I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 609 Yin Yang Life and Death Diagram

Facing the approaching Zhu Qingfeng every step of the way, Lin Fei seemed extremely calm.

He even just showed the vision of the chaotic golden lotus, making it difficult for Zhu Qingfeng to move forward, as if he was carrying a world on his back.

You know, Lin Fei hasn't even revealed the slightest killing power of these visions, it's just like simply putting something here.

What is the difference between a weapon that is placed in place and it is used to kill?

"Zhu Qingfeng, you are still too young." Lin Fei said lightly, "If I remember correctly, you are only about 3 years old."

"3 years is still too short. Looking back, it's like a flick of a finger..."

He sighed slightly, then sighed, and said, "I'll let you see what the real power of the sun is!"

Zhu Qingfeng's pupils contracted sharply, and a thought popped up almost instinctively from his extremely keen sense of spirit——Danger!

Extremely dangerous!

If you don't retreat in time, you will die... definitely die!

Such a thought flashed out, and he embraced the Yin-Yang Diagram almost instantly, and flew back thousands of meters away like a meteor.

Lin Fei's expression was extremely calm, and in an instant, he restrained the suffocating chaotic body vision, and began to evolve the yin and yang ultimate move.Just like the previous Zhu Qingfeng, one is as black as ink, and the other is as white as jade, exuding the aura of the great way.

But there is a difference.

That is the ultimate real evolution.

The so-called comprehension is to cultivate the truth and grasp the original power and law of the universe!

Lin Fei's hands turned into the yin and yang god points in Tai Chi Dao, representing true yin and true yang!

Zhu Qingfeng's heart jumped violently, he was so frightened that his eyes almost burst!

He also evolved yin fish and yang fish, but there is no yin and yang in it.

This is the power of the source, and with the experience of self-comprehension, the source of the sun and the sun has evolved!

In the divine picture of Taiji, the yang picture gives birth to a little yin, and the yin picture gives birth to a little yang, which is the embodiment of change for the ultimate Tao.

At this time, Lin Fei's hands are the real yin and the real yang, the beginning and destination of the evolutionary path, representing an eternal and unchanging law.

"Death!" Zhu Qingfeng didn't dare to let him really perform such an ultimate move, and immediately burned the demon blood all over his body, and brazenly took out the Yin-Yang diagram in his hand.

However, Lin Fei was extremely calm, as if he hadn't noticed it.

His left hand represents the true yin, which is as black as ink. When he pressed it in the void, there was a loud bang, and a huge black hole appeared.

Nothing can be seen in that area, devouring all light, and directly drowning Zhu Qingfeng's ultimate move.

Zhu Qingfeng even had an extremely horrifying illusion, that is, he thought for a moment that his soul seemed to be swallowed into it.

He felt his scalp go numb, and immediately used various killing techniques, trying to interrupt Lin Fei's killing move.

But Lin Fei's left hand turned into true yin, pressed down the void, and evolved into a black hole, engulfing endless light and rain in it, even the various killing techniques of the Heavenly Demon's Illusory Heart Art could hardly hurt him.

"Lin Fei, today I will kill you even if I hurt the origin of the Dao!" Zhu Qingfeng gritted his teeth, and the murderous intent in his eyes became even more violent.

He suddenly pierced his heart with the palm of his hand.

Then... yank it out!

"Pfft!" Zhu Qingfeng's expression was so distorted by the pain, but he resolutely crushed his heart to pieces.

Exercising the forbidden art of killing with heart and soul.

Even if he was once in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he would not dare to use the forbidden technique rashly!

Because...it involves the evolution of that lord's power, he dare not try this kind of offense lightly.


Behind Zhu Qingfeng, a huge figure towering over the heavens appeared, becoming more and more clear.

This is a very huge crow.

Or to be precise, a three-legged golden crow.

Its golden feathers are poured like fairy gold, filled with an unimaginable sense of power, and the whole body is burning with the true fire of the original sun.

There is a crown on the bird's head, majestic and inviolable.A pair of pupils are filled with endless coldness and indifference, as if all living beings are ants in its eyes.

Zhu Qingfeng is boldly deducing the immortal emperor who is at the pinnacle of the fairy world—Emperor Donghai!

This three-legged Golden Crow emits thousands of rays of holy light, which is extremely dazzling, like a round sun embedded in it.

Zhu Qingfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, the primordial spirit was trembling, the body began to crack, and the strange silver demon blood rushed wildly.

And the figure behind him fluttered its wings lightly, and there were countless killing lights, which turned into a torrential river and rushed forward together.

Infinite brilliance, full of brilliance, thousands of golden rivers, passing through the void, rushed towards Lin Fei, destroying everything they passed.

Big waves of golden energy erupted, and each path contained a way of killing life. The laws of heaven and earth were intertwined and galloping, and the aura of destruction was mighty.

Lin Fei was under tremendous pressure, his bones cracked, and the black hole formed by his pitch-black left hand was about to collapse.It was as if mountains were rolling over him, if it were other monks in the early stages of crossing the tribulation, they would have already become flesh.

And even his incomplete chaotic body was rattling.

Lin Fei's mouth overflowed with a wisp of blood, which was not intentionally spit out by him to confuse Zhu Qingfeng, but was injured by the real mighty force.

A big difference in realm is a natural moat!

And he stubbornly resisted the backlash from the transformation of the fairy and the devil, and through such a natural barrier, he faced Zhu Qingfeng's ultimate killer move that he dared not act rashly at the bottom of the box for more than 3 years...

No matter how you look at it, there are only three words "impossible".

Even judging from the knowledge and experience of Immortal Emperor Zhu Qingfeng who lived for more than 3 years, the outcome of this battle is decided!

"The Ten Thousand Saints will also fall into my hands!"

"The heavens and the world, what else can stop me?!" Even though his seven orifices were bleeding, he roared wildly and excitedly, as if he was declaring war on the dark way of heaven, "I said it a long time ago ah--"

"I control my own life!"

It's no wonder that he was so arrogant, he was almost dazzled by the joy of victory and survival.

Lin Fei's current situation looked precarious no matter what.

The golden energy contained in the endless Dao law, even the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram could not fully absorb it, causing him to bear unimaginable destructive power.

However, Lin Fei laughed.

A picture of Tai Chi appeared in front of him, his hands represented the true yin and the true yang, and his body bent down like a dragon, turning into the dividing line between yin and yang!

The figure of a real dragon is like a curve, which is the trajectory of a great road!

For no reason, a seemingly unrelated verse comes to mind:

"Fortune Zhong Shenxiu, yin and yang divide the dawn."

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