Chi You and Lin Fei landed over an ancient city.

This ancient city built of strange stones is miraculous and extraordinary, densely covered with various god patterns, blessed by the power of countless gods.However, the moment they saw Lin Fei, the gods in the whole city seemed to be going crazy, dragging their families to run for their lives.

In an instant, there are countless streamers rushing in the sky and on the ground, running as far as they can.

Before the battle between Lin Fei and Chi You started, it had already attracted the eyes of countless true gods and demigods.

"Strange! Why is this big devil's cultivation... so weak?"

"Weak? The god of wolf spirit, you say the position of the true god who is perfect at the peak is weak?"

"No! I mean it's too weak for him!"

"That's right, even his opponent is a whole level higher—in other words, there is a possibility that this Great Demon King will perish here?"

"That's right! Damn it, hurry up and fall!" All the gods cursed directly, which shows the hatred for Lin Fei in their hearts.

It's just that as soon as he said these words, his expression changed immediately, and there was a kind of fear originating from the origin of his soul: "I, I, I... I mean his opponent, he should quickly fall!"

In fact, Gao Tianyuan's thoughts were almost the same, that is, he hoped that Lin Fei would die together with that unknown high-ranking god.Otherwise, no matter who survived, it would not be a good thing for Gao Tianyuan.


The Tiger Soul Saber in Chi You's hand suddenly breathed out a hundred feet of blood-colored saber energy.But that terrible evil spirit and hatred made all the gods tremble.And above the Tiger Soul Knife, a phantom of a white tiger appeared, roaring to shake the world.

"Is that the soul of the holy beast?!"

"How is this possible! The white tiger, the holy beast, is nowhere to be found. Could it be that the soul that was killed was attached to the Tiger Soul Knife?"

"Where is the strong man who can kill the holy beast White Tiger!"

All the gods of Gaotianyuan were terrified.

On the battlefield, thousands of thunderclouds surged in the sky, and a strong wind suddenly blew up.

The divine pattern on the ancient city seemed to have some kind of mysterious induction, and at this moment, it burst into divine light, and stood still in such a strong wind.And the mountains, rocks and trees outside the city, as if cut by thousands of sword lights, were directly shattered, and all were thrown towards the sky.


There was a sudden torrential rain between the sky and the earth.

It seems that it is not accurate to say that it is rain, and the rain falls like a sword.When it landed on the ancient city, there was a series of sonorous and powerful metal and iron sounds.


Such voices are dense and endless.The violent heavy rain seemed to destroy everything.


Lin Fei unfolded the Divine Astral Guard, which turned into a pillar of light that soared into the sky, enveloping his whole body.

"Life is too short to cut with one blade!" Chi You yelled violently, and slashed down with the force of the hundred-foot-tall Tiger Soul Saber in his hand.


Crush everything!

Smash everything!

The horrific sword light cut open the void, and everything was annihilated under this knife.

There is only one exception.

That is Lin Fei.


Almost in an instant, his figure was blurred, hidden in the void, as if he no longer existed.

He is like a flickering light, skimming through nothingness, reaching the extreme speed, his body is very blurred, hovering between the virtual and the real.

The peerless sword light cut down and broke into the blurred phantom, but there was a "dang" sound, which obviously failed to hurt Lin Fei.

At this moment, his state is very strange, between form and nothingness.

This is the evolution of the monster's killing technique, traveling through the void.

"Dodged, or blocked?!"

"It's terrible, both of them are freaks!"

"The damned Great Demon King avoided the most deadly edge, but this high-ranking god followed closely into nothingness."

"The most frightening thing is the Great Demon King, right? He's obviously a big gap away, and even blocked this trick in the end!"

The gods of Gao Tianyuan were shocked, and even some people felt chills all over their bodies, thinking that if they faced this knife, they would only die in an instant!

Chi You's first strike cut the entire ancient city open.

It was a terrifying ravine that spread hundreds of feet, and it just appeared on the ground.Where the sword light passed, everything ceased to exist, and even the divine pattern could not keep the building of the plane of the divine kingdom!

Only Lin Fei was safe and sound, and he even cut off the light of the sword with a backhand sword, causing it to explode on the spot and turn into a stream of light flying all over the sky.

He even frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "It's a little weak."


The entire plateau was boiling, and all the gods were almost crazy about it.

"what did he say?"

"A little weak?!"

"Is this fucking weak?"

However, Lin Fei's words came from the heart. Compared with Zhu Qingfeng's various killing moves, this knife is really much weaker.

"Is that really the case?" Chi You's face became serious, his lips did not move, and the sound of divine thoughts resounded through the heaven and earth, "Even if I am one level lower than me, such a killer move is still not enough for you... ..”

"Looks like I'm being rude!"

He suddenly raised his head, with a ferocious face, roaring in his heart: "Uncle Feng, Master Yu, I need your strength!"

Chi You yelled violently, and suddenly raised the Tiger Soul Saber in his hand.


In the sky, a huge tornado suddenly appeared.This tornado is like a funnel, swallowing all the thunderclouds and wind and rain in the sky, and pouring it directly into the Tiger Soul Saber.

Thunder light and rain blazingly intertwine and intertwine on the tiger soul knife, and it has gathered three different terrifying forces of wind, thunder and water.


Before this knife was cut down, its terrifying power caused the entire ancient city to shatter and split apart amidst the rumbling sound, and directly rose from the ground!

"Canglong Slash!"

At this moment, the boundless and endless demonic energy directly restrained into Chi You's body, and it was slashed out with a single blow.

The shattered ancient city was annihilated and turned into nothingness under this knife.

This is already the smallest extent of damage.

Chi You was not even willing to waste even a sliver of strength, and compressed all of it into this knife.

His goal was to kill Lin Fei, not destroy Gao Tianyuan.

Otherwise, this knife is enough to cut the entire Gao Tianyuan open, and the energy that spread out is enough to swallow and annihilate the true god!

"it is good!"

"Brother Chi You, kill Lin Fei, kill him!" Duan Canghai yelled angrily as waves rose in his heart.

The gods of Gaotianyuan are almost insane, their eyes are tearing apart.

"What kind of freak is this?!"

"If this knife is aimed at destroying Gao Tianyuan, it will be enough to wipe out the entire kingdom of God!"

"Why did you choose Gaotianyuan as the battlefield? You bastard! I just hope they all die together!"

When Chi You's saber fell, everything became nothingness.

Time, space, a place of complete nothingness without any meaning!

When the knife fell, nothing was left.

Lin Fei's figure also disappeared.

"Dead... are you dead?" Duan Canghai's heart beat wildly, his face was full of excitement and madness.

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