I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 639 Tiandao is crying!

The Fearless Adventure Union is the only adventure union in the Land of Pain.

It is located in the center of the living area and is quite large.This is a typical ancient Greek building with five floors high, giving people a sense of harmony and beauty.There are mottled statues on both sides, which are the first and second generation presidents of the trade union.

It's just that in this dark and depressing environment, a huge pale building looks even more strange.

Niu Siji led Lin Fei into the gate, and people around greeted him, and he also greeted him with a smile.

Soon he led Lin Fei to the fourth floor, where there were magic teleportation arrays everywhere.As soon as the two of them entered the door, they saw the magic circle under the feet of a small team light up white, and then with a "swish", several white light circles popped up.

As the adventurer team in the formation disappeared, the light of the magic circle gradually dimmed.

"After you enter the frozen wilderness, go straight to the right, and you will see a swamp. In the middle of the strange rock pile in the swamp, there is a six-leaf ghost grass!" persuasive.

Lin Fei let out a "hmm", then threw a silver coin backwards and stepped into the magic teleportation array.

"My friend, I won't give you change! When you come back, you have to use the formation again, which is exactly one silver coin!" Niuski laughed, and waved his hand vigorously, "Be careful, I wish you You have returned triumphant!"

Looking at his posture, it seemed that he was really sending his friend away, and he was still worried about Lin Fei.

After Lin Fei came to the frozen wilderness, he sneered.Immediately, he shook his hand in the void, and the light flickered between his brows, and the Heavenly Demon Sky Cracking Sword was already in his hand.


The Heavenly Demon Sky Splitting Sword pierced deeply into the icy ground, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged calmly, and did not go to the location of the so-called Six-leaf Nether Grass.

Seems to be waiting for something.

On the other side, after Lin Fei's figure disappeared, the smile on Niu Siji's face disappeared instantly, just like a face-changing skill in Sichuan opera.

He ran wildly, setting off a gust of wind, and directly knocking the passers-by away with exclamations.

"This matter must not be known to the president, otherwise he will definitely stop us!"

"And the vice president can't be called, otherwise, with his greedy personality, he will definitely eat alone, and there will be no profit for me. Yes, I will find Elder Shadow!" Niuski thought so, and suddenly became excited.

"I'm so steady and witty!" Niu Siji felt complacent, thinking that he had a great character.

He felt that if he were someone else, he would never seek help from a true god like Elder Shadow for the sake of profit.After all, true gods eat meat, so they can only drink soup.

When other people encounter this kind of situation, they often find a demigod to help, and the two work together to solve Lin Fei, and then split the proceeds fifty-fifty.

But Niuski is different. He feels that he is very cautious, steady and excellent.

What if Lin Fei is an extraordinary and ruthless person who can fight two at the same level, right?Although this situation is rare, it is not impossible!

There was Tie Hanhan before, who was killed instead of cheating people.

Niuski thinks that he is a smart person, and he is definitely not a stubborn person.Therefore, he would rather take a small share of the pie, and safely invite a true god powerhouse who has friendship with him to eat Lin Fei to death!

"Hahaha, you big fat sheep with no brains, you probably don't know that your death is imminent, right?" The more he thought about it, the more elated he became, feeling his whole body drifting off, and began to guess how much he could gain this time.

What Niusiji didn't know was that Lin Fei was also guessing secretly, thinking about how much he could gain in the snowy and vast ice field.

Lin Fei was like a monk who was not afraid of the bitter cold, let Luoxue whiten his brows, and sat cross-legged on the ground calmly, with the Heavenly Demon Sky Ripper standing in front of him.

Soon, he suddenly opened his eyes, which were as calm as water.

"Elder Shadow, it's this fat sheep—heh, it's strange." Niuski was puzzled and scratched the huge bull's head, feeling that something was wrong, "Why didn't this guy go where I said?"

Behind him, a humanoid being condensed like shadows and haze smiled sullenly: "Isn't this better? Save me from wasting a lot of effort!"

"Humble demigod ant, I will give you two choices now. One, hand over all your money, sign the Styx contract, and become my servant forever, as cannon fodder for exploration. Haha, don't worry, as long as you still have love for me value, I will not easily devour your soul."

His voice was like the friction of iron plates, hoarse and harsh, distant and ethereal, like the cry of a dead soul, making one's scalp numb.

Facing the two of them, Lin Fei looked as calm as water: "If not, so what?"

Elder Shadow sneered and said sarcastically, "A mere demigod, do you know who you're talking to? It's useless to be ignorant. How dare you be so arrogant in the face of a true god!"

As soon as his words fell, the terrifying smog and shadow spread out in an instant.There seemed to be countless dead souls crying terribly, and the terrifying mental power shock drowned everything.

Niuski was behind Elder Shadow, and was not touched by the haze, but he also shouted in panic for a moment.He seemed to have seen the most terrifying scene in the world, and he was so frightened that he wept bitterly, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Forgive me, forgive me!"

The majestic demigod, the strongest tauren, cried so much that snot bubbles came out of his nose.

"Useless waste." Elder Shadow gave him a disdainful glance, then looked into the haze, and said with a sinister smile: "Why is there no movement? Hehe, idiot, couldn't he just fainted from fright? ?”

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because Lin Fei swept his sleeves away, the boundless haze was instantly expelled and dissipated.

Niuski, with a runny nose, also stared at this scene dumbfounded.

"With this little mental impact, are you tickling me here?" Lin Fei said indifferently, and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the most terrifying picture appeared in the mind of Elder Shadow.

In the starry sky, there are countless unimaginable creatures.

Strange molluscs the size of stars, light-body warships that distort time and space, countless legions of strange life forms wearing quantum armor, half-Buddha, half-demon monsters sitting on the twelve black lotuses, and even a star-bursting monster with one palm The majestic phantom stands in the void of the universe.

Its existence even caused a holy hymn like a chorus of thousands of sopranos to appear strangely in the vacuum.

No, that's not singing.

That is the cosmic plane consciousness crying and screaming!

This universe cannot bear the existence of this terrifying phantom, and is about to collapse!

"What is this?! No, it's impossible!"

"The weakest existence here can easily pinch Zeus, the king of death!"

Elder Shadow was trembling, his legs were trembling, and he was almost unable to stand still.

But he never dreamed that even more terrifying scenes were yet to come.

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