I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 632 Can't beat it?then frighten him

So exciting, so passionate!

Everyone in the Tianmo Palace felt the fearless demeanor of the patriarch, and everyone became excited.

Right, that is it!

Who cares what the gods and main gods are, why are they superior, why do they decide everything, why do they treat human beings as ants after they are born, and why do they have the power to control life and death?

We have our patriarch here, even if it is the main god, I will kill it for you!

"Three." Lin Fei said unhurriedly, and started counting down directly.

Noah's face was extremely ugly, thinking that the almighty God had been humiliated, and it was worse than death: "God, don't talk nonsense with this blasphemer, kill him!"

Jehovah's complexion was no better than eating dead flies, but his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he seemed to be struggling in his heart.

"Two." Lin Fei's countdown speed was not fast, there was no slight fluctuation in his voice, and his eyes became colder and colder.

Yahweh couldn't make up his mind, so he stared at the details of his expression and eyes, hoping to see some clues.

However, he only captured a trace of impatience and deep killing intent.

This made Yahweh's heart skip a beat, and he even started guessing in his brain—could he have some big support?Or could he destroy his own avatar just with his current strength?

Although it is extremely unbelievable, but this is Wansheng Tianzun, you must not use ordinary eyes and cognition to speculate!

"One." When Lin Fei counted to this point, he turned his palms over, and the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword was already in his hand.

Like a frightened rabbit, Jehovah immediately stretched out his hand, "Stop! I'm leaving now!"

Noah's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jehovah in disbelief, and suddenly felt something in his heart collapse with a "boom".

This is God!

He once declared, "From the place where the sun rises to the place where the sun goes down, let everyone know that there is no other god but me. I am Jehovah! There is no other god before me", and it was recorded in "Isaiah" Chapter 45, verse 6!

It is said that there is only one true God, there is no other god besides him, so why is he supreme, eternal and unique?

As a result, Noah not only knew that there were many other gods, even immortals, and the most terrifying Ten Thousand Saints.If it is said that he has managed to overcome all these and is not able to think about it anymore, then Jehovah's actions now... really made him feel broken and mad, as well as the deepest panic.

"God, you are the true Supreme God! Even if the Ten Thousand Saints were once great, now they are just—" Noah firmly grasped the arm of Jehovah's avatar, as if he did not want to let his faith collapse.

Like a child abandoned by his parents, unwilling to accept the reality, wanting to hold his father's hand and go home.

However, Yahweh's face turned red, and Dang even scolded: "Shut up!"

After the words fell, he directly locked Noah with the Holy Light Prison, and directly wanted to rush out of the Demon Arena.

However, something even more embarrassing happened——


Yahweh slammed into the invisible obstacle, and a reddish-purple bump swelled up on his forehead, and golden blood even leaked out.

The audience was stunned, and everyone was dumbfounded!

After a short silence, there was a burst of ear-piercing laughter.

At this moment, Jehovah became angry with embarrassment, wishing to tear everyone into pieces.

Noah's heart almost collapsed. How could the majestic God and the Lord God be so embarrassing in public?

Su Tianshuang laughed, happily released the restrictions of the Demon Arena, and even blew a whistle: "Old magic stick, walk slowly!"

Yahweh was really murderous, but when he saw Lin Fei's cold and indifferent face, he gritted his teeth and swallowed the anger forcefully, feeling flustered.

good!Wait for the strong outsider to come, let me see how long you can be rampant!

Thinking so, Dang even took Noah and turned into a streamer, directly escaping from the Heavenly Demon Palace.

It's just that the Lord is still secretly rejoicing in his heart, and he feels a little scared.After all, such a magic weapon as the Demon Arena made him startled.With his strength, he would be trapped in it, God knows what amazing tricks Lin Fei has?

After Lin Fei watched him leave, he immediately sneered and slowly descended from the sky.

The entire Tianmo Palace members rushed forward and shouted excitedly.

"From now on, this palace is called Patriarch's Palace, and this gate is called Patriarch's Gate!"

"The patriarch is awesome!"

"Ahem, can you calm down a little bit? You're so loud..."

"Master Patriarch, now that your cultivation base has been greatly damaged, can you kill that old man's avatar in seconds? Why let him go? Could it be that you want to preserve your strength to face the catastrophe? Sure enough, you are taking care of the overall situation!"

They didn't know that Lin Fei was actually lying to Jehovah.

There are too many believers in Jehovah. After more than 2000 years of accumulation, the power of faith provided by him has created extraordinary strength.Just the previous avatar is enough to have the strength to cross the peak of the tribulation.

If you go all out and sublimate briefly at the cost of the annihilation of your avatar, you can even reach the early stage of Mahayana...

Once the Mahayana comes out, all dharmas will dry up!

Lin Fei is sure to lose!

However, it is a pity that Lin Fei's reputation is so great that the Lord has to be jealous.If someone doesn't know his identity, or doesn't know much about his past, I'm afraid that he just doesn't care so much and fights to the death.

But Jehovah knows too much.

Just thinking about all the horrible deeds of Wansheng Tianzun in the past, his aura has already weakened by three points.After a brief mental confrontation and probing, Lin Fei looked completely unaffected, which made him even more uncertain.

Yahweh never imagined in his dreams that Lin Fei had already felt a terrible tingling sensation at that time.It's just that after living for a full [-] million years, he is used to all kinds of pain, so he didn't show any clues, which made him have a wrong perception.

Lin Fei intends to use up all the resources in his hands to break through to the late stage of the cave, and let everyone disperse.

Not to mention his practice in retreat, but the situation of Noah and Yahweh's avatar on the other side is a bit weird.

After leaving the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, the two landed in an unknown mountain forest.

Jehovah frowned, noticing the subtle changes in Noah.His unwavering faith in himself...has been questioned and shaken.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him, so Jehovah put his hand on his head with a benevolent and compassionate expression.

"Trust me, trust me..."

Endless thoughts were forcibly poured into Noah's mind.The complex emotions in his eyes gradually dissipated, and became firm again, full of piety and admiration.

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