I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 580 That's it?

Lin Fei walked in the icy and snowy inner palace, and soon came to the front of a large hall.

Without any hesitation, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.


After Lin Fei walked into the hall, the door behind him was suddenly closed with a loud noise.

Amidst the clear and clear birdsong, flame phantom birds suddenly appeared in all directions.

On the wall, there is a paragraph of text.The general meaning is that this level is a test of absolute defense.

These four flame phantom birds only have the attack power of the late Nascent Soul, but they are protected by the formation of this small world, and they cannot be killed unless the immortal takes action.And if you want to move forward through here, you have to bear the endless attacks of their real fire for half an hour.

A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes, and a quarter of an hour is seven and a half minutes!

The flame phantom bird is the most quintessential body of the fire element, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.Even in a place like Donghuang where big monsters gather, it is second only to the existence of ancient beasts like the Sky-cracking Demon Butterfly.

Under the same realm, to withstand the endless attacks of four flame magic birds for seven and a half minutes?

"Crazy." Lin Fei casually complained.

According to this requirement, it is not surprising that the members of the Beihai Ice Palace fell in it.The reminders and warnings given by Han Zhenbei and the leading guards also seemed particularly pertinent.

As a forbidden place outside the world, the formulas of the Beihai Ice Palace are indeed extraordinary, even among the formulas created by immortals, they are considered superior.Among them is "falling snow into a monument", which means to completely freeze oneself and give up all ability to act in order to protect oneself.

Its defensive power is indeed outstanding, and the ice attribute does indeed restrain the fire attribute.But to survive this kind of attack, one has to refine it to a great degree.

And seven and a half minutes is really too long.I'm afraid that even if it is a clan of mysterious turtles, the shells of the tortoises have not been burned to ashes, so they should be roasted alive...

At this moment, the four flame magic birds went berserk.

They are like the video screen with the fast-forward button pressed, crazily breathing out the terrifying pure beast fire from their mouths!

At a glance, dozens of pillars of fire were directly attacking Lin Fei.

Every breath of it is enough to turn into a disaster, burn up the mountains, and evaporate the lakes.After being compressed and condensed to the thickness of a bucket, its destructive power increased dramatically.Without unnecessary expansion of the attack range to waste lethality, they all attacked Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei didn't launch defensive measures immediately, but used his spiritual sense to completely lock these flame beams.Even though their speed of traveling through the void was like thunder, he not only locked the position of these beams of light, but even judged their trajectory.


Lin Fei stomped on his feet, making a deafening and terrifying sonic boom.That is to say, the firmness of this small world is unimaginable. If it were a normal building, it would have collapsed in this instant, and even the ground would have collapsed.

Heavenly Demon Seven Steps.

Lin Fei's body suddenly soared into the sky, avoiding the firepower from all directions.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

The four flame phantom birds also reacted extremely quickly, breathing out into the air again in an instant.The dense beams of flame almost intersected into a net of death, trying to burn Lin Fei to ashes on the spot.

Lin Fei's figure froze in the air, and then in an extremely strange and distorted posture, he slipped out of the gap in the net of death effortlessly, as nimbly as a fish swimming.

Extremely tricky.

Even if it deviates slightly in any direction, there is a possibility of being burned to ashes on the spot.

"I've lived for [-] million years. If I don't even have the experience of avoiding this kind of attack, wouldn't my life be in vain?" Lin Fei shook his head, he didn't have the slightest feeling of fear after passing by death, he was surprisingly calm .

Unless he can achieve a density with absolutely no dodge gaps, he won't be injured at all with his body skills.

The four flame phantom birds went berserk.

Their task is to do everything possible to let the attack fall on the tester.

After all, this is a test of defense ability, what kind of defense test is it if you can't hit someone?

In an instant, they waved their wings, setting off bursts of flames like waves, burning and distorting the void.

Lin Fei turned the demon seven steps into a sprite and created "The Mystery of Shadows". The figure flickers and moves, and even flickers, always appearing in various weird and tricky positions inconceivably.

Every time, he avoids a fatal attack in the nick of time, and it seems that he will be doomed in the next moment, and will be completely annihilated.But until now, he still hasn't been hit.

3 minutes have passed.

The four flame phantom birds finally stopped compressing their breath, and began to cover the range without distinction!

Like the eruption of a flaming mountain, the endless flames of beasts flooded the entire palace!

"Heaven and Earth Hunyuan." Lin Fei recited silently, with the character "Kun" formed by condensed light under his feet, and the character "Qian" above his head.There are two circles surrounding the two, and a translucent mask is directly deployed to protect him in it.

I'm afraid that Han Zhenbei never imagined in his dreams that such a genius would force the Flaming Phantom Bird to expand its attack range and disperse its devastating destructive power.

For a moment, this mask was the only square inch of pure land in the entire hall, and outside it was the raging divine fire.

But the attack of the four flame phantom birds was really terrifying. Even if they dispersed their forces, they still made the light curtain more and more dimmer, even showing signs of melting.

At the moment when the light curtain was defeated, scorching aura hit the sky and covered the sky.Before touching it, the corner of Lin Fei's clothes was already burning.

However, Lin Fei's body was full of energy and blood, which was shocking like a wild beast.After a short time interval, he unexpectedly cast the vision of the bright moon rising above the sea again.


The sea water suddenly rose and rolled up, protecting him in it, relieving Lin Fei's crisis together with the moonlight.

However, in such a dangerous situation, he still didn't show any expression, he just murmured softly: "Snow falls into a monument."

In an instant, the sea water rising from the vision rushed towards Lin Fei, and condensed into a huge ice crystal tombstone in an instant.

And that round of bright moon is still quietly suspended in the air, slowing down the attacking rhythm of the Quartet.

After Lin Fei frozen himself, he quietly waited for the offensive to end.

The black ice around him was slowly melting, turning into ice water and then evaporating large swaths of white smoke.

After half a quarter of an hour passed, the mysterious ice that wrapped Lin Fei had only half melted.

"That's it?" Lin Fei frowned slightly, then shook his head.

Seems a bit disappointed.

It's just that I don't know if Han Zhenbei will suffocate on the spot if he sees it.

One must know that even when he was going through this trial, he was burned to death, which seemed extremely difficult.

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