I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 641 This is... Tusky?

"Can you go?" Lin Fei said lightly, and walked towards Niusiji unhurriedly.

The latter was drenched in cold sweat, and when he realized that the teleportation array could not be used, he immediately backed up step by step, almost collapsing in fright.

Obviously, Lin Fei ordered this space, and the rules of space transmission have been locked.Niu Siji, a mere demigod, was unable to resist even the slightest bit under the power of the powerhouse who "blossoms with a single thought and dominates the world".

The most terrifying thing is that Lin Fei didn't give him a happy death.As he walked step by step, the fear in Niuski's heart soared so violently that he couldn't breathe.

This feeling of waiting for death is far more frightening than death itself.

What's more, Lin Fei didn't hide his aura, and exuded the boundless coercion of a powerful man who seemed to dominate the world.This made Niuski feel that invisible big hands were strangling his neck and clenched his heart, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Ah, I can't take it anymore!" Niuski went completely crazy and chose to commit suicide on the spot.He took out a sharp knife, and then stabbed fiercely between the eyebrows.

Fierce, quick, without hesitation.It seems that he is afraid that if he delays for a second, he will not be able to make a move, and he will not be able to die happily.


Blood spattered, but Niuski showed a relieved and relieved look, and slowly closed his eyes.He fell backwards and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Fei plundered his entire belongings directly, and then turned him into particles of light and dissipated with a flick of his sleeve.

This demigod doesn't even have the value of devouring it. If you have to use an analogy, devouring it is like killing a level 80 monster in an online game with an 30-level character.

Lin Fei returned to the Adventure Union again through the teleportation array.

With the "help" of these three "big philanthropists", Lin Fei, who came to the place of pain for a short time, he was already rich and powerful.

With clear thoughts and plans in his mind, he soon arrived at the president's office, and kicked the door open with a "bang".

This is a very spacious room, which seems to have the blessing of space magic, and even looks like a football field, which is completely different from the small room seen from the outside.

There are many collection cabinets and bookcases around, on which are placed various treasures and books.There is a desk by the window with a chair facing out of the window.

There was a strange creature sitting on the chair, with its back turned to Lin Fei, it couldn't be seen clearly, only two long rabbit ears were moving.

Hearing the sound of breaking into the door, the president slowly turned his head.

The moment he saw him...or it, Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

This guy turned out to be just a big white rabbit in the shape of a human, which looked very much like the image of the cartoon emoticon "Tuski".

Niuski died just now, and Tuzki came again in a blink of an eye?

This big humanoid rabbit has a cheap feeling, it is still chewing something in its mouth, it looks at Lin Fei with a natural look, and doesn't speak.

"I want some materials, can you get them for me?" Lin Fei sat down directly on the chair opposite it, without mentioning everything that happened before, and straight to the point.

President Rabbit's eyes lit up when he heard this.

That's right, it really glowed, like two small flashlights, it looked very weird...

The rabbit didn't speak, just took out a handful of silver coins and turned his head to count, and soon turned his head to show Lin Fei a cheap smile, and blinked "affectionately".

Lin Fei was silent.

This bunny... needs a punch.

So Lin Fei grabbed the rabbit's ears and picked it up.

The rabbit didn't panic at all, and even punched slowly in protest, which looked like a slow-motion video at first glance.It was as light as cotton when it hit Lin Fei's body, not even a tickle.

The key point is that it still has a calm look on its face, repeating such movements.

Without saying a word, Lin Fei grabbed it by the ears and threw it at the ground on both sides in turn.

"Boom boom boom——"

The ground was trembling, and the magically blessed floor was cracked.

The rabbit was knocked dizzy, and when it got up, it staggered, and small golden stars appeared around its head, and it simply danced on one foot.

Spins, jumps, it closes its eyes.

Then "Ouch", fell directly to the ground.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, showing an extremely kind smile.

No, it should be "nuclear good".

The rabbit panicked in an instant, and jumped onto the curtain, clutching the curtain tightly with both hands and lying on it like a gecko spider, trembling all over, cold sweat dripping from his head, and both ears fell down.

Lin Fei noticed that the rabbit's mental state was abnormal.In other words, its primordial spirit has been cursed.

Maybe it was just a funny rabbit, just like the "funny comparison" and "sand sculpture" that are common in modern society.

But because it offended a giant of the underworld because of its weirdness, that person cursed it in a fit of anger, so that this character was extremely magnified, and it couldn't be a normal person at all... No, it should be "being a rabbit".

The existence of Tangtang True God in the later stage, no matter what, should be the powerhouse of the Megatron side, but it turned out to be like this, which can be called the mascot of the Adventure Guild.

"Be normal for me, or I will eat fresh pot rabbit, dry pot rabbit, rabbit meat hot pot, spicy rabbit head tonight." Lin Fei's voice was calm, but his eyes told the rabbit that he was serious.


The rabbit sat back on the chair as if teleporting, with a serious look of listening carefully, and there was an afterimage behind him.

Lin Fei directly pointed his finger on its head, and he was full of inspiration: "I want these materials, and I will list which ones can be replaced, and make a price."

Rubbing his chin, Rabbit said, "Most of these things are only available in business alliances."

Lin Fei said without hesitation: "I don't care where you got it from, I bought it in your name, as long as I keep my news absolutely secret - bound by the Styx contract."

He couldn't make too much noise, or he would attract the attention of Nemesis and even Hades, and things would all be screwed up.

A strange and unknown guy suddenly spends a huge sum of money to purchase so many resources, what is he trying to do?Needless to say, this will inevitably lead to suspicion and suspicion, and it will be a big trouble after an investigation.

But if these things are purchased in the name of the Adventure Guild, it seems too normal.After all, their union often explores the demiplane, and even went to the bottomless abyss.Firstly, the money is sufficient, and secondly, a lot of resources are really needed to enhance strength, so as to ensure that he can survive the adventure.

The price Lin Fei offered was also quite generous, almost suppressing all the property he had seized.

The rabbit thought for a while, put one hand on his hips, and made a pair of scissors hands with the other, and the divine light in the corner of his eyes condensed into a small star.

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