I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 624 Holy Light fooling you

Han Zhenbei and Lin Kunpeng looked at each other with complicated expressions, not knowing what to say.

"I must have heard correctly just now. Patriarch means... to break through to the Mahayana realm?" Lin Kunpeng couldn't calm down for a long time, and even doubted life for a while.

Han Zhenbei gave a wry smile, and sighed: "There is no reason."

It was already extremely difficult for the two of them to practice at the early stage of Dongxu, but Lin Fei's goal was to break through to the Mahayana before the crisis came?

After a long silence, Lin Kunpeng also sighed: "I just hope he can succeed, otherwise we all have to die together."

He frowned slightly, then seemed to think of something, and said directly and decisively: "Brother Han, we need to stand up and do something!"

Han Zhenbei was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "What can we do? Even Tianzun is not enough to cut through the robbers now, we are just two early stages of the cave!"

When he said this, even he couldn't help laughing at himself.

They are the strong in the early stage of the dignified cave, and they seem to be insignificant at this moment?

Lin Kunpeng looked at him steadfastly, and said decisively: "Resources! Tianzun was once the strongest in the multiverse, and his cultivation speed is naturally far beyond our imagination. The only limitation is the reserve of cultivation resources."

"These cultivation resources fall on any one of us, and they are not enough to play a role in the shortest time, let alone solve the crisis of our human race. They are only useful in the hands of the patriarch!"

Han Zhenbei's face turned cold, and he finally understood: "You mean, you want us to plunder the cultivation resources of the entire earth?"

Lin Kunpeng sneered and said: "If the Patriarch loses, the whole earth will be ruined, and no one will be spared! We can release the news first, and I believe that most of the forces understand the priorities."

"The overall situation comes first, whoever dares to hide his secrets at this juncture..."

The two looked at each other, and then they said in unison, "Kill!"


The Kingdom of Eden.

Noah bowed his head on the ground, facing Jehovah.

"The luck of the human race has been won, you just stay in the Garden of Eden, you can't go anywhere." Like an ordinary old man, Yahweh picked a bright red fruit from the tree, and bit it down.

Noah remained silent.

Jehovah seemed to understand something, and immediately said with a smile: "Really? Because he inherited the luck of the human race, he was forcibly instilled with a sense of responsibility to protect and save mankind... Interesting, half of the blood of angels cannot be changed." Such an idea?"

Noah was shocked and knelt down even more piously.But his hands were clenched into fists, and he said in a trembling voice, "My kind Father God, God loves his people, and those humans are your people, why don't you let me save them?"

Yahweh's face remained unchanged, he sat on the ground, patted his head as if treating a dog, and said with a smile: "My child, you have been influenced by the saintly personality."

"A group of humble ants, what is worthy of my love? War, plunder, conspiracy, and even such things as sons killing fathers, and changing sons to eat, what qualifications do human beings have for my favor?"

"I'm a god, child. It seems to be infinitely glorious, but I can't rely on myself to practice. Do you understand what it means?"

Speaking of this, Jehovah's expression was a little distorted, with a trace of hatred: "It means that I don't want to do anything, even humble human beings can surpass me, surpass me, and even kill me!"

Noah's face was pale, as if he understood something, he clenched his teeth tightly.

"If it wasn't for the Ten Thousand Saints who created the path of self-cultivation and allowed everyone to practice, how could the status of the gods have fallen to what it is today? Hehe, a monk called the Transcending Tribulation Period can kill all ordinary true gods -"

"Do you know what Wansheng Tianzun did? He made people no longer fear the gods, no longer obey the decrees of the gods, and even made the gods tremble and fear, for fear that one day they will be killed by humans who are successful in cultivation!"

Yahweh let out a long sigh when he said this, and his expression was extremely complicated.It seems to have fear and hatred towards Lin Fei, but there is also an unconcealable reverence and yearning: "The extremely weak human beings have created a complete system that can be cultivated by him, and they have suddenly become cultivators, and even me. Waiting for the dream fairy..."

"As a god, I can only recruit believers. Only by relying on them to provide the power of faith can I improve my strength and reach a higher level. Don't you think this is a kind of sadness?"

Noah was dripping with cold sweat, but he still struggled to speak: "Since this is the case, then human beings are also useful to you. You can bless them and let them continue to believe in you."

Yahweh ate up the fruit and threw the core behind him.After landing, it takes root and sprouts and grows rapidly.

"If it's normal, it's okay for you to think so. But now..." He sighed, and said, "The Immortal Emperor wants the Ten Thousand Saints to fall, can you understand?"

"If you sincerely want to stop the war and protect mankind, then kill Wansheng Tianzun." Jehovah said firmly, "Once he dies, the world will be safe. Killing one person to save the world is a great mercy, do you understand?"

Noah suddenly raised his head, a holy light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was extremely firm.

"Go, the Holy Light protects you." Jehovah smiled and handed out a silver cross.

Noah responded and stood up.


Behind him spread out a pair of holy white wings, fluttering and flying, passing through the invisible plane barrier, leaving layers of ripples.

Looking at this scene, Yahweh narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a hint of longing.

Noah is both human and angel.

Human beings can walk on the earth, while angels can travel to and from the Garden of Eden.Before the plane barrier was completely broken through, he was the only one who could travel freely between the two worlds.

But... now it's different.

With that silver cross, Jehovah can be projected into the world for a short time.

The rays of light behind Yahweh condensed, and there were distortion marks in the space, and the seraphim suddenly appeared: "God, as long as the All Saints are destroyed, will the catastrophe end?"

Jehovah calmly said, "I lied to him."

Seraphim didn't seem surprised, but just sighed softly: "It's a pity, there are so many believers."

Maybe outside the Milky Way, at this time, the flagship is standing and the enemy is coming, so how could it be possible to stop because of the fall of Wansheng Tianzun?

It is not impossible that Jehovah did not open the connection between the Garden of Eden and the human world.

But dare not.

He didn't want to face those terrifying existences.

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