Noah was completely dumbfounded.

He blinked twice, then looked up strangely at the top of his head, with a "you're fucking kidding me" expression on his face.

After a brief silence, there was another burst of cheerful laughter in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"I'll go, seeing how exaggerated he is, I thought I could really get rid of the shackles of God's creation!"

"This bird man is putting on airs, making it look like the savior, so it's a two hundred and five!"

"Are you here to be funny?"

Amid such voices, Noah's face turned blue and red.

"Impossible, impossible! This is obviously the power of God, why can't it lead me out of this place? Could it be that God has abandoned me and no longer cares for me?!" When he thought of this, he panicked for no reason.

The feeling of being abandoned by the god of faith, just thinking about it makes Noah almost desperate.

"Don't think about it," Lin Fei said lightly, "If the kid who created the Demon Arena is alive, he can crush the old magic stick you believe in with one finger."

Noah shuddered, thinking of the warning that came across time and space.

Those cold and deep pupils that slowly opened like annihilation made him almost unable to breathe just thinking about it, as if his neck was strangled by an invisible force.

Noah had to force himself to calm down and quickly perceive this strange space of magic weapons.Immediately afterwards, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved, completely relieved.

This level of magic weapon is beyond imagination, but it does not have any lethality.What I have to say is that it is extremely strong, and it can trap people in it for a while.

Judging from the information analyzed by the holy light true seeing technique, it is not difficult to leave.Either kill the opponent, or wait for a while to be free, or the holder takes the initiative to release the trapped person, in short, it itself does not have any danger.

Of course, it is also okay to completely destroy this magic weapon. This is to break all laws with one force and break the rules of this magic weapon.

But this is too difficult for others. Even if the Lord is here, he has to "follow the rules" honestly.

"Wansheng Tianzun, are you so confident?" Noah sneered and said, "It's a pity, the person you met was me, the person favored by God, the holy person, and the blood of Seraphim Skywalker!"

"Since you are unwilling to die for righteousness, then I will grant you death. Don't worry, you won't die too painfully—it is your supreme honor to die in the arms of the Holy Light!"

Lin Fei responded to him with only two words: "Noisy."


As soon as the words fell, he stepped into the state of immortality and demon transformation. The half-immortal and half-devil appearance was full of mystery and strange aura, exuding terrifying power fluctuations, sweeping the entire Heavenly Demon Arena.

At this time, Lin Fei's aura was stronger than when he fought against Zhu Qingfeng and Chi You. He was also in the state of immortal transformation, but he was already wandering between the great perfection of the cave and the early stage of the tribulation.

Crossing the tribulation in half a step!

However, Noah didn't take it seriously, and even sneered: "Sure enough, Wansheng Tianzun has unimaginable supernatural powers. It's a pity, but half a foot has stepped into the threshold of a high-level god... You are destined to stain the sky with blood today , to ensure peace forever!"

"God said, let there be light!"


After his words fell, the boundless holy light flooded everything, as if it wanted to purify Lin Fei directly.

"Speaking at such a level is not easy to follow?!"

"What a terrible breath!" Everyone's expression changed immediately, and they felt a burst of panic from the heart.

This kind of holy light seems to be born with extremely strong restraint against demon cultivators, and can cause almost double the terrifying destructive power!

Even Lin Kunpeng, who had seen Noah's methods, was horrified in his heart, knowing that even if he was in the state of the demon transformation, he would die if he was rubbed by a ray of holy light.

But in the field, it is not a question of a ray of holy light.

Instead, it overwhelmed the entire Heavenly Demon Arena!

Ji Yaoguang's heart thumped suddenly, and he looked up at the sky with a pale face.

Many people were also panicked, worrying about Lin Fei's life and death.

This seemingly funny birdman... is beyond imagination!

If Lin Fei was still in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, even if he was injured by the Great Dao, everyone would definitely not have the slightest worry, and would even laugh and wait to see how the bird man would be hanged and beaten.

But now that Lin Fei only had less than the strength of the early stage of crossing the tribulation, would he... fall under this blow?

Noah's clothes fluttered all over his body, and with a lofty attitude, he said in a compassionate tone: "All Saints, you died for the peace of the world, it is considered a martyrdom, and you will be honored when you die. Don't worry, I will report to God, Let him record your glory for future generations to admire!"

Everyone in Tianmo Palace was in an uproar and felt a burst of indescribable panic.

What does he mean by that?

Could it be that the Ten Thousand Saints have fallen? !

Ji Yaoguang trembled all over, feeling her heart constricting violently, as if being tightly clenched by an invisible big hand, causing a burst of pain.

But at this moment, an extremely calm voice came out from the ocean of holy light: "I don't speak a word, my mind is strange."


Just like a decree descended by an immortal, commanding the heaven and the earth, sweeping away the universe.The holy light in this space dissipated in an instant, and the entire Heavenly Demon Arena seemed to have been carefully wiped by water, clear and clean.

Only Noah's body was still shrouded in a blazing beam of light.

His pupils contracted sharply, and he said in horror, "How did you do it?"

True God has the power to control a space with verbal orders, and is almost the master of life and death in that space, he naturally knows this.

But the key point is that this kind of crushing dominance is only useful to those below the true god.When there are two ruler-like true gods in a space, it is natural that their words and thoughts will not work, they can only cancel each other out, and the winner will be determined by the strength of the body.

"I am a high-ranking god. If you want to counteract my oracle, you should also be a high-ranking god!"

"An ordinary true god, why can he resist the will of a high-level god?!" Noah was really shocked, his heart seemed to have set off layers of turbulent waves, and his heart was beating wildly.

It's not scientific at all... Phew, it's not theological at all!

Why can he break this iron-like law?

Standing on the top of the palace, Lin Fei looked down at him, and said calmly, "Oracle? Command the world? It is true that your power to speak out the law is a level higher than mine, but your utilization rate is too low."

The overwhelming holy light looks majestic and terrifying, but in fact it disperses the power extremely, and [-]% of it is a waste.

What's more, Noah is a strong man who has been forcibly infused with power, and his mastery of appalling.

Lin Fei's one sentence made him despair on the spot: "I can control the power to the atomic level, how about you?"

At this moment, Noah wanted to die.

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