I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 620 Su Ying and Tiger Soul

Contrary to what the gods of Gao Tianyuan expected, even though Chi You had such an ancient demon soldier, he was still beaten and retreated steadily.

And this phenomenon completely terrified the gods of Gao Tianyuan, and they jumped and scolded their mothers on the spot!

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" A god roared with a distorted face, looking very much like Bu Jingyun in the TV series "Fengyun".

But the truth is cruel, Chi You directly turned into Liu Guang and smashed it hard.


A bloody blade flashed, and the unlucky god immediately turned into dirty blood, which splashed down with a "crash".

The body turns into blood, and the primordial spirit dissipates.

A real body in the void realm died in an instant.

Followed by Lin Fei.


The land with a radius of one kilometer collapsed directly, and all the buildings and trees collapsed.

With just one thought from Chi You, the tiger soul sword light will come out autonomously.Either turn into a light curtain to block the attack, or directly roll towards Lin Fei, trying to turn him into a pool of dirty blood.

Even so, he was dripping with blood.The worst time was when his chest was pierced directly, and there were blood holes that were transparent from front to back.

Even if the vitality of the demon body is extremely strong, it cannot withstand such a toss, making Chi You's face extremely pale.

Even the Tiger Soul Knife couldn't completely defend against Lin Fei's attack, Chi You had to dodge as much as possible, and was beaten into Izanagi's palace hall in a daze.


The towering walls of the imperial palace exploded and collapsed at this moment.

In the terrifying energy storm, several blood-red rays of light in the shape of fierce tigers galloped and roared past.

The twelve demigods and six true gods turned into blood in an instant, and were taken away by the tiger soul knife.

"Run! Damn, can't these two devils fight in another place?"

"Gao Tianyuan is not safe anymore!"

"Which bastard turned on the divine kingdom's inspiration to the limit? It can't be turned off, and no one can get out!"

"How can they kill each other? It is clear that they want to flatten my Gao Tianyuan, and directly kill the clan!"

The gods of Gaotianyuan nearly collapsed, and their hearts were filled with endless fear and despair.These gods looked at each other, and then ran as far as they could without hesitation.

Lin Fei leaned forward and cast Thunderbolt Nether Sky Basher, and it took him down with a single palm.


A mountain-thick thunderbolt descended from the sky, directly turning the entire palace of Izanagi into ashes.A mountain was struck by the lightning and turned into flying ash in an instant.

The bloody light in front of Chi You's body immediately shattered, his chest collapsed from the beating, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.


On Chi You's chest, there is a gloomy and gloomy light, but there is also a blazing electric light flickering.His chest and abdomen burst instantly, and with a horrified scream, his soul came out of his body, and he pulled out the amber sword soul and held it in his hand.

Just like Lin Fei's Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword, it is a weapon with a soul, even a primordial spirit can use it perfectly.

At this time, his state of primordial spirit is very strange, at one time he is the burly and domineering hero Chi You, at another time he is the gray-haired old man Feng Bo, and at another time he is a strong man with black beard.

The aggregate formed by the three has flickering light, and it seems that it may disintegrate at any time after leaving the physical body.

"Death!" Lin Fei suddenly jumped up, slashing out a boundless sword energy.


The sword energy like a vast sea drowned everything, and the screams of the three mixed together came from within.

After the sword energy passed by, everything was wiped out.

The outcome has been decided, and the dust has settled.

The gods of Gao Tianyuan trembled in their hearts, secretly thinking that this big devil really cannot be provoked, and it is best to hide away...

And Duan Canghai's eyes almost popped out, and he almost collapsed on the spot.

He originally thought that Chi You had the remnant soul of Master Feng Yu in his hands, and it would be easy to kill Lin Fei, but he never expected such a result.

You are dead, what the hell should I do? !

Duan Canghai didn't want to sit still, seeing Lin Fei withdraw from the state of fairy transformation and rushing from the sky like a streamer, he immediately gritted his teeth and sacrificed the Suying fairy sword.

And at this moment, he was shocked.

Suying Immortal Sword began to be unimaginably restless, trying to fly to where Lin Fei was, and even almost broke free from his restraint.

Duan Canghai instantly understood something, and his face became extremely ugly: "It's you?!"

It turns out that Lin Fei is the object Suying Immortal Sword wants to submit to!

Duan Canghai felt suffocated when he thought that he once sealed off Suying Sword and even threatened to kill the master he believed.

Kill Wansheng Tianzun?

Even if his cultivation base is greatly damaged now, Zhu Qingfeng and Chi You are a lesson from the past!

"No, you can't go anywhere!" Duan Canghai's expression changed, he roared, desperately trying to restrain Su Yingjian.

However, Suying's agitation was far beyond imagination, and the power of the fairy sword was displayed, causing his arm to shatter in an instant, turning into a blood mist!

"No!!!" Duan Canghai roared, his face was distorted, and his face was full of madness.

"I, Duan Canghai, a majestic sword demon, how can I not be worthy of you?"

"He is no longer the Wansheng Tianzun of the past, why do you have to have him!"

"Don't my kendo attainments deserve your approval?" Duan Canghai let out a hoarse roar as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

Lin Fei glanced at him and said lightly, "Kill him."


Immeasurable divine light burst out from the Suying Immortal Sword in an instant, and immediately turned around, stabbing towards Duan Canghai.

"Ha...haha! To the end of licking the dog...is there really nothing left?" Duan Canghai showed a self-deprecating and desperate smile, and slowly closed his eyes.


In a moon-white sword light, he collapsed and disintegrated on the spot, and the primordial spirit was not spared, and was annihilated directly.

Died by the immortal sword that he cared about the most, what kind of state of mind is in it, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

The Suying Immortal Sword turned back in an instant, hovering quietly beside Lin Fei, as if waiting for him to hold it.

Looking at the fairy sword that drove away and returned, he sighed indistinctly.

"Now that my cultivation is gone, the seal of Wanmoyuan is in danger. As long as the demons see through this point, they may invade at any time."

"It's an eventful time, and I hope you can temporarily guard the Myriad Demon Abyss on my behalf."

Lin Fei paused for a moment, and then said: "When I regain the throne, I will promise you the position of extreme dao."

Suying Immortal Sword seemed to understand, turned the blade over and nodded like a human.

Lin Fei grasped it from the air, and photographed the tiger soul knife that was far away: "This knife has a strong evil spirit, and it also has the soul of a holy beast, which can help you."


Amidst a loud bang, two beams of light, one red and one white, soared into the sky, directly tearing apart the void and breaking through Gao Tian's original plane.

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