I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 585 3 opponents, Haotian is at the bottom

This human emperor and law-abiding figure soaring to the heavens exudes a majestic aura that cannot be desecrated, and his face is exactly the same as that of Haotian.There is a day behind him, and the golden light shines on the world, just like a real emperor descending to the world!

This is the most suitable seal for Haotian, not even one of them.When he used it, the power of this move was almost doubled.


Under the blazing golden light, Yinhun Ligui suddenly let out an extremely shrill scream.Amidst the endless "chi chi", these ghosts instantly turned into green smoke and dissipated.

However, the inverse demon body that Lin Fei evolved was no small matter, and a black sun suddenly rose from the scroll of corpse mountain and sea of ​​blood behind him!

The sky and the earth seem to be separated, with a golden sun and a black sun hanging respectively, and the golden and black suns stand against each other.

On one side, the devilish energy surged, and on the other side, the emperor's aura surged.


At this moment, in the vision behind Lin Fei, a sea of ​​blood surged up as if boiling.They gathered together to form an extremely hideous and terrifying blood-colored phantom.

Fangs and claws, and eyes the size of lanterns were scarlet, exuding an extremely fierce and vicious aura.

The blood demon, the most yin and evil thing that gathers all kinds of negative emotions in the world, is completely in the same situation as the human emperor on the opposite side.

This is a suffocating battle.

If it is placed in the realm of comprehension, no one will believe that this is actually a battle between monks in the late Yuanying period.

Lin Fei didn't want to entangle with Haotian anymore, after all, there were still two illusion trials waiting for him.

So he merged with the Gorefiend vision behind him in an instant, and handed out a sword.

Lin Fei's body shape at this moment has been disillusioned, sometimes it is the ferocious image of a blood demon, sometimes it is a white-haired Lin Fei rushing like a demon god from the sky, and sometimes it is like a world-destroying sword exuding monstrous demonic energy.

The endless violent killing intent seems to fill the entire world, possessing absolute oppressive power.

The void trembled, and there was a sound of mourning.


Haotian's pupils contracted sharply, his face was extremely solemn, but he didn't back away.

He is the future emperor, and he bears the fate of a race, how could he retreat?

The vision of the Human Emperor and him performed the hug mountain seal together, each hugging a towering mountain with a hanging waterfall and verdant trees, and blatantly attacked Lin Fei who was rushing forward without a trace.


Amidst the rumbling sound of heaven and earth cracking, the energy storm scattered.The crumbling mountain was torn apart by the energy storm in an instant, and was wiped out in ashes.

Lin Fei's sword pierced through two mountains, tearing up the phantom of the Emperor.

Haotian's body-protecting qi collapsed at the touch, and the sword edge was still moving forward, stabbing firmly into his crossed arms in front of him.


The golden Human Sovereign's blood spattered, and the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword pierced through the intersection of his arms, and still stabbed decisively between his eyebrows!

Haotian was almost insane, let out a hoarse roar, and burst out all the strength in his body.

There seemed to be an invisible vortex between his brows, which frantically condensed the dissipated imperial dragon energy around him, compressed it to the extreme, and turned into scorching golden dragon scales in front of his brows.


The tip of the sword with the wind-like demonic energy lingered on the golden reverse scale.The terrifying wave of this blow swept away, causing the hair of the two to dance wildly in the wind and their clothes to bulge.

Haotian's face was even distorted, and he had to sink down to avoid this fatal sword of "breaking the face with a point".


With a soft sound, the inverse scale formed by the condensed imperial dragon energy split open traces of tree roots.

Then it shattered and turned into powder!


Haotian's reaction was extremely fast, and he made a handprint immediately. As if the golden light palm could overturn the sky, he blasted towards Lin Fei fiercely amidst the sonic boom with terrifying and destructive power.

Lin Fei was extremely calm, and he slapped out the same palm.

Heavenly Demon Mahamudra.

The huge, pitch-black palm of light seemed to strike from outside the sky, and it fought fiercely with the Fantian Seal.


The golden and black energy storm dissipated.

The terrifying fluctuation instantly shattered and tore the dragon-scale light armor covering Haotian's body. The extremely strong material was as vulnerable as paper at this moment.It shattered in an instant, and the fragments flew all over the sky like butterflies.

Lin Fei was unscathed, but Haotian spat out a big mouthful of blood, and flew out like a kite with a broken string.

High judgment.

Lin Fei took miniature steps, and immediately chased Haotian in mid-air.

Lin Fei who appeared out of thin air was reflected in Haotian's golden pupils.His expression was indifferent, and he stabbed out with a sword extremely calmly.

That casual and unrestrained gesture seemed to be doing an extremely insignificant thing.


The Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword directly pierced Haotian's eyebrows, revealing a sword edge stained with golden blood from the back of his head.

"Crack!" Lin Fei stood on the spot without making any further moves.

But Haotian staggered, and after taking a few steps back, his face was extremely pale, and there was a magic sword piercing through his head.

He showed a miserable smile, and then fell backwards, making a "plop" sound.

The dust has settled.

Haotian God is revered by the Chinese people, and he is often called "God of Heaven", "God of Heaven", and "Heaven".But it was this unimaginably strong man who was completely killed in a short time in front of Lin Fei who was in the same realm.

How terrifying is Lin Fei, who has no limit to the injury of the Dao, in the same realm?The corpse of Haotian in front of him is enough to explain many problems.

The sky was full of crystal clear flowers and rain, Da Dao was shocked, as if he was feeling endless sorrow for his passing.

A strong sense of sadness rose from Lin Fei's heart in Wuyou Duan.If there are a large number of people living in this illusion, I am afraid that we will be able to see the spectacular scene of thousands of people mourning together, crying to death.

This is the death of mourning heaven.

However, Lin Feidao's heart was firm and clear, and even if he killed this emotion to the slightest bit, there was not even the slightest expression on his face.

This illusion was trembling violently, and an indescribably strange fluctuation caused the entire space to collapse.Even the figure of Haotian in front of him gradually turned into light spots and dissipated.

Lin Fei's eyes went dark, and the next moment he came back to his senses, he had already left the illusion.

In the same realm, it was far from difficult to kill the legendary Haotian God, but his face was a little dignified.

Because he had already guessed which two people he would meet next.

The strong men who fell on this road before were just competing with the contemporary Tianjiao they knew.Even if it is the existence of killing the body of Taiyin, it is not qualified to lift Haotian's shoes.

But among Lin Fei's opponents, Haotian was at the bottom.

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