I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 625 The big deal is to loot the kingdom of God

Since entering the early stage of the cave, Lin Fei's cultivation resources have grown exponentially.

Although the number of spirit stones obtained from Gao Tianyuan is large, they cannot withstand such a toss.

Ying Long, Nu Ba, Ji Yaoguang, Wu Moling, the four maids, Chen Longxiang, Bai Zhan, the exhaustion of the ten people before this was already horrifying.It is also because of this that their cultivation can progress so quickly.

Especially for Nuba and Yinglong, the practice in a short period of time is already comparable to the achievements of others in hundreds or even thousands of years.

Fortunately, apart from this, Lin Feidang's pacification of the turmoil in the Eastern Wilderness was also extremely rewarding.

He made full use of the corpses of monsters to refine various elixirs.The effect is quite astonishing, causing the Heavenly Demon Palace to exclaim at every turn.

It was the first time to practice the elixir, and the whole Wuming Palace was filled with the fragrance of the medicine, and the Zixia came from the east, filled with the majestic breath of life.The vegetation grew wildly and lushly everywhere, almost covering the sky above the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The entire Heavenly Demon Palace was filled with exclamation, which was extremely sensational.

"What kind of elixir is this, how can it be so amazing?"

"Let me go, this is the five-rank immortal source pill in the realm of Dongxu, right? Isn't the seventh junior brother just in the early stage of transforming gods, how can he refine such a divine pill?!"

"No, even if my son is shy and owes a favor to a grown-up, he still has to ask Seventh Junior Brother for it!"

The people who didn't know who were eating melons were stunned. It was obvious that the news that "No Name" was Lin Fei hadn't spread, and only Lin Kunpeng knew about it in the entire Heavenly Demon Palace.

Su Tianshuang had just broken into the early stage of God Transformation, and originally wanted to show off to the seventh junior brother, saying, "You see, I have caught up with you, and I will completely surpass you in a short time. I am the real genius of heaven". Unexpectedly, such an accident happened.

He came outside the Wuming Palace, thought about his words a little bit, and thought about how to ask for the pill without losing his status too much.

"Ahem." Su Tianshuang finished thinking, cleared his throat, and knocked on the door.

dong dong dong-

Just as the knock on the door sounded, another ray of light rose into the sky in the Wuming Palace.


The colorful rays of light jumped into the sky, and then condensed into a fairy.What's more, the reeds are green and undulating in the wind.

"Damn!" Su Tianshuang's eyes widened, but he couldn't maintain his demeanor, and fell to the ground with his ass.

"The reeds are green and the white dew is frost. This is the five-color white dew pill?!" He made a terrified voice as if he had seen a ghost.

Su Tianshuang felt suspicious of life for a while, and even thought that the person inside was not the seventh junior brother Wuming, but the master Lin Kunpeng.

But even so, it doesn't make sense at all.

First of all, it is extremely difficult to refine such top-quality pills. Even Lin Kunpeng, who has a profound knowledge of alchemy, takes about 49 to [-] days to practice.This doesn't even mention the chance of failing to train a useless pill, let alone such a perfect grade.

Secondly, there is the issue of materials. Although the Heavenly Demon Palace has a profound foundation, it is absolutely impossible to refine such a magical pill!

"Shenjun's spirit?" Su Tianshuang was like a melon skin, his whole body was dumbfounded, messed up in the wind.

And even after such a delay, a large number of members of the Heavenly Demon Palace had already gathered around him, Jiang Qingyue and Liu Meng were also impressively listed.

"With such a short interval, two top-grade pills of the Void Realm have been refined successively?!"

"Could it be that there are two medical immortals inside, each making alchemy?"

"It doesn't make sense. Even an old medical immortal with ten thousand years of experience in alchemy would need at least seven days to practice it? Besides, where did we get the immortal medical doctor from the Heavenly Demon Palace?"

Everyone looked at each other and saw the shock and bewilderment on each other's faces.

Jiang Qingyue widened her big watery eyes, and took the lead in making an astonishing conjecture: "Could it be... Patriarch Lin Fei, right?!"

There was an uproar in the audience, but many people already agreed with this statement.

Other than that, they really couldn't imagine who else could do it to such an extent!

Immediately after that, a new question arose—how could Wansheng Tianzun be in the Unnamed Palace?

Lin Fei noticed the commotion and hustle and bustle outside, but he didn't have any mood swings because of it.He was the first to take out the Rank Five Immortal Origin Pill and swallowed it directly.


There was a sudden roar in Lin Fei's body, and a huge force exploded directly in his body, as if it wanted to blow through the entire sea of ​​energy.

The medicinal property of Rank Five Immortal Origin Pill can be said to be violent and even ferocious, extremely fierce and domineering.Even if it was Jiang Qingyue with a Taiyin body who had cultivated to the early stage of cave void, and just swallowed it like this, I am afraid that the sea of ​​​​qi will be severely injured and the original source will be hurt.

If it wasn't for such a special physique, it would have exploded on the spot, and the primordial spirit would have been torn to pieces, and it would have ended miserably.

But in Lin Fei's sea of ​​qi, the light of chaos emerged, and the golden lotus floated and bloomed in the air, shedding a large amount of glow, forcibly absorbing it for his own use.Although the majestic medicinal power only split into a small part, it rushed like a torrent towards Qihai, Daotai, and Yuanying, and washed over his limbs and bones, washing his body.

But more of it turned into a rainbow light that directly submerged into his eyebrows and spiritual platform, nourishing the primordial spirit.

At this time, Lin Fei was full of divine light, and the center of his brows was even more dazzling.During his breathing, there was surprisingly abundant spiritual power, which turned into a light snake, lingering between his mouth and nose.

The speed at which he refines the medicinal power for his own use is beyond imagination. It usually takes one to three months for a monk of the same realm to refine such medicinal power, and even a saint with double pupils needs to retreat for several days.

But this process only took Lin Fei three quarters of an hour.

At this time, the strength of his primordial spirit, physical body, and sea of ​​qi had all increased, but he still hadn't reached the middle stage of the void.

Both advantages and disadvantages, Lin Fei's physical body and soul are both born of chaos, this is his capital to sweep the same realm, but it is also an obstacle to his practice.His primordial spirit and physical body were like a bottomless pit, devouring enough medicinal power to blow up other monks, but still failed to raise his level.

Lin Fei was not surprised at this point.

What is needed to improve the realm of the chaotic body, is it more than ordinary physical strength?

It is not obvious that Lin Fei had mountain-like spiritual stones as his background before the realm of the void.Although the consumption of practice is slightly exaggerated, it is still affordable.

But now, the clues are showing.It is already extremely difficult for an ordinary hole-vulnerable person to improve his cultivation base, and it is even more difficult for a chaotic body.

For others, it is naturally extraordinary to refine a large number of cave monsters into pills.

But in Lin Fei's opinion... a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps who can be swept away by him, how high can the value be?

A Rank [-] Immortal Origin Pill that caused a sensation in the entire Heavenly Demon Palace couldn't let him break through a small realm!

"It doesn't matter about the cultivation resources. At worst, we will loot them again in another kingdom of God." Lin Fei thought to himself.

For some reason, Yahweh, who was far away in the Garden of Eden, suddenly felt a chill and even sneezed.

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