I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 642 The money can make a ghost run the mill

This big rabbit was extremely strange, with the divine light concentrated in its hand, an abacus suddenly appeared.Then its eyes glowed, its face was full of fanaticism, and it "crackled" and began to make calculations.

Then it showed a face full of intoxication, its ears moved back and forth cheerfully, its hands folded around its chest, and its legs raised up happily.

The value of the silver coins Lin Fei gave, plus other items, was around [-].The most important part of it was collected by the guy who crossed the river Styx over the years.

According to President Rabbit's calculations, it would take about fourteen thousand to purchase the required materials.In other words, it was only a middleman, and it could earn a full six thousand silver coins!

The rabbit couldn't wait, regardless of 21, hurriedly concluded the Styx contract with Lin Fei, and swore an oath to Styx.After the ceremony was completed, the contract turned into black flying ash and dissipated, but the content of the contract was deeply engraved in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them.

Such a transaction also caused it to look at Lin Fei pleasing to the eye no matter what, and even teleported behind Lin Fei, beating his back and shoulders with extreme hospitality, and even sent someone to bring tea made from Nether Grass buds, and Ordered to buy the corresponding things.

"Can you still use the abacus?" Lin Fei asked casually after taking a sip of the hot and painful Youming tea.

The big rabbit nodded frequently, and kept patting the floor with its left foot, with a twitching air: "The ghosts who died in Greece will come to this land of the underworld, and there are also foreigners in it. I probably learned how to count hundreds of years ago." gone."

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and said: "That's it, I still have something to do, you are ready to contact me through the contract."

From the contract oath, he also knew the real name of the rabbit president.

Smelly and long!

What is "Ibn Abdul Aziz Mogherul Tus".

Lin Fei decided to call it Tuzki.

Seeing that Lin Fei was about to leave, Tuzki pounced on him again, and hugged his thigh without any morals: "Boss, come to me next time you have business, I'm very capable!"

Lin Fei kicked it away, and said expressionlessly: "Speak as you say, don't rub against my legs. By the way, you have two short-sighted guys who are bothering me. I killed them, Part of the money just now is their inheritance."

He didn't bother to speak too clearly, and directly clicked a flash of light, which made Tuzki see it clearly.

Tuzki was taken aback for a moment, then disappeared with a "swish", drew circles in the corner, and poked a caterpillar formed by the condensed light with his fingers, with a resentful look, he murmured: "I have long been I told them not to do bad things, but they didn't listen, so it's okay now. Demons are born of demons, and people are born of people, so much that you make your mother feel bad... ..."


The whole room suddenly became dark, only a beam of light fell from Tuzki's head, and the bleak cold wind blew past, causing pieces of paper to fly.

It's like playing some tragic stage play.

Lin Fei was silent for a while, and then sighed sincerely: "Mom is mentally retarded."

Is this a joke?

Of course, although Lin Fei thought so, he didn't think it was unreasonable for Tuzki to become the president of the trade union.In this world, strength speaks, and whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.Tuzki True God's cultivation in the late stage cannot be faked, no matter how weird his personality is, few people dare to provoke him.

In addition, it also has good luck.Just because he survived after offending the boss, just because he was cursed, can explain a certain problem.

Ordinary people are afraid of the fruit, but bodhisattvas are afraid of the cause.

That is to say, mortals lack wisdom and foresight, make some kind of wrong decision, and do not know regret and fear until the evil results come; while Bodhisattvas see farther, avoiding ominous inducements from the beginning, so as to prevent the occurrence of bad luck. Bad consequences.

Karma is the most difficult thing to deal with, unless you have enough power or means to suppress your own luck, otherwise you will kill your own future, or even dig your own grave!

If it wasn't really irritated, I'm afraid I don't want to do such things that are not worth the loss, and I don't even want to provoke such a freak—this can also explain from the side how angry the person who cursed it is to do so act.

This rabbit... is so bad.


When Lin Fei received Tuzki's message from the contract link, he was stepping on an ice bird.This ice bird in the realm of true gods was trembling, and its feathers, which were carved like ice crystals, were almost stripped off.

"Really, you've already collected it? You're pretty quick, I'll come over right away." After Lin Fei responded to Tuzki, he looked at the ice bird under his feet with a sneer.

The lord of the frozen wilderness was terrified at this moment, and immediately screamed: "God, don't kill me! I can sign a Styx contract and promise not to reveal anything that happened today, and it will never reach the ears of Lord Pluto!" !"

Everything that happened before made it unstoppable to be afraid.

When Lin Fei broke into the palace and plundered the ice-attribute treasures, it was still furious and threatened to tear and devour Lin Fei to show him the power of a lord.

Then a blizzard fell all over the sky, and the ground became a vortex of frost, which was enough to swallow an ordinary true god.Lin Fei didn't do any fancy operations, and walked over directly, and beat it violently, until the ice crystals exploded all over the sky...

Bingniao struggled and shouted angrily at first, but was soon beaten honestly, and recognized the situation clearly.

Lin Fei said indifferently: "You are acquainted."

After concluding the soul contract with the ice bird, he thought to himself, and with the income from the frozen wilderness, everything should be almost complete.

You can move on to the next step.

Thinking so, Lin Fei left Bingniao's palace.Come and go whenever you want, it's like shopping in a vegetable market.

Only Bingniao watched his leaving back and shed tears of humiliation and grief, like a big girl with yellow flowers who had been rounded dozens of times.

Lin Fei quickly returned to the adventure guild and came to Tuzki's room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tuzki rolling directly on a large pile of materials, and even got in and out calmly.That limp appearance doesn't look like a rabbit, but more like a slippery snake.

Neuropathic general behavior.

Lin Fei closed the door directly, and when he opened his mouth, it was stunned: "Do something for me, and I will guarantee you to become a high-ranking god. If I break my promise, I will be annihilated—this matter can be a Styx contract."


Tuzki rushed over quickly, hugged Lin Fei's thigh tightly, raised his head to look at Lin Fei who looked unfriendly, and showed a smile that didn't deserve to be beaten: "I did it!"

He didn't even ask what it was, and didn't even look carefully at the signing of the Styx contract, as if he was afraid that Lin Fei would go back on his word.

After signing the contract, Tuzki felt that he had earned his blood, so he immediately looked at the contract happily.


It made a shocking sound of doubting life.

Lin Fei is going to... turn the underworld upside down!

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