I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 610 Alarming Emperor Jun


At this moment, Lin Fei broke through the speed limit of Dongxu's later stage, and his body turned into that dragon-shaped curve——Taoji!

Nothing can stop him, all obstacles in front of him will be destroyed.


The three-legged Golden Crow behind Zhu Qingfeng rushed forward, and was instantly cut off by the dragon-shaped Dao mark formed by Lin Fei's body!

"How is this possible, how did he do it?!" His eyes were tearing apart, and he roared in his heart.


Lin Fei's body has turned into the most terrifying weapon in the world, everything is indestructible, it is difficult to stop him half a step!

Zhu Qingfeng tried his best to dodge, and Lin Fei's dragon-shaped dao trace passed by him, cutting him into two pieces.

The injury spread from the left shoulder to the waist, and even his left leg and half of his body were chopped off...


Zhu Qingfeng let out an extremely shrill scream, the internal organs and ruptured large and small intestines all flowed out, and blood gushed out.

Lin Fei's figure flitted past, then trembled the void with the power of the sun and yin, and turned back again.


The dragon-shaped curve that Lin Fei turned into rushed back again. This is the dividing line of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Diagram, the tangible trace of the Dao!


Zhu Qingfeng spat out a mouthful of blood and was almost beheaded. The Tian Yao Huan Xin Jue was completely defeated, and he was on the verge of falling and lost his fighting power.

Seeing that he was about to fall under this complete yin-yang life-and-death diagram, Zhu Qingfeng abandoned his forcible physical body at the critical moment, and directly pulled out his soul from the sheath.

But even so, the yin-yang life-and-death diagram was resolutely blasted down.


The energy shock wave swept between the heaven and the earth, annihilating everything.If you look down from a very high altitude, you will see that the whole world seems to be cut apart, showing the appearance of a huge yin and yang life and death diagram.

"I... hate!" Zhu Qingfeng finally could only send out a faint ray of spiritual thought with endless aggrieved and grief, and the primordial spirit collapsed and dissipated without a trace.

The scene in the Wan Yao Temple changed again, appearing beside the stream under the peaceful moonlight, and the pine forest swayed in the wind.

It was as if they had never seen the earth-shattering killing move before, as well as the shocking supernatural powers of the two of them.

The terrifying aura all over Lin Fei's body quickly faded away, the handwriting between his eyebrows dissipated, and the wings of light and the wings of magic behind him also disappeared without a trace.

It's just that he already had a nosebleed, and there was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Not only that, but there was a blood hole on one shoulder of Lin Fei - it was pierced by the demon wing that had grown out during the Heavenly Demon Transformation state.

But his expression was extremely calm, and even under the shroud of emerald green waves, his injuries were still recovering rapidly.

In front of Lin Fei, there is a purple bamboo.

In an environment full of pine trees, this purple bamboo is extremely abrupt, not to mention that it is such an eye-catching existence.

It is crystal clear and exudes a hazy purple brilliance.It is as thick as three people hugging, its branches are as vigorous as a horned dragon, and the boat-shaped bamboo leaves are as big as a palm, flowing with a strong breath of life.

And behind it, there are more real and illusory visions, unfolding like a scroll.

In the twilight of the morning sun, the green bamboo peaks stretching for thousands of miles, shrouded in the vast morning mist, seem like dreams and illusions.The green bamboos stand at joints, and the bamboo joints are well-defined, either green or green, or old and withered.There are also green bamboo shoots breaking through the ground, longing for the moisture of the morning dew and the care of the sun.In the morning breeze, the bamboo leaves fluttered and made a "russling" sound, quiet and serene.

But in the middle of Qianfeng Gongwei, there is a bamboo peak full of purple.On the top of this bamboo peak, there is this most miraculous purple bamboo.

Zhu Qingfeng fell and was beaten back to his original shape.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei directly uprooted the purple bamboo.


Its root system is so huge that it makes the ground tremble, and a large piece of soil is directly lifted.

Now that Zhu Qingfeng has fallen, Lin Fei will naturally not let go of everything in the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Hall.Needless to say about Zhu Qingfeng's original form, all the treasures and resources in the Wan Yao Temple were also looted.

It is worth mentioning that there are three extreme emperor soldiers in the Ten Thousand Monsters Hall!

Of course, the previous battle between the three immortal emperors was so fierce that they were all broken.

That is the Ten Thousand Dragon Chain, Ten Thousand Bamboo Map, and Po Ling Zizhu.

After all, it is the ultimate emperor soldier, even if it is broken, its preciousness is still unimaginable.Even if it can be truly mobilized to display its power, even if it manifests a wisp of the power of the Immortal Emperor, it will be enough to crush such a treasure as heaven and earth.

But unfortunately, Lin Fei couldn't touch it.

Or to be more precise, below the Immortal Emperor, those who touch it will die.

Not to mention him, even if Wanzhutu and Poling Zizhu belonged to Zhu Qingfeng, they were his companion source spirit treasures as a demon saint, and they couldn't use them after falling into the realm of the immortal emperor, otherwise it would be an idea.

It was also because of this that Zhu Qingfeng did not confront the enemy with the broken Jidao Emperor's soldiers until his death in battle.

Even so, what Lin Fei gained was extremely terrifying.After all, it is the Wan Yao Temple that drives the entire Eastern Wilderness Demon World crazy, and its deep resource reserves are unimaginable.

In addition to this, among the bamboo joints of Zhu Qingfeng, there are also the existence of Eastern Desolation Immortal Gold and Western Desert Divine Fire.After spending some time, Lin Fei was able to take it out.


And 2 minutes ago.

Immortal world, East China Sea Palace.

An extremely beautiful man with long golden hair was sitting on the throne of the Immortal Emperor.

Yes, it is beautiful.

This man is wearing a luxurious long dress, its color is like water clouds, elegant and ethereal.There are indescribable printed and dyed patterns on it, and the overall look is like a splash-ink landscape painting, but if you look closely, it contains too many details.

For example, a mountain peak drawn in ink and wash is actually composed of countless people kneeling and prostrating.

And behind his wide sleeves, there are strands of cloud-like clothing unfolded backwards, and rolled forward at the end, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

The man has a handsome face that is indistinguishable from male and female, his body is as white and smooth as white jade, and there is a small crown on the top of his head.

But this crown is different from the style recognized by human civilization. It is more like a three-legged golden crow headgear, which is directly buckled on the man's forehead.

The lord of the Immortal Kingdom in the Eastern Sea, the supreme pride and glory of the monster clan, the father of the tenth and the twelfth moon, the perfect and strong man at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

Di Jun!

Di Jun's beautiful face was extremely stern, even though he was admiring the singing and dancing of the fairies in front of him, he didn't show any expression.

And in his pair of golden pupils, more scenes of disillusionment and evolution of the stars, sun, and moon emerged, with a vague sense of the evolution of the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

But it was such an indifferent person who seemed to notice something and suddenly smiled.

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