I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 630 bells and whistles, 1 punch

Two hundred million years of experience.

It seems to be a very simple sentence, but it is a very scary thing to think about!

Lin Fei's mastery of power at its peak was enough to be down to the quark level.The so-called quarks are the smallest matter in the universe.Any opponent he slays will not leave even a quark...

This is the experience he has mastered through countless uses of power over the past two hundred million years.In his opinion, it is very normal, it is nothing more than five words: no one, only familiarity.

Although Lin Fei's cultivation base has been greatly damaged now, his experience is still there.The reason why he can't reach the peak use is only because of his lack of strength.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to knowing how to do something, but not having the corresponding ability to match it.

Of course, even so, it was enough to scare everyone present.

"Original... atomic level?!" Noah's voice was trembling, full of unconcealable fear.

He swallowed his saliva, and then roared as if escaping from reality: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! Rao is the Almighty God, but he is only barely enough to destroy elements, and you have touched the threshold of the high god. How is it possible to destroy atoms?!"

Not only him, but everyone in the Tianmo Palace who had a basic understanding of modern physics was in an uproar.

Of course, more people are still confused.I don't understand what "atoms" and "molecules" are, and what it means to be able to grasp the power to this level.

"Die! You blasphemer!" Noah roared violently, and slashed off with the knife in his hand.

Holy Light Slash!


A crescent-shaped divine light cut out instantly, making a terrifying sonic boom, as if it wanted to split Lin Fei in two.

Everyone exclaimed for a while, and before they could even react, they saw the holy light shattered and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Kunpeng was horrified. Although there were large afterimages in the screen of his consciousness, he could barely guess what happened based on the screen.

Facing this evil-slaying holy light that cut everything, Lin Fei just pointed at a position like a sword, and defeated it directly.

How did you do it? !

Lin Kunpeng pursed his lips and looked at Lin Fei excitedly, feeling completely incomprehensible!

This is so fucking out of line, it has already surpassed what his vision and strength can comprehend!

Noah was also almost suffocated, and he never expected such a ridiculous thing to happen.

"Too weak. Really..." Lin Fei sighed softly, his eyes full of disappointment and hidden worry, "Too weak."

Is this the contemporary saint?

With the catastrophe coming, I'm afraid he won't survive a second in the face of those extraterrestrial creatures...

Can he really help against the catastrophe?

Lin Fei's words were just emotion from the bottom of his heart, but they caused a huge commotion.


The audience was full of voices.

Can this Nima be called weak?

Su Tianshuang was even more stunned, looked at Lin Fei with admiration, and murmured: "As expected of the Patriarch, I wish I could have you acting so aggressive..."

Liu Meng glared at him immediately, and gave him a "slap" on the forehead: "What nonsense? This is called strong demeanor, this is called handsome, and this is called arrogant!"

Su Tianshuang was dumbfounded, and immediately yelled: "Aren't you still pretending to say these things? You are a nympho, and you are fascinated by him, right?"

Seeing Liu Meng's weird and ungrateful smile, he immediately put on a solemn face, and said righteously: "The patriarch is really handsome, outrageous, utterly tragic, lawless, unparalleled in the past and present, fascinated by thousands of girls, which makes my heart ache." Admiration!"

Noah in the field felt like a funny clown at this moment, his face was pale and full of horror.

"Your grasp of power is not worthy of the power you have." Lin Fei seemed to lose his patience, and his voice became cold, "Even in this holy light slash, its composition is still a bit weak. Existence—don't you feel ashamed?"

This is an extremely embarrassing phenomenon. For a person with strong self-esteem, I am afraid that he will commit suicide.

However, this kind of situation will not happen to anyone who has cultivated normally, even the weakest person in a certain realm.Only people who have no experience at all and who have been forcibly raised several levels can show such absurd phenomena.

The strength of every inch of Holy Light Slash is uneven, and there are even structural weaknesses...

Based on his formidable strength, it is still no problem to kill the ordinary Dongxu late stage powerhouse with this blow.

But he was facing Lin Fei, so it became a complete joke.

"Shut up!" Noah couldn't bear this humiliation, and his ears were burning immediately.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Die!" He yelled violently, directly urging the holy bone.


In his chest cavity, infinite runes shot out in an instant.It contains gossip runes such as Qiankun Lizhenkan, the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and even the four-image gods such as Suzaku and Xuanwu, which condense into an unimaginable robbery.

Even with the Heavenly Demon Arena blocking them, everyone could feel the suffocating oppressive aura.There was also a thought of incomparable reverence that suddenly emerged, causing many monks whose spirits were not strong enough to kneel down directly.


The monks below the realm of transforming gods all knelt down in an instant!

That is the breath of a saint. All human races who have not transformed into a demigod body should be in awe of themselves and kneel and kowtow!

The appearance of this cataclysmic light caused even the entire Heavenly Demon Palace to tremble, rising and falling in the vast ocean of demonic energy!

"I do not have time--"

Lin Fei cast Thunderbolt Netherworld Bastard in an instant, gathered the power of Thunderbolt Netherworld in his body, and attacked this ray of robbery head-on.

"Play house with you!"

With a loud shout, Lin Fei brazenly swung his right arm, which was surrounded by endless thunder and ghost power, and blasted straight at the light of four images, five elements and eight trigrams.


The clouds in the sky were torn and shattered, and endless energy storms surged wildly.

There are Suzaku weeping blood and screaming, Xuanwu's carapace crumbles, green dragon scales splatter, and white tiger's flesh and blood fly.

The iron fist entwined with the power of the ghost thunder smashed the four elephants, pierced the five elements, and penetrated the gossip!


In Noah's terrified pupils, a fist that was getting bigger and bigger was reflected.


This punch didn't land on him, but just the wind of the punch made his chest sag, as if he had been hit hard.

Noah was like a kite with a broken string, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and flew upside down.

In the air, blood-stained white feathers fluttered.

Noah fell on the ground, staring blankly at the sky, unable to recover for a long time.


Why is this so?

I am clearly already a mid-stage high-ranking god, and I even have sacred bones, which condense the power of the four images, five elements and eight trigrams.

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