him: "Senior, don't!"

The man who was so handsome and lawless, like a patron saint, was too different from the present.

Jiang Huanhuan blamed herself very much, thinking that the seniors ended up like this because of themselves.

When Zheng Ming saw this scene, he became excited: "Hey, are you really crazy? Hahaha, it's really embarrassing. Come on, come on, eat! The master is watching here, you How come you eat the food on the ground like a dog!"

A burst of laughter erupted immediately from the younger brothers, and they also made insulting remarks, trying their best to ridicule and ridicule.

The students who passed by in twos and threes couldn't help looking over and pointing.

Jiang Huanhuan tried hard to control Lin Fei, and did not want him to suffer such humiliation.

But Lin Fei was a lunatic after all, so he didn't have this kind of consciousness. He had already grabbed a handful of food and stuffed it directly into his mouth, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Look at him, he's like a dog, what a shame!"

"Damn it, wasn't it so crazy yesterday? Now show me how crazy you are!"

"Don't eat!" Jiang Huanhuan felt that she was about to cry, as if she was the one being humiliated, she desperately grabbed Lin Fei's hand.

Seeing that Lin Fei couldn't be stopped, she was anxious, so she hugged Lin Fei's face directly and kissed him deeply.

There was an uproar!

Lin Fei felt the soft touch of his lips, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Zheng Ming's face also darkened.

Jiang Huanhuan is so beautiful, it would be a lie to say that he has no idea at all.It's just that he has a marriage contract with Liu Haokai, the daughter of a big boss, so he doesn't dare to flirt outside.

But now seeing a woman who made my heart itch, who was so kind to a lunatic, how could this damn be able to bear it?

"Jiang Huanhuan, get the hell out of here!" He grabbed Jiang Huanhuan, pulled her away, and warned sharply, "This matter has nothing to do with your fucking, you have to meddle in your own business. I will make you unable to read all the books!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Ming kicked Lin Fei in the stomach again.


He kicked so hard that Lin Fei immediately let out a scream, feeling his stomach churning, and spit out a mouthful of undigested food and gastric juice with a "wow", looking extremely disgusting.

"Stop!" Huanhuan was impatient, but was immediately pulled back by a younger brother.

"Idiot, you dared to slap me yesterday?" Zheng Ming showed a violent look, and grabbed Lin Fei's hair, pulling out a bunch of hair.

As soon as the words fell, he slapped Lin Fei across the face with a "slap", and directly slapped Lin Fei's head to the side. His face was burning with pain, leaving a bright red five-finger mark.

As for Lin Fei's counterattack method, he grabbed a handful of mud again and directly "slapped" Zheng Ming's face.

This move angered him even more.

"Grass mud horse, looking for death!" Zheng Ming cursed angrily, grabbed his right arm directly, and twisted and dislocated it with a "crack".

Lin Fei screamed in pain, Jiang Huanhuan's eyes were tearing apart, and he kept yelling to stop, but it didn't help.The two younger brothers pulled her so tightly that she couldn't move at all.

Zheng Ming coveted the space ring, so Dang even took this opportunity to take it off Lin Fei's hand.

"Let him kneel down and kowtow three times to me." Zheng Ming sneered, stood up, and signaled with his eyes that there was a younger brother offering him a cigarette to light.

The two younger brothers immediately pressed Lin Fei.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came over: "Zheng Ming, don't go too far!"

Zheng Ming frowned, turned his head to look over and saw Li Hua rushing forward, with a "bang" punch, directly knocked down a younger brother to the ground.

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