I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 586 The Lord of Original Darkness, 6 Demons

The wind and snow were howling all over the sky, Lin Fei walked on the stone steps silently, without any hesitation to stop.

On the sixth step of No.60, his figure froze again.


In the environment, the sky is pitch black.Suddenly, a thunder that resembled a root of a tree tore through the sky, making the sky and the earth as bright as day in an instant.

Dead silence, desolation.The air is full of thick turbidity, if any mortal inhales it, he will die suddenly on the spot, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Mozu babies were born in such an environment. The absolutely harsh conditions created their unimaginable adaptability and physique.And the lack of resources has also created their aggressive, brutal and plundering style, and they are always thinking about aggressing the outside world to obtain all the resources they need.

Lin Fei stepped on the scorched earth, and there were even many cracks around it. The magma was boiling and surging, splashing up to ten feet high at every turn.

A tall and burly figure sat cross-legged on the top of a volcano in the distance, watching Lin Fei quietly.

He looks no different from a human being, except that his muscles are like a horned dragon, and there is a pair of magic wings behind him.

This figure has a radius of one kilometer, and the demonic energy has become so strong that it is unimaginable. At first glance, it is pitch black, only a pair of doomsday blood-colored eyes are opened, and it is extremely cold.

"Liu Dao, you really are still looked down upon." Lin Fei smiled lightly, as if he was not surprised that he appeared in the second illusion.

A strange thing happened at this moment.

Unlike the previous Haotian who was taciturn and only knew how to fight desperately.This phantom of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which is only in the late Nascent Soul, actually looked up at the sky.

His long black hair danced wildly in the wind, and he said coldly, "It's interesting, it's so bold that it uses the magic mirror of all things to deduce the deity."

If Han Yuxuan, who created the trial ground, saw this scene, he would probably suffocate on the spot and feel the cold and fear like falling into an ice cellar!

The Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, who has been dead for 3000 years, is nothing more than a deduced illusion, yet he can see through the reason behind it, and even has an independent consciousness.

"If you are timid to fight, you can directly cut yourself off, and the illusion will be destroyed by itself." Lin Fei smiled coldly, and even started talking with this illusion, "I'm in a hurry to meet the next person, a subordinate like you It’s better for a defeated player to be a little bit self-aware.”

The Demon Lord of the Six Paths slowly withdrew his gaze from the sky, and said calmly: "Although I don't like being treated as a puppet, if the opponent is you... I would rather fight."

He paused, and said with a half-smile, "You're going to meet that person next?"

Lin Fei made a "hmm" sound.

Liu Dao actually laughed, and seemed to be in high spirits: "It stands to reason that since you are going to fight against him, this deity should not stand in your way. But after losing that year, this deity is really unwilling."

"However, your avenue injury has healed, and your body is only in the early stage of transforming into a god. Presumably, some interesting things have happened to you. How, the feeling of the deity's dying blow is not good, right?"

Lin Fei sighed, shook his head and said, "I really don't understand. You said that you died under my hands, why do you want to show it off? Huh?"

"You and I were born at the same age, at the same age, at the same realm, and each represents the extremes of chaos and original darkness. Logically speaking, you and I should perish together... This is all dead by my hand, and I am still alive and well Yes, are you really not ashamed?"

The Demon Lord of the Six Paths slightly narrowed his blood-red eyes, as if he didn't want to bring up the topic: "Aren't you in a hurry? Three moves are up for grabs. If I lose, I will judge myself and let you pass?"

Lin Fei spit out a word simply: "Okay."


The Demon Lord of the Six Paths still sat cross-legged and did not move, but there was a terrible roar in the sky and the earth.His blood-colored pupils had strangely revealed complex and mysterious patterns. If you compare it with Lin Fei's chaotic eyes, you will find that it is just the opposite, like a mirror image.

The pupil of the original darkness.

The pupils of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths changed from red to black, and quickly expanded and enlarged, even covering the entire pupil.It was pitch black, without the slightest white of the eyes, and it was very oozing.

After all, the realm of this phantom body is too low, only a wisp of the original dark mother energy that is extremely weak and dim escapes, like a candle in the wind, it seems that it may be annihilated and collapsed at any time.

But it was this extremely bleak original dark mother energy that swept across, and it made the void die.Even bacteria and dust, and even various particle energies floating in the sky and earth, all dissipate in an instant!

This is a thin line of death, and the plane it sweeps is completely turned into a dead area.

Correspondingly, Lin Fei's pupils were instantly covered with intricate and mysterious delicate patterns, and a wisp of the same extremely meager chaotic mother spirit was cut out.

The mother qi of chaos and the mother qi of original darkness, like a thin thread gossamer, are completely on the same plane, so accurate that there is no difference.


The moment the two touched each other, an unspeakable fluctuation instantly swept all directions.Everything around him burst into pieces with a bang, and the volcano under Liu Dao also collapsed in an instant, with chaotic rocks piercing through the sky and smoke and dust filling the sky.

Liu Dao remained motionless, falling from the sky along with the stones below him.

And at the place where the two wisps of maternal energy came into contact, a yin-yang fish no bigger than the tip of a fingernail was actually intertwined.The moment it dissipated, there seemed to be a miniature of the prehistoric world flashing past.

Both Liu Dao and Lin Fei closed their eyes, with blood oozing from the corners of their eyes.

Immediately, the two of them opened their eyes again, their eyes were already scarlet, covered with fresh blood and dense bloodshot, as if the whole eyes were about to split open.

It's like a mirror image!

"How did I lose to you back then?" Liu Dao frowned, but in this confrontation, the question became more and more serious!

As Lin Fei said, the two are like the fateful entanglement of light and darkness, and they should die together.

But why is this guy still alive and kicking when he is dead?

"Faith." Lin Fei spat out two empty words.

Liu Dao frowned even deeper, and said with a sneer: "How can such a void and empty thing control your strength and mine?"

Lin Fei said indifferently: "People of the same level participate in a competitive competition. If one loses, the whole family will die, and if the other loses, it will only kill him, and even bring him back to life and make a comeback..."

"Who do you think will win? Liu Dao, don't you understand why you lived [-] million years in vain?"

Liudao has nothing to worry about.

But he Lin Fei has.

"There are two more moves." Liu Dao said coldly, and he had already stood up, "This time, it's better than the physical body!"

He did what he said, and the monstrous devilish energy sank into his body like a whale, dormant.

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