I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 637 The Land of Pain

Lin Fei was very peaceful. After being put on handcuffs and anklets that bound his divine power, two guards from the underworld escorted him to the place of pain.

After passing through three layers of dark curtains and three copper walls, he finally arrived at his destination.

The triple bronze gates were all made by Poseidon, where the defeated Titans were imprisoned, including Zeus' father, guarded by a hundred-armed giant.

It is worth mentioning that Zeus is the third generation of god-king in the kingdom of gods in ancient Greece.The way he gained power was to defeat and imprison his biological father through rebellion and usurpation.

Of course, among the beings imprisoned here, the wretch who offended Zeus is also included.

And the ruler of this place is the famous Nemesis.

This is very important information, related to Lin Fei's next layout and movements.

"What kind of punishment will I be punished?" Lin Fei asked with a faint smile, as if he was not at all worried about what he was going to encounter next.

This made the two underworld guards frown, feeling that his reaction was a bit weird.

But the demigod guard on the left still said: "You will be imprisoned for a hundred days, and you will suffer from whipping, burning, and freezing every day. After the sentence expires, you can wander in the land of pain." .”

The guard on the right added: "Although the Land of Pain is full of chaos and danger, you are still a demigod. If you want to get a place when you come, it is not difficult to settle down and live a relatively good life."

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, "Hundred days? It's too long."

At this time, two guards had escorted him to the gate of the prison.

But Lin Fei was shocked slightly, and the handcuffs and anklets filled with divine power immediately burst into pieces with a "boom"!

"What, why did you break free from the chains of original sin?!"

"True God! You actually managed to hide from the eyes of the three judges?!"

The two guards were terrified, and their first reaction was to run away.

However, Lin Fei snapped his fingers, and immediately there was an invisible wave of mental power.The two of them suddenly looked dazed and stood still in place.

Lin Fei tapped out two spiritual lights, which fell into the minds of the two guards.The memory of the two people's sea consciousness was tampered with, thinking that he had been put in prison and successfully completed the task.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei cut off a brand of Yuanshen, using the technique of keeping the shape of the sword, leaving a clone in the prison to take the punishment for himself.

"You have to be careful in doing things." He smiled faintly, recondensed the original sin chains into shape, put them on the avatar, and closed the prison door.

In the square cells all around, all kinds of monsters and humans were almost crazy when they saw this scene.

"Brother, let me out!"

"If you don't let me out, I'll tell others!"

"Brother, I'll be your dog! I'm a demigod Dzogchen, and when I break through, I'll be a gold medalist!"

"Boss, I have three daughters, all of whom are very beautiful! If you let me out, I will marry them all to you!"

Lin Fei was indifferent to these words, and walked away amidst the crazy shouts of the group of prisoners and the sluggish gaze of the two guards.

It wasn't until his figure was gone that there was a crisp finger snapping sound.

The invisible spiritual power swept past, and many prisoners looked puzzled, having already forgotten the previous scene, wondering what they were doing lying in front of the bars?

And the two guards also woke up instantly, glanced at "Lin Fei" in the cell, turned and left directly.

The real Lin Fei changed his appearance again and came to the living area of ​​the Land of Pain.

The sky is gloomy and gloomy, and the air is filled with the cold and icy Netherland atmosphere, creating a depressing atmosphere.

In front of him was a dilapidated street, the ground didn't even have stone slabs, only uneven black soil.But in this kind of place, there is an extremely strange and lively atmosphere.

The restrictions on the consciousness of the underworld are extremely terrifying, and Lin Fei didn't bother to care about it, so he looked around.

There are ghosts staying in front of the stalls, bargaining with the stall owners.

"Forty silver coins, I want this three-leaf Nether Grass." A burly dead soul in the demigod realm said carelessly.

"Forty? Bah, why don't you go grab it? Seventy, don't sell it for less than this price!" The stall owner was a dead soul with the appearance of an old man, and immediately blew his beard and stared.

There are also special business places, and there is even a fox spirit with a fox tail at the door, making a provocative gesture, sliding the palm from the snow-white thigh to the buttocks, and said delicately: "Come and play, gentlemen!" ~"

Immediately, a guy with a dog's head snarled, showing a smile that men can understand, and went up to touch her buttocks: "Little Fox Immortal, Lord Dog, I miss you so much!"

Lin Fei thought about it for a while, and thought that he knew very little about the current painful place, and he still had memories from ten thousand years ago, so he needed to contact the intelligence merchant.Otherwise, no matter whether it is to take advantage of the situation to fight against Hades, or to find the most yin and cold underworld holy medicine, it will be like a headless chicken.

Thinking of this, he went straight to the stall selling various elixir and ores.

There was a glimmer of light between Lin Fei's eyebrows, and he dropped a coin with a clang: "Where can I find six-leaf Nether Grass, or a holy medicine of the same value? As long as you can give relevant information, ten silver coins."

The eyes of the elderly stall owner suddenly lit up, and with a "snap", he pressed the silver coin with his rough hand: "Give me half first."

And the dead soul of the tauren in the demigod realm had a strange look on his face as he sized Lin Fei up and down.

Seeing Lin Fei take out four silver coins again, the tauren immediately reached out his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute! My friend, I think you're a newcomer, aren't you?" !"

"I'm a captain of the Fearless Adventurers Guild, my full name is Hayrustan Obrion Hochepetz..."

Noticing Lin Fei's indifferent face, he coughed twice: "Anyway, just call me Niuski."

Lin Fei really wants to complain, Niuski?I also Tuzki!

Niuski continued: "We know where the holy medicine you mentioned is available. I'll say it first. I'm only responsible for providing accurate information, but I don't guarantee whether this information is useful or not!"

Lin Fei said lightly, "Say."

Niuski chuckled and stretched out his palm the size of a cattail fan.


Lin Fei slapped the five silver coins in the palm of Niusiji's hand, and the latter immediately grinned: "Okay, that's cool enough!"

"As far as I know, there are only three places where the holy medicine you need exists!"

The old stall owner was stunned immediately, wondering: "Aren't there only two places?"

When Niusiji heard this, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

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