I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 643 The Frightened Nemesis

"Boss, is it too late for me to regret it?" Tuzki looked at Lin Fei with a mournful face, like an innocent girl who was cheated of her chastity.

"Okay, body and spirit are gone, and I'm still free from karma—this is a contract you signed voluntarily." Lin Fei's face remained unchanged, as calm as a ruthless capitalist businessman gnawing on human blood.

In a blink of an eye, Tuzki returned to the familiar corner and drew circles.

"That's Nemesis, I really want to attract her attention, I'm sure there will be no ashes left!" Tuzki murmured, and started to poke the bug again, "It's over, it's over, I'm gone... ...."

It was the familiar darkness again, and the familiar light hit it.

Lin Fei patted it on the shoulder in a "friendly and friendly" way, and said, "It's the so-called wealth and wealth. You should understand that you have great luck, and now is your chance to be promoted to a high-ranking god!"

"Come on, have a laugh."

Tuzki slowly raised his head expressionlessly, then pulled the corners of both sides of his mouth up with his fingers, revealing an extremely blunt smile.Then, in an almost numb voice, he said, "Ha, ha. I'm so happy."

Lin Fei sighed slightly, nodded and said, "It really is crazy."

The curse time is too long, so that its consciousness structure is different from others, and it has become instinctive to be funny.

So terrifying.

There is no hope, wait for death, farewell!

The mission Lin Fei gave it was very simple, that is to attract the attention of Nemesis.It is very simple for him to say, that is to "make the mood of the Nemesis not so calm", so that he cannot feel the most subtle and strange energy fluctuations in the place of pain.

As the real lord, the land of pain belongs to her Netherland.Although it is placed in the underworld to shield the divine consciousness, it does not affect that this is her magic soil, which has an essential induction.

Due to the limitations of his realm, and the fact that Lin Fei has too many things to do next, his limit is to make this kind of fluctuation almost undetectable.But if Nemesis is doing nothing, or meditating to increase mental strength, doing some leisure activities such as watering flowers, or even sleeping, she can sense this fluctuation with her keenness.

That is a high-ranking god, Lin Fei knows exactly what this means!

Tuzki expressed despair: "That's Nemesis, how can I make her feel uneasy? I can't do it, the power of the Styx will swallow me, you are forcing me to die!"

On the contrary, Lin Fei was quite confident in it, "comforting with kind words" said: "Don't worry, you can't control yourself, you will definitely do some inexplicable and unreasonable things, I believe in your ability."

"Huh?" Tuzki felt "suspicious of Tusheng" again, and his whole body was messed up in the wind, feeling that something was wrong.

Is it a commendable ability to do messy things?Is there really nothing wrong with it?

"I'm not that kind of rabbit, I'm a good rabbit, a noble rabbit out of vulgar tastes, and I will never do anything ridiculous and disrespectful." Tuzki was expressionless, looking very determined.

Lin Fei was very perfunctory: "Well, good, you are right, let's go."

Tuzki's arms seemed to be made of noodles, and they twisted up in a strange way, making the appearance of fluttering wings, and his head was shaking to the left and right.

It quickly cheered up, feeling like the wind is blowing and the water is cold. It took all the treasures that Lin Fei looted from the frozen wilderness, and started to head towards the position of the Nemesis—this is a tribute in name, or an apology. present.

Lin Fei swept his sleeves, a ray of light flashed by, and immediately put away all the required materials, and disappeared in place with a "shua".

On the other hand, Tuzki looked extremely uneasy.With the shackles of the Styx contract, but had to bite the bullet and came to the garden villa of the Nemesis.

"Dead rabbit! If you don't want to be dealt with, get out of here!"

"It's you bastard again! What the hell are you trying to do this time?"

The expressions of the two maids and guards suddenly changed.Not only did he appear extremely angry, but he even felt a sense of fear and apprehension, as if recalling some bad memories.

"Ah? Haha, it's nothing. I'm here to blow up Furies' lungs—" Tuzki said the truth straight away as he became nervous.

"I kill you!"

"You rabbit that kills a thousand knives!"

Seeing the two maids furious, Tuzki hurriedly evaded in various weird and twisted postures, even turning into spherical, liquid, and line shapes, and hurriedly said: "Oh no, no, slip of the tongue! I mean, last time I put revenge The Goddess is so angry that she proposed to bring something to apologize this time!"

It was afraid that the two maids would not believe it, so it directly spilled the things all over the floor.

The two maids were angrily at first and didn't take its explanation to heart, but when they saw so many precious treasures, they were moved on the spot and stopped their cruel actions.

They looked at each other, a little uncertain.

"Dead rabbit, wait for me, I'll report to the goddess!" The girlish maid's voice was as clear as a silver bell, she gave Tuzki a hard look, and went to the inside of the villa.

Tuzki was able to control it at first, but after a few seconds he couldn't help it, and began to reveal his true nature.

"I'll show you a magic trick." Facing the remaining older maid, it squeezed its face into a ball.

Seeing the older maid's complexion, Tuzki didn't know how to restrain himself, and turned into a blue cat.Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of divine light in the hand, and amidst the horrified cry of the older maid, she was transformed into a brown mouse.

If there was a modern person here, he would probably be confused on the spot.

Isn't this Nima Tom and Jerry?

After Tuzki turned into Tom, he took out a dinner plate, slices of bread, table stools, and napkins from nowhere. He looked like he was about to eat Western food, and put Jerry... no, the elderly maid into the slices of bread, Opening her mouth wide, the elderly maid who looked like a mouse screamed and struggled frantically.

"You son of a bitch!" At this moment, a majestic and furious female voice came.

Tuzki's supernatural powers were broken on the spot, and all false imitations disappeared, and it and the elderly maid returned to their original state.

Tuzki was startled, knelt down hurriedly, and took something out of his trousers: "My great goddess, I want to show you a treasure!"

It also ignored the murderous gazes of the three, and directly groped inside, pulling out a strange thing.

The penis for women is still pink.

It "buzzed" and vibrated, and suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed towards the Nemesis...

At this moment, the majestic and stern goddess of revenge turned pale, revealing a frightened expression!

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