I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 621 The saint comes out, the Yellow River clears

Tianyuan Jiange, Wanmo Yuan.

A beam of hundreds of meters of light crashed down and turned into a demon lock tower.

Immediately after, a blood-colored tiger roared, turning into a stone statue the size of a mountain and sinking into it.

But in Gao Tianyuan, Lin Fei sighed softly.

This is not a surefire solution.

When Lin Fei obtained the Sword of Immortal Execution, he heard the news from the Demon Race that the Seven Nights Demon Lord was temporarily unable to withdraw from the chaos in the north.

The key is here.It can make a devil emperor go to quell the chaos, and he can't get away temporarily...

In other words, his opponent is also a strong man of the same realm.Otherwise, the majesty of the great emperor can wipe out the enemies with a single thought, so how could it be impossible to get away?

I just hope that the unknown devil emperor can hold Qiye and his men as long as possible.Otherwise, without his own action, the two heavenly demons would be able to overturn the seal of Wanmo Yuan.

At that time, the whole world...

Well, it doesn't make sense to think about it.

Lin Fei sighed unrecognizably, and shook his head.

The battle between the two immortal emperors has reached a level that is unimaginable for ordinary immortals and demons.Perhaps the winner can be determined in just a few days, but it is also possible to use the Daoyun layout with each other to stand and stand against each other for 3000 years.

There have been such examples in history, the Great Emperor of the Spirit Race and the Great Emperor of the Shura Race fought for the ownership of 36 kingdoms of God.Others might be stupefied when they saw it, but they saw the two emperors sitting cross-legged and looking at each other, as if they didn't do anything.

That is, all kinds of divine patterns are densely covered around the two, which contain many terrifying powers of laws, which unfold into fields.

The true "detailed" level of battle uses the power to the limit. After more than 2000 years of confrontation, both of them remained motionless, not daring to show any flaws.In the battle area between the two, time and space are chaotic, and countless laws have been rewritten.

For example, the laws of death are forcibly distorted into "blink and die", "move and die", "speak and die" and so on;

And the meaning of time is even more bizarre. Maybe a moment has passed in the outside world, but the two people in the inside world have been confronting each other for a hundred years.It is also possible that the outside world has passed a thousand years, but in the eyes of the two, only one day has passed.

There is a reason why the realm of the Immortal Emperor makes countless talented people with shocking luck can only sigh in awe.After reaching that realm, he is no longer a life form that can be imagined by Tianmo Xuanxian. All kinds of powers, just a little bit, can make others die extremely strangely.

Even to the point of death, I didn't understand how I died...

During that battle, Xuanxian Guapi wanted to figure out the Dao Rune at close range, but he just froze in place.It wasn't until other people noticed something was wrong that they realized that he had only an empty shell left, and the primordial spirit had long been annihilated.

And those who are strong in the realm of the Immortal Emperor often don't make troubles to the point where they have to fight to the death.After all, it is not easy for anyone to ascend to this position, and who is willing to take the risk of life and death easily?

Therefore, when two camps with an Immortal Emperor each go to war, the poor one is often the strongest under it.Because the two immortal emperors will fall into a confrontation, it is more of a temptation.

Unless you are sure that the opponent is weaker than you and has a greater chance of winning, you will definitely not fight to the death.Any conflict of interest can be "peacefully resolved" by the victory or defeat of subordinates.

Of course, this peace is for the Immortal Emperor himself, but for their subordinates, it is a tragic purgatory-level fight.

"Woof! Bark!" Lin Fei's thoughts were interrupted by the barking of a dog.

The Sky Howling Demon Dog grinned at him, with saliva dripping from its mouth, as if it was about to pounce on it and bite at the next moment.

"Yang Jian's Roaring Dog? Poor, the body is still used by Duan Canghai after death."

"Forget it, I'll send you off." As soon as Lin Fei pointed out, a turquoise wave light directly sank into its body.

The devilish energy in Xiaotian Demon Dog's body quickly dissipated, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".

There seemed to be a trace of gratitude and relief in the slowly closed eyes, and then they closed heavily.Its physical body turned into countless light particles and scattered.


The Yellow River is surging, and the turbid waves are surging.

It has a total length of about 5464 kilometers and produces 16 billion tons of sediment every year, of which 12 billion tons flow into the sea, and the remaining [-] million tons remain in the lower reaches of the Yellow River for many years, forming an alluvial plain.

In history, there are not many records about the flooding of the Yellow River and the desolation of the people in the areas where it flows.

A large amount of sediment deposited makes the river water have a muddy yellow color all year round.No matter how it changes, it always carries the inherent yellow, which seems to be soaked in every drop of river water and cannot be changed.

When the sun goes down, if you are a poet, you may feel like the sun is setting in a long river.

But as a fisherman in the fishing village in the river basin, the white-haired old man didn't have such thoughts.Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water.

For him, every day is the same, but the harvest is different.

He was holding the fishing net, and the gray fish inside were still thrashing and struggling.

Suddenly, the Yellow River on the side let out an angry roar, which made the white-haired old man subconsciously look over.

With just one glance, he almost collapsed at the sight in front of him.


The sand that covered the sky and the sky sprang out from the Yellow River for no reason.

Like the yellow sand in the desert, without the slightest moisture, it covers the brilliance of the setting sun and casts a large shadow.

The old man was so frightened that he forgot to run for his life. Many folk legends about the Yellow River flashed in his mind.

However, no matter what kind of legend it is, there seems to be no saying that the Yellow River will suddenly set off a sandstorm on both sides of the river.

The old man closed his eyes in despair, thinking that he was dead.

"It's just a pity that I didn't see the baby find a wife."


Numerous sandstorms rushed toward the banks of the Yellow River, submerging everything.

Trees, flowers, rocks, and dams were not spared.

"I... I haven't died yet?" The old man trembled and touched his body.

Not only is it intact, but there are no particles of sand or dust on it.

"How is it possible?!" The old man spoke in dialect and looked around in horror.

The thick sand and dust had reached the position of submerging his waist.However, within one meter of his body, there was not a single grain of sand.

Even the fish are still alive and kicking, trying to break free from the shackles of the fishing net.

Although the old man has never believed in science all his life, he really wants to say that this is unscientific at this time!

Just when he was at a loss, a man's voice sounded: "Old man! You have nothing to do!"

"It's all right, how are you?!" The old man shouted at the top of his voice.

"I'm fine."

"This sandstorm is terrifying, I'm so shocked!" The old man's son was still in shock, and quickly climbed to the top of the piled sand and pulled the old man up.

After the old man climbed onto the sand, he suddenly found that many people at the entrance of the village were standing on the sand.

Under the setting sun like blood, these people looked straight in the direction of the Yellow River with shock and panic on their faces.

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