I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 627 A Warning Across Time and Space


Noah flapped his wings and made a terrifying sound of sonic boom.

His figure "swished" like a stream of light, like a dead dog, he pinched Lin Kunpeng by the back of the neck and lifted him up: "You have a very evil and fierce aura on you, let the holy light purify your body with the soul."

As soon as the words fell, holy light like flowing water poured directly into Lin Kunpeng's body from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

"Ah!!" Lin Kunpeng uttered a terribly shrill cry, only feeling that there was a raging flame burning in his chest and even his whole body.


He spit out a mouthful of blood again, but the blood evaporated and turned into red light as soon as it was exported, and disappeared.

"The Xiaocheng Demon Physique, which I cultivated after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, you ruined it for me?!" Lin Kunpeng's eyes were tearing apart, and his whole body was already extremely weak.

In other words, his physical body now is no different from that of ordinary monks at the early stage of Dongxu.Even as weak as him, even if the weakest cave monster popped out of Donghuang, he could easily kill him.

"Tell me where the Ten Thousand Saints are, or I will give you death." Noah had a look of pity on his face, as if he was sympathizing with Lin Kunpeng who went astray and cultivated himself into a demon.

And this kind of pity and sympathy is the greatest humiliation to Lin Kunpeng!

"You kill me!" Lin Kunpeng hissed while enduring the pain.

The strength of this birdman... is far beyond imagination!

Lin Kunpeng asked himself, in the state of Heavenly Demon Transformation, he was considered an outstanding player in the middle stage of the cave, but he was so vulnerable in front of this bird man.The most frightening thing is that there seems to be some kind of world-killing power dormant in this bird-man.

He was worried that the current situation of the patriarch would meet him... he would die!

"My kind father, please forgive your child." Noah muttered softly, and then his palm turned into nothingness and penetrated into Lin Kunpeng's head.

Lin Kunpeng felt his whole mind explode in an instant, and screamed hoarsely in pain.

However, it was Noah who changed his face, and stretched out his hand like lightning, showing a terrified expression, not daring to forcibly spy on his Sea of ​​Consciousness memory.

Because at that moment, Noah saw an extremely terrifying vision.

Those were a pair of cold and deep eyes, which slowly opened in the pitch black bottomless abyss.A figure like a demon god warned him across time and space.

will die!

If you ignore the warning and forcibly attack him, you will definitely die!

Do not--

Noah has great luck and can even clearly feel the dangerous atmosphere.

It's not a matter of his death, his father God, and even the entire Garden of Eden will be buried with him!

"Yuan?" Noah didn't know why, and suddenly spit out the word in a trembling voice.

He spit out his divine thoughts, but the source of information formed by them was vague, and it sounded like a strange and meaningless sound.

Even Noah showed a blank look, completely forgetting what he said before.

He looked at Lin Kunpeng and seemed to understand something: "You have the blood of a certain existence flowing in your body, but it's too thin."

Noah didn't dare to forcibly probe Lin Kunpeng's sea of ​​consciousness, let alone kill him.

But it doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with Lin Kunpeng.

"Oracle Power Word!" Noah waved his hand, and in an instant, soft and windy light particles scattered.

Seeing that Lin Kunpeng's eyes became dazed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this trick is still effective. The lord must have sealed some secret in his mind. I touched the seal before alarming him..."

Noah thought so, and then asked aloud: "Where is the Ten Thousand Saints?"

Lin Kunpeng seemed to have lost his sanity, and murmured, "The Heavenly Demon Palace, the Nameless Palace."

Noah frowned, and immediately said, "Take me there."


Heavenly Demon Palace.

Lin Fei was retreating, but suddenly there was a loud noise like thunder above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the holy light was mighty and mighty, flooding the sky.

As soon as Noah came to this world, he immediately showed a look of extreme disgust.Unlike the immortal cultivators, the aura emitted by these demon cultivators made him feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart, and he wanted to kill them quickly.

The entire Heavenly Demon Palace was in an uproar, and an unknown number of people suddenly raised their heads to look at the sky.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that the deputy palace lord was half dead and held in the hands of a strange man with wings.


"Who is this bird man, and why is he carrying the deputy palace master?"

"What kind of power is that above the sky, why does it make my soul tingle just by looking at it?!"

In the horrified voice of everyone, Noah dropped Lin Kunpeng.


Lin Kunpeng hit the ground face first, smashing a deep hole in the ground.


"Vice Palace Mistress!"

Everyone in Tianmo Palace was in a mess, and a group of people rushed up directly.

"All foreign gods are nothingness, but Jehovah created the heavens." Noah didn't speak, but his sincere and reverent voice resounded like an aria.

From the Bible, Psalm Chapter 96.


Noah seemed to be transformed into a scorching sun, bursting out with immeasurable holy light in an instant.

Under the baptism of such holy light, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Demon Palace members will be wiped out!

Everyone in Tianmo Palace was scared out of their wits in an instant.



Even escaping is a luxury!

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Get lost!"


The holy light like a torrential river unexpectedly rolled back and slapped Noah hard.


There was another loud noise, and Noah flew upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Everyone in the Tianmo Palace was immediately overjoyed, they turned their heads almost in unison, and looked towards the direction of the Unnamed Palace.

I saw Lin Fei flying up into the air step by step, looking at Noah with a cold expression: "Birdman, are you courting death?"


This is the name for a noble being who has both the blood of Seraphim and the personality of a saint. Are you in the same line? !

Noah looked at him deeply. Although he had never seen him before, he had already guessed his identity based on his strength.

Halloween God!

The strongest among countless trillions of creatures in the multiverse!


That was just once.

"Wansheng Tianzun has a heart for the human race, I just want to ask you one thing this time." Noah said sincerely, with a feeling of courtesy first and then soldiers.

"Say." Lin Fei sneered, feeling that the bird man was wasting his time.

"Please go to death." Noah said the extremely outrageous request solemnly, as if it was only right and proper.

After a brief silence, the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace burst into laughter.

"Do you want to laugh at me to death so that you can inherit my Heavenly Demon Fan?"


"Su Tianshuang, I also want to learn from him - please, can you please die?"

"Hahaha, no!"

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