I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 617 The Gods of Gao Tianyuan: He is here again!

Throughout Chengdu, nearly 2000 million people are looking up at the sky.

Facing everyone's reverent gazes, Lin Fei didn't have the slightest emotion, and just looked at Chi You calmly.

After Chi You said all this, he breathed out a long breath, and stood up straight, holding the bloody Tiger Soul Saber in his hand.

"Chi You will remember all kinds of kindness in the past!"

"But today—" His face became ferocious, and violent killing intent swept across the entire city of Rong, "The disciple also invites Tianzun to die!"

Duan Canghai's complexion changed, and he flew back like a black rainbow in an instant, knowing that the next battle was beyond his ability to participate.

Countless people were so frightened that their whole bodies went limp, and they immediately fell to their knees or sat on the ground amidst the sound of "plop".Their eyes widened and they could barely breathe.

Chi You crushed a Nine Nether Soul Bead, and two [-]-meter-high phantoms suddenly appeared behind him.

Wanmi, what is the concept?

The highest altitude of Mount Everest is only 8844.33 meters!

The remnant soul of Master Feng Boyu stands on the ground.

The moment the two appeared, the sky above the entire city of Rong completely changed.


Layers upon layers of thunderclouds in the sky roared and churned like sea waves, among which there were thousands of silver thunderbolts that exploded, making one's heart tremble.

Almost at the moment when this accident happened, Lin Fei forcibly activated the Immortal Demon Alteration.


Lin Fei's appearance became extremely strange and frightening. At first glance, he looked like a terrifying existence of half demon and half immortal, which was unimaginable.

Under the surge of white fairy light and black devil energy, a Tai Chi picture was forcibly formed, which was directly placed under the thunder cloud, blocking thousands of thunder and thunder.

And at the same moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

This is already a terrifying gale beyond the imagination of ordinary people, enough to uproot the entire city of Rongcheng. Whether it is reinforced concrete or bumper cars of motorcycles and trucks, they will be directly torn to pieces by Shenwei and thrown into the sky.

"Fix!" Lin Fei's hands almost turned into afterimages, and he forcibly fixed the world, making it stable as a rock, and blocking the invasion of the force of the wind.

Before the two sides fought, such a terrifying scene had already attracted countless people's horrified eyes.

A cultivator at the stage of transforming into a god uses his divine power to activate the magic weapon, trying to find out what happened.

However, at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.The mirror magic weapon in front of him exploded with a "boom", and the fragments were shot into his body unexpectedly.

The cultivator screamed in pain, and directly blasted out the fragments of the magic weapon in his body, shooting them together with blood.

"At most, the battle of the void cannot be spied on, and it will definitely not be so counterproductive!"

"Du... the breath of crossing calamity?!" His face was extremely pale, and he felt deep fear.

What's wrong with this world, how could such a strong man come out? !

Not only Huaxia, but even the distant country m was alarmed.

However, the picture in their satellite was only fleeting, followed by a snowflake.

At the Noah No. [-] research base, **** immediately cursed and roared in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

"Our latest technological breakthroughs can even be monitored by the true gods, so why can't we see any pictures?!"

Beside him, a researcher wearing glasses was extremely terrified: "Boss... this should be above the true god!"

***** A heart beat wildly, tremblingly said: "High...high gods?!"

But above Rongcheng, Master Feng Boyu saw the scene where Chi You and Lin Fei were at war, and immediately understood everything.

"As long as Wansheng Tianzun is killed, everything in the world will no longer be able to stop my grand plan and hegemony, and the glory of the Jiuli clan will surely shine on the world!"

"Master Feng Bo Yu—" Chi You said in a deep voice, "Can I continue to stand side by side with you?!"

Feng Bo transformed into the appearance of an old man, looking ordinary, he looked at Yu Shi when he heard this.

And Yu Shi is a black-bearded strong man with his upper body exposed, holding a bowl in his left hand and holding a dragon inside.Master Yu laughed outrageously, and then Chi You clapped his palms with a "slap", and squeezed his palms together tightly: "I entrust you with the unfinished business of my life!"

In an instant, the souls of the two were perfectly fused into one, and they directly submerged into Chi You's body.


The thunder above the sky boiled completely, and the Taiji diagram sank inch by inch, and even began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Change the battlefield!" Lin Fei spit out four words, and directly tore open the void.

Only this time, he even used the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword instead of relying solely on his own might.

Because the space channel he opened up is impressively leading to a plane of the kingdom of God!

Lin Fei didn't want to give Chi You Duan Canghai a chance to choose. The moment the space channel opened, there was an extremely terrifying twisting suction.

He used the characteristics of the Dao of the plane to forcibly stimulate the inspiration of the Kingdom of God.

The true gods with the power of range, or the strong ones above the realm of the hole, will be forcibly drawn into it!

Lin Fei had no choice but to act like this, otherwise the city gate would catch fire and the fish in the pond would be affected.Not to mention the nearly 2000 million people in Rongcheng, I am afraid that the surrounding cities will also be destroyed.Bai Zhan, Qing's family, Chunhua and other maid's families, and everyone in Qingcheng Mountain must also die without a burial place.

This is the legendary "fairy fights, mortals suffer".

At least it has to be replaced by a plane as stable as the Kingdom of God!

"Fuck! Can't you let me have a cigarette?!" Duan Canghai just lit a cigarette, and immediately made such a sound, and was directly involved in it.

In an instant, Lin Fei, Chi You, and Duan Canghai were all absorbed into the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, the Gods of Gaotianyuan went crazy!

"He's here again!"

"Robbers! Bandits!"

"Quick, quick - clean up the guys, hide all the good things!"

Seeing Lin Fei, who had changed his state from a fairy, broke in, the entire Gaotianyuan was turned pale with shock, and it was a mess...

Lin Fei annihilated the three gods of Gao Tianyuan, killed the father god Izanagi, plundered Gao Tianyuan, and even emptied the three major spiritual veins...

This has been recorded in the history of Gaotianyuan, and it is definitely the darkest and deepest history in history. Lin Fei has even gained the reputation of "Great Demon King", "The First Natural Disaster", "Creator of Ragnarok" and so on.

Well, perhaps notoriety would be more appropriate.

After Duan Canghai came to Gaotianyuan, the first thing he did was...slip!

What kind of international joke are you making, why don't you just slip away and wait to be killed by these two big guys?

At this time, Duan Canghai was also secretly rejoicing and fearful, and said that thanks to the resurrection of Chi You, this mythical existence that once fought against the Yellow Emperor really had a deep foundation, and even held the remnant soul of Master Feng Boyu.

If Chi You didn't face Lin Fei, then I would...

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