I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 638 Information on Six Leaf Nether Grass

The emotion in Niuski's eyes dissipated in an instant, and he said to the old stall owner with disdain on his face: "That's why I said, you know nothing! Our adventure guild has traveled to many half-planes, and even went to the abyss. With the amount of information you exchanged for your life, how can you compare us, a small player in a business alliance?"

The old man who was the owner of the stall suddenly showed a sudden look on his face, nodded and said: "That's true."

Seeing his reaction like this, Niuski immediately smiled proudly, and glanced at Lin Fei out of the corner of his eye.

Niuski thought he hid his emotions well, but he didn't know that the latter had already seen them all.

Lin Fei sneered in his heart, but he pretended not to notice anything, and said indifferently: "Then tell me, what are the three places?"

With a mysterious look, Niuski took him to a secluded place, looked around, and then said: "The first place is the Nether Garden, but you don't have to think about it. Once you come to it It is the back garden of the Goddess of Nemesis, and secondly, Lord Pluto has set up a large formation there, monitoring the movement all the time, just for fear of any accident of the holy medicine."

"Hey, let me tell you, what could be wrong with this? Lord Pluto is too careful! But there is nothing surprising about it. After all, the Six-leaf Nether Grass is extremely precious, it can strengthen the origin of the soul, and it is very compatible with Lord Pluto, so ..."

Lin Fei felt that Niuski was just a talker, so he immediately interrupted in a cold voice: "The second place."

Niusiji was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "Don't even think about the second place! The father of the third generation god king Zeus, the second generation god king Cronus, you know? He was imprisoned in the prison of the place of pain Because it is the main god of Titan, even Lord Pluto, Zeus, and Poseidon can't make him fall, they can only trap him!"

"The prison where Kronos was imprisoned is no small matter. It is a cold space that condenses countless powers of death. Coupled with his resentment and enormous divine power, a six-leaf Nether Grass was born after many years."

"There are hundred-armed giants guarding there, plus the existence of the old god king Kronos, who dares to get involved?"

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if interested: "Why didn't Kronos eat that six-leaf nether grass?"

Niuski said without hesitation: "Hundred-armed giant! This thing is so fucking ferocious. As soon as Kronos gets close to the six-leaf Nether Grass, he will immediately open the cell door and beat him up."

As soon as his words fell, there was a loud bang in the prison area in the distance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The voice was like the brute force of the gods trying their best to knock down an entire continent.Even the stable demonic soil plane of the underworld is trembling unceasingly.

Many dead souls on the street were shaking, and some even fell to the ground without standing still.Many things were directly knocked to the ground, making a mess.

Netherland is a strange space, which seems to perfectly fit the existence of souls or sublimated souls, so that they all have physical reactions-such as being able to eat, drink and sleep, or stepping on the ground, as they do now. Was knocked to the ground.

After such a terrifying fluctuation, there was an extremely shrill and angry scream: "Hundred-armed giant, you traitor! If you hadn't helped Zeus, the villain, in the battle of the Titans, this king would have cleaned up the house long ago! !"

After the words fell, there was another angry and terrifying scream, resounding throughout the vast and extremely painful land.

However, after this kind of thing happened, all the dead souls seemed extremely calm, and only a few people cursed.

"Damn it, can't this old god king be more peaceful?"

"That's right, you're not afraid of being beaten, we're still too troublesome!"

"Hey, hurry up and die! The voice is so loud that it hurts my eardrums!"

Lin Fei shook his head amusedly when he heard these words.

Niu Siji shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, and said helplessly, "Look, it doesn't matter what you say. Well, if you ask me, this old god king doesn't have a long memory. How could he possibly beat the hundred-armed giant?"

Lin Fei said thoughtfully: "I see. The Nether Grass grows the fastest in that place, so Hades hopes to grow seven or even eight leaves, so he picks it, right?"

Niuski gave a thumbs up and praised: "Smart, that's it! But this matter has nothing to do with us, don't even think about it, I'll tell you about the third place."

"The third place with Nethergrass is more practical. It is a demiplane called Frozen Wilderness. It's just that there are many dangers there. Even the true gods are in danger of falling. If you want to try your luck, you can hire our fearless people Adventure Union, I can give you a [-]% discount!"

Lin Fei said with a half-smile, "I'm curious, since there is six-leaf Nethergrass in this frozen wilderness, why didn't Hades take it away?"

Niuski's face froze for a moment, showing a hint of panic.

But right after, he immediately laughed and said, "Hey, you don't know that, do you? These half-plane lords all have friendship with Lord Pluto. If there is no friendship, wouldn't he have been swept away by his old man long ago?" ?”

"Besides, the location of this six-leaf nether grass is extremely hidden, even the lord of the frozen wilderness doesn't know about it. We, the Adventurer's Guild, only found out about it by accident. This news is definitely worth ten silver coins."

It sounds like the logic is perfect and there is nothing wrong with it.

But Lin Fei already sneered secretly in his heart, he was absolutely sure that Niu Siji was lying.Even the reason behind this, he has already guessed seven or eight.

Know a little bit.

The existences who came to the land of pain are all guys who have been found guilty by the judge.Three teachings and nine streams, ghosts and snake spirits are everywhere here. Under the superficially stable order, who knows what kind of undercurrents are turbulent, intrigues, and intrigues.

There are ruthless people who are willing to kill other people's entire families, take out the skin and bones, and squeeze oil and water from the soul for some profit.

"I don't need your help anymore, just tell me the place, and I'll go by myself." Lin Fei said, throwing out five silver coins.


Niuski folded his palms together and caught the five silver coins: "That's right, the teleportation array in the frozen wilderness is in our Adventure Guild. Use five copper coins for a single use, and I'll take you there!"

He smiled and looked courteous, leading the way politely.

Lin Fei gave a calm "um" and walked behind him indifferently.

On the surface, Niu Siji was extremely friendly towards the "guest", but he was already sneering secretly in his heart: "If you don't kill the big fat sheep that comes to your door, who will you kill? Hehe, our adventure union has accepted your demigod soul!"

However, he never expected that Lin Fei had already seen through everything, and even chose to "take the bait on his own initiative".

Two seemingly incompatible guys, each harboring ghosts.

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