I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 628 What are you talking about?

Noah frowned deeply.

These people have already seen his divine power, and it is easy to wipe them out.But they still dare to disrespect themselves, what does this mean?

"They think that the Ten Thousand Saints are enough to defeat me, so they can sit back and relax?" Noah sneered when he thought of this.


He bears the blood of the most noble seraphim, but also has the personality of a saint, and he is born with holy bones.Coupled with the strength of the high-level god realm, how difficult is it to kill Wansheng Tianzun?

Yahweh has already known from Di Jun that Zhu Qingfeng, who showed strength in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe, fell into Lin Fei's hands, but he was not without strength in a fight.

Inferring from this, it is not difficult to know that Lin Fei's strength is also in the early stage of crossing the tribulation, corresponding to the early stage of the high god.

"All Saints," Noah's voice resounded through the world again, "If you die, the catastrophe of the earth will end. In the name of a saint, please die for the sake of the overall situation."

Lin Fei smiled: "You were limped by that old man's holy light? Do you believe this kind of nonsense?"

Noah's face turned cold, and his words were already filled with fierce killing intent: "Don't be rude to God! The merciful father walks in the sky and looks at the world. If you are rude to God, you are already disrespectful and lose your temper. Luck and the protection of the Lord!"

He has dedicated his soul, life, glory, and everything he has to the Lord devoutly.In other words, from the beginning of his birth, his origin has been completely rewritten by Jehovah, with endless loyalty and faith.

Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore.

He had already seen that Noah was the perfect creation of Jehovah.That bad old man has a long-term plan. I'm afraid he has been planning for a rainy day, waiting for the opportunity for Noah to steal the human throne.

To put it bluntly, Noah is a tool man.And the most important basis for being a tool man is loyalty, and Jehovah has paid a lot of money in this regard.Otherwise, if he turned against him, I was afraid that the old stick of Yahweh would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Lin Fei didn't want to kill Noah.

After all, this guy was just fooled and limped, thinking that killing himself would quell the catastrophe, and the starting point was for the entire human race.In addition, he bears the personality of a saint. Once the human race falls and loses its power, it may increase the risk factor of this catastrophe, or accelerate the time for the catastrophe to come.

Luck is the general trend of heaven!

Ordinary people may feel that it is illusory, and even half-believing.But Lin Fei has lived for a full [-] million years, so he couldn't understand the true meaning of it.

For a race that has lost its luck, the disaster of extinction may befall its head at any time.And a race with great luck, no matter what kind of troubled times it is in, must be united and constantly progress and become stronger.

Not to mention the luck of the race, it is an extremely terrible thing for an individual to have great luck.

For example, Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was also known as the "son of the plane".

At that time, he had only 40 troops against Wang Mang's 2 troops. It was truly a battle that was sure to lose.But it was this battle that established Liu Xiu's legendary status. First, meteorites fell from the sky, directly hitting the enemy's core position, and then heavy rain fell from the sky. , easily defeated the opposite army.

According to inaccurate records, it is possible that a meteorite fell from the sky and killed 30 soldiers under Wang Mang's command...

Stories in history are so absurd and bizarre, even his mother's novels dare not write like this!

Another example is a certain Maoist great leader who founded New China, and the legendary stories are even more difficult to repeat.

This is luck!

Unreal, but real!

"You go, I won't kill you." Lin Fei said calmly, "If the sage falls, the catastrophe that will come soon after, I'm afraid it will soon fall on human beings. Even the natural disaster will turn into An annihilation catastrophe with no hope in sight."

Noah sneered, filled with disgust and resentment and said: "Tianzun Wansheng, so it seems that you are unwilling to sacrifice one person to complete the world?"

Not only everyone in the Tianmo Palace, but even Yinglongnvba couldn't stand it any longer, and directly sneered and called him an idiot and a fool.

"Tianzun is the only hope. You want to protect human beings, but you want to kill him instead? Is the holy light in your mind?"

"Don't, don't, Master Yinglong, you are too ruthless, pretending to be holy light in your head? This is more insulting than pretending to be shit in your head."

"Hahaha, Wang Ping, you speak so vulgarly, but I like it!"

"Hehe, that's exactly the case. What's more, a mere birdman wants to kill Tianzun? Brother, I'm afraid you haven't woken up? Why are you living in a dream!"

At this time, everyone also burst into laughter: the atmosphere inside and outside the Unnamed Palace was full of joy.

Lin Fei didn't bother to complain, the poor guy Noah was obviously brainwashed, and he couldn't be a reasonable existence at all.

"Master Patriarch, let's fight! You can't reason with this bird man!"

"Master Patriarch, just let go and fight, don't worry about us being affected!"

After Su Tianshuang finished speaking, Dang even turned his hand over, and a demon arena appeared in his palm, and he threw it directly at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei grabbed it and threw it high into the air again.


In an instant, an extremely vast palace sank and floated in the ocean of devilish energy, which made Noah feel uncomfortable and disgusted from the bottom of his heart.What's more, there was a great attraction coming from this palace, as if it wanted to force him into it.

"Stupid! It's just a trivial magic weapon, trying to—"

Noah's voice stopped abruptly, and a terrified voice suddenly came out: "Ah, no! Why?!"

The slap in the face came too unexpectedly, he and Lin Fei had both entered the Demon Arena.

"What are you trying to do? Go on, I won't stop you." Lin Fei said indifferently.

There was another burst of laughter from the Tianmo Palace, which made Noah so angry that he wanted to kill these bastards.

But his heart was also filled with panic, never expecting that the attraction emanating from this palace would make him unable to escape.

"It's just a moment of carelessness." Noah forced himself to calm down and sneered, "I am a person from the kingdom of God in the Garden of Eden. As long as I activate the inspiration of the kingdom of God, I will be able to return to the Garden of Eden in an instant."

"No matter what magic weapon you have, it is impossible to stop the power of God!"

Noah was quite confident, and immediately chanted the weird angel language, full of holy breath and power.

"My merciful father, please take care of your people and return to the embrace of the Garden of Eden again!" He pointed at the sky suddenly, and in an instant, a beam of light piercing the sky appeared.

Around him, there are a few phantoms of angels in the shape of babies descending and surrounding, as if they want to lure Noah away.

The special effects are gorgeous and the scenes are so shocking that Catholic believers will kneel and kowtow if they see it.

However it was of no use.

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