I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 623 The final hole card, jade and stone are burned

Yin Zong.

Yin Shuangtong showed horror, and suddenly covered his heart, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Ever since the huge change happened in the Yellow River, she had already had a strange feeling in her heart.

It seems that there is some important mission and power in the dark, which is about to descend on Yin Shuangtong.

Even at that moment, her blind double pupil saw a gleam of light through the white cloth, as if she would be completely illuminated the next moment.

But immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying and tyrannical force that took everything away without reason.

Yin Shuangtong understood everything.

She had the chance to ascend to the Holy Throne, but was snatched away by others!

"Shuang Tong, what's wrong with you?!" Seeing such an accident happened to the proud disciple, the suzerain Mo Li suddenly changed his face, and quickly played the piano.

The sound of the piano is like the ding-dong of flowing water, quiet and peaceful, exuding vitality, healing Yin Shuangtong's injury.

Yin Shuangtong didn't hide anything, and told the truth.

Mo Li's pupils shrank slightly, and his expression immediately became cold, full of murderous intent: "Who is so bold, dare to steal the saint's luck?!"

Yin Shuangtong wiped the blood on her lips, shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "Sovereign, that's fine. I really want to bear the fate of the human race and lead the human race out of desperation... For me In other words, this responsibility and burden is too great!"

Just thinking of that huge sense of responsibility, and even bearing the eyes of billions of people expecting, even a slight mistake is the sinner of the human race...

Yin Shuangtong felt suffocated for a while.

Mo Li froze for a moment, then sighed.

"It's just that this saint was born," Yin Shuangtong "looked" at the top of the sky, and murmured, "It may not be a good thing."


North Sea Ice Palace.

After Lin Fei dealt with Chi You and Duan Canghai, he rushed here directly.

Apart from Lin Kunpeng and Han Zhenbei, Ji Yaoguang and others are also here.

When everyone asked what was going on, Lin Fei simply told him that the Eastern Wilderness Rebellion had been put down by him, and that Chi You and Duan Canghai would never come back to life.

But even with such a victorious result, Lin Fei's complexion was not good.

Seeing his appearance like this, Lin Kunpeng felt his heart skip a beat, and couldn't help asking, "Master, what happened?"

Lin Fei took a deep breath and said, "The Yellow River has discharged a large amount of sediment, which has turned from turbid to clear. And a large amount of sediment covered the sky, but it didn't hurt anyone along the coast—any race, anything, or anything drowned in an instant."

Ji Yaoguang and the others didn't know why, but Ying Long, Nu Ba, and Lin Han changed their expressions in an instant.

"The sage comes out, the Yellow River is clear!" Lin Kunpeng said these six words immediately with a solemn face.

"The birth of a saint, shouldn't it be a good thing?" Ji Yaoguang wondered.

Looking at their appearance, why does it seem that the birth of a saint is a catastrophe?

Lin Fei shook his head, and explained simply: "The birth of a sage the day after tomorrow means that the human beings in this plane will be in great trouble, and it will be a catastrophe of genocide."

Ji Yaoguang, Wu Moling, and the four maids all changed their expressions in an instant.

"This shouldn't be!" Ji Yaoguang frowned, "Regardless of the turmoil in the Eastern Wilderness, or the crisis caused by Duan Canghai and Chi You, there was no such phenomenon as the Yellow River turning from turbid to clear. Why are these two major troubles so common? Solved, why is there still a saint coming to the world?"

Lin Fei immediately replied: "It's Di Jun. Zhu Qingfeng deduced his ultimate move, and he felt it because of the cause and effect. Di Jun wants to get rid of me with the help of the starry sky race. I think it won't be long before humans will I have seen aliens that I have fantasized about countless times."

Of course, aliens are real.

But whether it can be called a "person" is not necessarily the case.

Although the saint is the trump card condensed by the luck of the race, it does not mean that he will be invincible and crush all powerful enemies.

At best, it can only be called the last weapon of resistance.As for how big the gap is with the enemy and whether the problem can be solved, everything is unknown.

"Tianzun's insight is beyond our imagination. According to Tianzun, how sure is the saint to save the human race from the fire and water crisis this time?" Han Zhenbei asked quickly.

It concerns the entire human race.

No, it is even related to the fate of all living beings on the entire earth, and no one can stay out of it!

Lin Fei looked indifferent, and spit out two words that almost made people despair: "No."

How sure are you?

Nothing at all!

If there is no change, the saint is doomed to fall, the world will be stained with blood, and the whole world will feel the same sorrow!

Seeing that everyone's faces were pale, Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "Don't underestimate the multiverse. How long is the history of human beings, and how much can they accumulate? Imagine that some civilizations have existed for 10 or millions of years. , or even tens of millions of years, how deep will their heritage be?"

Lin Kunpeng was almost suffocated, feeling that his knowledge limited his imagination.

Naturally, he couldn't imagine what Lin Fei saw.

For example, a huge and weird female worm is directly entrenched on a planet, occupying nearly a quarter of its area.Various pipes protrude from its body, piercing directly into the ground, absorbing the resources of the entire planet;

For example, judging from the level of human scientific and technological progress, it is roughly equivalent to the scientific and technological civilization race after hundreds of industrial revolutions. They have already mastered space annihilation weapons, wormholes, and even space transitions. Even individual existence has a simplified version of personal galaxy-level weapons. Even a civilian can easily destroy a planet;

Another example is the life of a special cultivation system. Although they don't understand the cultivation established by Lin Fei, they have mastered the power of battle qi and magic...

The multiverse is vast, and if any race wants to be strong, it needs to have its own power system that can be developed.

There are many, many, and many others.

Lin Fei sighed softly, feeling that he was talking too much, and it was meaningless to tell them.

The only good news is that it is extremely difficult for life from other cosmic planes to come to the cosmic plane where the earth is located.

The cosmic will of this plane, that is, the way of heaven - it has not yet collapsed, how could it be easily destroyed by intruders from other planes?

During the brief silence, everyone was depressed, full of despair and confusion about the future.

"As a last resort," Lin Fei broke the silence, "There is a way to deal with this incident. As long as this universe exists, even if it is a kingdom of God hidden in a special plane, it is nothing to be afraid of. .”

Everyone was overjoyed and looked directly at him.

Lin Fei didn't say what the solution was, but only left a sentence: "I need to retreat, and it's best to break through to the Mahayana realm."

After the voice fell, he cut open a space channel and left directly with Ji Yaoguang and others.

After returning to the Unnamed Palace, Lin Fei spread out his palms.

The Magic Crystal of Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly appeared, shining brightly.

This is what he said.

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