I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 640 Chaos has proven the avenue, who dares to fight?

In this frightening picture, those strange beings wearing the quantum ray armor all condense the majestic and extremely powerful divine power.Even in the eyes of the gods, the energy they contain is like burning stars, and they have the power to destroy the world with every gesture.

Elder Shadow has no doubt that it is any one of them, and it is easy to erase a planet!

But this kind of existence is not a single one, but a fucking... forming a legion!

That's Legion!

What do you mean, are they all legions composed of legendary immortals?No, I'm afraid ordinary immortals can't match the single combat power of these existences!

And in such a picture, Lin Fei appeared.

He didn't do any superfluous and unnecessary things, but it made all the strong people terrified, and they wanted to escape here in an instant.

All kinds of supernatural powers were displayed, making Elder Shadow directly kneel down to "Putong"!

Time, space, energy, quantization, and even all kinds of supernatural powers that the shadow elders have never seen or heard are displayed in the hands of these unknown life forms.

All of a sudden, the entire starry sky was full of strange lights and demons dancing wildly, far beyond the comprehension of the true gods and the ability to calculate the sea of ​​consciousness!All kinds of gorgeous light, all kinds of space distortions and overlapping distortions, time confusion, pictures of the past and the future appear in the present...

But the terrifying beings who exhibited such supernatural powers clearly conveyed a neat idea-escape!

If you don't run away... you will die!

"This demigod in front of me, no! This lord, what is his background?!" Elder Shadow was about to suffocate, shaking uncontrollably all over his body, and the frequency even caused a large afterimage of his figure to appear. It looks ridiculous and weird.

He couldn't imagine what kind of horror-level existence beyond the limit of imagination could make these strongest people run wildly for their lives!

Lin Fei didn't chase anyone, but calmly spread his right hand.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, allowing Elder Shadow to see everything clearly.

On Lin Fei's palm, there suddenly appeared countless luminous particles, condensed into a spiral shape.

Elder Shadow suddenly understood.

Those glowing particles are stars, and when they are combined together, they are the vast ocean of stars!

Lin Fei's palm...is a universe.

No matter what kind of power he used before, no matter how huge and exaggerated his physical existence was, no matter where he went in time and space, they all appeared in the universe in his palm like ants.


Elder Shadow was terrified, seeing that his seven orifices started to bleed, and even spat out a mouthful of blood.

These unimaginably powerful life forms are trapped in the palm universe, gathering towards the center of the vortex like quicksand.

Dissipate invisible.

The entire starry sky suddenly became quiet.

Vaguely, Elder Shadow felt that there were pairs of cold eyes watching this scene from different cosmic planes.

But Lin Fei still stood calmly, and even with the flick of his sleeves, the stars reappeared, illuminating the starry sky of the river system.

He raised his head and put his hands behind his back, as if he was questioning those strong men who were peeping in the dark: "Chaos has proved the way, and there is a universe inside...Who dares to fight?"

Who dares to fight? !

The only response to him was a long silence.

It's just that the shadow elder felt it somewhere, and the pair of eyes peeping from the two different universes disappeared.

Multiverse, countless trillions of life, tens of thousands of different intelligent races - no one dares to challenge!

Lin Fei in the picture sighed softly, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

Lonely as snow.

The four abrupt words suddenly jumped into Elder Shadow's mind.

"Big Chaos! God of Chaos! No, Grandpa Chaos, you are my own grandfather, don't kill your grandson!" Elder Shadow cried and cried, even speaking incoherently, just kowtowed frantically!

"Dong dong dong dong-"

The extremely hasty kowtow sounded, and the frozen ground he saw trembled.

Elder Shadow abruptly smashed through the ice layer tens of meters with his forehead, and the cracks spread out with a "crash", revealing the cold, dry and hard soil below, and even his forehead was bleeding.

Elder Shadow is like a "kneeling clan". Not only did he kneel neatly, but he even kowtowed too quickly, which left a large afterimage on Niuski's retina and consciousness.

"Damn it?!" Niuski didn't know what happened before, and his jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw this scene.


Is Elder Shadow crazy?

Didn't you just say that this guy in front of you is just a mere demigod?Why did you suddenly kneel down and kowtow, as if you wanted to smash your head into pieces and explode? !

Before Lin Fei could speak, Elder Shadow was already going crazy.He was frightened and terrified, and at the same time hated Niuski so much—if this bastard hadn't pulled him into trouble, how could he have provoked such a big boss?

"Bull! Sky! Key!"

"This is the mere demigod your mother said? Huh?" Elder Shadow's heart was broken, crying like his parents died.

A mere demigod, Lin Fei, is he alright?

Lin Fei couldn't be bothered to chat nonsense with Elder Shadow, so he snapped his fingers.The latter seemed to have endured a terrible force, and his whole body began to twist, and he let out a miserable scream: "No!"

Under Niuski's horrified gaze, Elder Shadow was directly torn into countless fragments of primordial spirit, among which a bit of true spirit carrying memory and consciousness was annihilated on the spot.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and devoured his original soul, and even frowned slightly: "Too weak."

In the early stage of the true god, and the power of the primordial spirit is extremely weak, he has mastered the method of mental shock, which can be called rubbish that any monk in the early stage of Dongxu can hang and beat.

Seeing Lin Fei swallowing the True God raw, Niu Siji's bull's eyes almost burst open, and he was so frightened that he pissed out.

He thought of his self-indulgence, thinking that he was very "steady and cautious" words, and at this moment, he wanted to smash his face!

It's... so robust!

Steady enough to provoke the evildoer who can scare the real god out of his wits, and swallow the real god in one gulp!

With a wave of Lin Fei's hand, the interspatial ring that Elder Shadow left on the ground flew over immediately.After a little inspection, he robbed a true god of all his belongings, and the harvest was pretty bad.

Among them, there are more than 800 silver coins, and some valuable ores, medicines, and materials, plus "cash", the total value should be around [-] silver coins.

Lin Fei didn't want to stuff any more messy things into the Sea of ​​Consciousness or the Sea of ​​Qi. Anyway, the primordial spirit in the underworld is almost equivalent to a physical body, so he simply put on this space ring and put all the things into it.

Seeing this scene, Niuski immediately ran away, intending to return to the trade union through the teleportation array.

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