I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 633 Extraterritorial Creatures, Blue Sea Stars!

"Don't go back to the Garden of Eden for the time being. You have the luck of a sage. If you have nothing to do, go shopping around. Maybe a great opportunity will come." Yahweh said this, and then his body turned into countless light particles, like a long river flowing into the sea Converged into a silver cross.

Noah immediately responded devoutly and acted according to God's will.

Good luck!

What exactly does this mean?

When a person's luck reaches a certain level, he will not die even if he jumps off a cliff, maybe he will pick up some peerless secret book inheritance; The imaginary enemy is in front of you, and there will also be a meteorite from the sky that will directly kill the opponent...

And the saint's personality means that the human race has good luck, and can be called the protagonist of a plane human race.

From time to time, the heaven and the earth have the same strength, and transporting heroes is not free!

Although Noah knew that this luck was extraordinary, so he should take the opportunity to look for opportunities, but he suddenly felt at a loss.

The world is so vast, where should we look for opportunities?

As soon as he had such an idea, he heard a loud "boom" from a distance, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky.

Countless monks were exclaiming.

"It's the "Dragon Armor God Chapter" left by the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens. When there is a catastrophe in the world, it will appear in the world, and those who are destined will get it!"

"Haha, this thing is destined for me, Taoist Yehu, I want it!"

"Hmph! Taoist Yehu, this seat is already in the late stage of transformation, I advise you not to compete with this seat!"

And at this moment, a dazzling holy light pierced the sky.


Beyond the Milky Way, there is a long distance of unknown number of light-years.

There are many battleships!

These warships are of different sizes, the smallest is about the size of a truck, but the main ship is about [-] miles long and the height of a skyscraper.

These warships are uniformly silver in color, and most of them have streamlined shapes.And outside every battleship, there is a strange barrier, which even distorts and deforms the space, exuding strange fluctuations.

At a glance, from top to bottom, from left to right, the vast starry sky is full of warships that can't be seen at a glance!

But it is this kind of extraterrestrial creature fleet whose technological level has far exceeded imagination, but has encountered big trouble.

Space-time storm turbulence.

"Report! General, the wormhole has been annihilated and cannot be used!"

The talking "person" is a monster like a blue octopus.It's just that its body is more than two meters high.In addition to the huge tentacles, the body is round, and there are six pairs of eyes, which grow on the front, back, left, and right, top of the head and chassis.

The language it uses is quite different from all the language systems known on Earth.

They are intelligent life from the blue sea star, and they are also the rulers of the blue sea star. They call themselves the blue sea tribe.

Perhaps from a human point of view, these are deformed monsters, but their appearance makes them quite proud-this is the symbol of the starry sky race!

When fighting alone in the starry sky, human eyes can only see one place, which is a fatal flaw.In order to be more adaptable to space, the Blue Sea Stars have evolved six pairs of eyes, which are enough to observe movements in any direction.

In addition, the tentacles all over the body, together with the four internally divided brain areas, are enough to handle four things at the same time, and can also deal with attacks from all directions at the same time.

Theoretically speaking, such an evolution is more suitable for survival and race continuation than humans.

But it is a pity that human beings have a power system called comprehension.

There is also a thing called spiritual consciousness in cultivation, which is more useful than their six pairs of eyes;

Various supernatural powers of transformation, such as three heads and six arms, illusion and solidification, can also easily replace their ugly and numerous tentacles;

And when the ability to understand the sea is developed to a certain level, its computing power and information processing ability far exceed their four brain regions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg where cultivation is terrifying!

"It's expected." The blue ocean tribe known as the general didn't speak, but just thought about it, and his voice reached the ears of all the tribesmen in the battleship.

A crystal chip is implanted in their brains, and a local area network of the brains of the blue seas is built to ensure the timeliness and effectiveness of information transmission.Otherwise, in some wars, any delay in information or untimely transmission of orders may cause a great crisis.

Of course, intelligent races all have the concept of "privacy".If he hadn't taken the initiative to connect the local area network with the brain nerves, his thoughts and thoughts would not be directly presented to all the clansmen.

"Turn off all the wormhole generators, and don't need to consume excess energy to make unnecessary attempts."

"How is the energy consumption? How long is it enough to support the space distortion shield?" He asked immediately.

However, in the LAN of the blue ocean brain, there was only a "sizzling" noise, which made the general wrinkle his nose - they have no eyebrows, and their structure is different from that of humans, and even their expressions are very different.

It seems that the space-time storm has affected the network signal, and even the communication between the main ship and the major troops has become difficult.

"General," the adjutant couldn't help asking, "uncontrollable turbulence in the universe is extremely rare. Our civilization has only encountered it once in more than [-] years. How come it happened at such a critical moment?"

You must know that they have carried out two wormhole shuttles regardless of energy loss, and they are on the way of the expedition. This is in trouble, and they dare not act rashly at all-how unlucky it is?

"Luck." The general said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" The adjutant looked blank.

"The planet named Earth and its great luck are protecting them. The consciousness of the cosmic plane has not abandoned them and is trying to protect them. This has formed a space-time storm and trapped us here." The general sighed and frowned. Look at the data projected by the intelligent optical brain in the air, and use the tentacles to click and control it.

It's just that the serious appearance of the octopus monster is really a bit funny.

"So what?" The adjutant was puzzled, and Dang even sneered, "With the computing power of the main ship's optical brain, how long can this space-time storm hold us back? When we escape, this planet can only be reduced to us." The resource collection place!"

The general looked worried, glanced at him with the eyes of the back of his head, and said, "Don't forget, the message from Di Jun's extraordinary existence——Han Sheng Tianzun! The consciousness of the universe plane is buying him time. , This formed such an obstacle that trapped us here."

"However, according to the optical brain calculation, their luck value can only temporarily trap our family. Hehe, interesting, trap the most powerful enemy first?"

The adjutant fell silent.

After a while, he couldn't help but said: "Then it looks like that group of barbarians from Black Dragon Star will get there first."

The general flicked his tentacles, expressing his disapproval: "It's not barbaric. There are countless planes in the multiverse, and the power systems of intelligent life are different. It is understandable that the great power belongs to its own path."

"It's just magic and vindictiveness...can it defeat Xiuzhen?"

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