I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 579 The Land of Trials

Lin Kunpeng had great confidence in his seventh disciple, and Lin Fei did not hesitate, and did not shrink back because of the fear of his life.

Han Zhenbei stopped dissuading him and asked someone to lead him to the entrance of the inner palace.

Su Tianshuang looked at Lin Fei's leaving back, his eyes were full of envy.

The so-called inner palace here is actually a small world connected to the Beihai Ice Palace.The guard who led the way was also warm-hearted, and he did not forget to remind Lin Fei to be careful in everything, and not to be impulsive if his life was in danger, and he had to do everything possible to escape.

Lin Fei just smiled slightly, claiming that he knew, and thanked him for his kindness.

After stepping into this small world, you can see the majestic snow-capped mountains all around.There is a vast expanse of snow between the sky and the earth, and there is also a thick layer of snow on the ground.

In front of Lin Fei was an ancient frosty city covered in silver.

The heavy city gate in front of him slowly opened under his thought power, making a strange "creaking" sound.

"We are the guards of the Ice Palace, ordered to guard this place!"

"Who trespassed on the forbidden land?!"

In an instant, loud shouts resounded throughout the small world.

Under its powerful influence, the snow fluttered wildly in all directions, and there were even more snow waves on the mountain peaks, roaring and rushing down the mountain like an overwhelming sea.

Accompanied by the sound, the static lava statues in the city seemed to come alive, and the powerful warriors covered in hot metal armor like demon gods looked at Lin Fei.

They are all about [-] meters tall, and their bodies are extremely burly, full of explosive texture, but the whole body is condensed from lava.

Lin Fei clearly felt that they had no signs of life, they were like puppets.In this special world, the orders imposed on them by indoctrination are mechanized.

These warriors are divided into two categories, one is dressed in black heavy armor and holds a purple flame long sword; the other is dressed in red light armor and holds a red flame long sword.

And behind them, many masked and strange shadows appeared.

These black shadows spread their hands, and black and purple fireballs appeared in their palms.

No wonder Han Zhenbei said before that this is a trial for the Beihai Ice Palace. It turns out that most of them use the fire attribute formula.

Lin Fei stepped into it calmly without changing his face.

In an instant, an invisible oppressive force was imposed on him, suppressing his cultivation to the late Yuanying stage.

Lin Fei is no stranger to this point, after all, Fengling Formation is nothing unusual to him.

But it is worth mentioning that the guards of these trial places in front of them are also all late Nascent Soul!

No wonder Han Zhenbei was so cautious, and even bluntly said that he was in danger of death.

Ordinary monks come in, facing so many monks of the same realm, shouldn't they die suddenly on the spot?

These guards were indeed like puppets acting on orders. Seeing Lin Fei break in, they immediately said in a uniform but lifeless voice: "Those who trespass the forbidden area will die."

The orders Han Yuxuan left for these puppets have never been "click to finish", only a simple word.


In an instant, raging flames hit the sky and covered the earth, as if they were going to burn everything to ashes.

Lin Fei remained motionless, but a vision suddenly unfolded behind him.

The bright moon is born at sea!


A bright moon as bright as a silver plate floated in mid-air, sprinkled with water-like moonlight.Under the light of the moonlight, except for Lin Fei himself, the movements of all enemies slowed down.

Even the raging flames, which were attacking like a sea of ​​flames in purgatory, were abruptly slowed down, and were no longer as violent and ferocious as before.


The blue and clear sea surged instantly, rushing directly towards the oncoming flames.

Lin Fei's purpose was very clear, he didn't want to extinguish all the blazing flames directly, but tore a hole out of it, broke out directly with the vision of a bright moon on the sea, and drew in the distance from the group of guards.

Lin Fei stepped on the waves, with a bright moon hanging high behind him, dressed in white clothes and long hair fluttering, like a banished fairy coming to ride the waves under the moon, full of unspeakable freehand style.

But this peerless figure who looks like a banished fairy is extraordinarily ruthless and cruel!

Relying on the vision to hinder other people's movements, he took the first shot and slapped it out with a palm.


This palm was extremely ferocious, with the sound of howling the wind, as if it wanted to collapse the void.And on top of it, there is even more extreme cold power attached, and the white icy light completely covered Lin Fei's palm.

Ice White Palm!


With a loud noise, the armor of the light armored warrior hit by him shattered on the spot, and his chest collapsed severely.And the endless cold air spread instantly, directly covering his lava body.

Condensation into ice, frozen three feet!

The moment Lin Fei's palm fell, puppet guards all around violently attacked him.The purple and red flames were intertwined, cutting out a dazzling and terrifying killing move, as if to burn him to ashes on the spot.


However, the sea water behind Lin Fei suddenly rolled, directly plunged several people into it, and tore them to pieces.

"Blue waves open the sky." Lin Fei muttered silently, and directly patted the void on both sides with his palms.


In an instant, the sea water around him was completely violent.With him as the center, layers of turbulent waves occupied the mid-air, surging towards the four directions.

Lin Fei combined this move with the vision of the bright moon rising above the sea, and its lethality was extraordinary.

There are nine waves in total, and one level is more violent than the other.Even if the power of the vision is not mentioned, the majestic true energy contained in it is enough to instantly hollow out ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

The big waves were overwhelming, full of destructive power to destroy everything, sweeping everything in a mighty way, causing all the puppet guards to be torn to pieces the moment they were submerged.

No matter what kind of body protection you have, what kind of light armor and heavy armor, or flame shield, they will be instantly shattered under such divine power, and will no longer exist!

These extremely powerful puppets, at this moment, were as vulnerable as a paper tiger, and they were smashed to pieces in an instant.

And such a huge consumption also made the vision of the bright moon on the sea faintly show signs of dissipating.

The moon was already dimmed, and the sea water, which was originally torrential, almost completely dissipated after this blow, only a trickle circling around Lin Fei's side.

However, even Lin Kunpeng and Han Zhenbei would suffocate if they saw this scene.

In one blow, dozens of strong men from the same realm were killed!

This is unimaginable at all, it is an unheard of and unseen scene!

Even when Han Zhenbei passed through this place, these puppets were gradually sealed with black ice.

The vision behind Lin Fei dissipated, and he moved forward calmly again.

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