I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 644 The Rabbit's Immoral Artifact

Tuzki did not disappoint Lin Fei, and made Nemesis's mentality collapse as soon as she came up.

Looking at the entire place of pain, I am afraid that only it can accomplish such a "feat".But whether it is worthy of praise is open to debate...

The majestic goddess of revenge, the late-stage high-level god powerhouse who governs the painful place in the underworld, the moment he saw that weapon flying towards him, he really wanted to tear this rabbit that killed thousands of knives into pieces!


"Chop Suey, do you want to die?!"

The two demigod maids were also terrified, and hurriedly stood in front of the Nemesis.

The goddess of nemesis received a strong psychological impact, and she was stunned for an extremely rare second.And it was this second that made her even more maddened happen——

That penis turned a corner with a "whoosh" and stuffed most of it into her mouth...

"Woo!" Goddess of Nemesis' eyes widened suddenly, tears flowed out, and she made an indistinct sound.

At this moment, the two demigod maids opened their mouths wide and their eyes almost popped out!

There was a sudden deathly silence in the audience, only that weird thing was still making a "buzzing" sound, and even twisting in a spiral shape.

The corner of Tuzki's mouth twitched twice, cold sweat broke out on his head, and he felt the fear of death!

The eyes of the Nemesis shot out flames, and she pulled out the cock suddenly, and made a "boo" sound, dragging saliva like silver threads.

This kind of voice, this kind of scene made her feel ashamed and angry to the extreme!

"Nie Yi! This god will kill you today!" The angry roar of the Nemesis made the whole place of pain tremble.She felt that the nerves in her brain were trembling, every cell was filled with crazy killing intent, and she was about to lose her ability to think!

Countless people in the entire painful place were terrified, and even guessed what happened.

"The president went to provoke the Nemesis again?"

"Ruthless man, you really deserve to be the president, I hope he can come back alive this time..."

"Needless to say, that rabbit must have done it. No one else has the guts except him!"

"Hmph, the rabbit from the trade union next door is a magic weapon he got by chance. Although it has no lethality, it is disgusting, and even the high gods can't guard against it... Maybe it is really a legendary fairy. device!"

In the prison area far away in the place of pain, Lin Fei sensed the fury of the Nemesis Goddess, and he couldn't help nodding inwardly.

He was arranging a large formation at this time, but in fact, there were subtle fluctuations in energy.If Nemesis is more careful, she will be able to sense it.

Lin Fei chose Tuzki as his teammate, the main reason is that this rabbit is not simple, and has great luck.As long as it doesn't encounter a force that can ignore or crush this luck, everything it does should be smooth and smooth, and there will be no mistakes.

"Materials are limited, and the formations laid out cannot cover the entire painful place, but it is not difficult to surround the entire prison area."

"Tuski, as long as you stand up, I will grant you the status of a high god!" Lin Fei smashed the blood-red stone into the ground and made a handprint.

In an instant, the image of a Suzaku suddenly appeared on the ground.If you look carefully, it is completely composed of complex and mysterious runes, and even faintly reveals the same sacred beast dao rhyme as Suzaku.

This is an extremely terrifying thing, which means that the formation builders have already comprehended the original dao rhyme of the holy beast Suzaku, and can evolve it with cultivation runes!

If there are monks with outstanding knowledge and vicious eyes here, I am afraid that they will be shocked on the spot: the four-element formation of Emperor Fuxi?

Only by understanding the origin of the four phenomena, and using the vast sea of ​​comprehension knowledge and the computing power of the sea of ​​consciousness, can it be deduced and analyzed before it can be used.Since Fuxi, I have never heard of the second person being able to set up a real four-elephant formation, all of which are fake formations that have stolen their names.

Aside from other things, it is extremely rare to see the four-element holy beast.What's more, to analyze and penetrate their origins, and even deduce them with the amount of cultivation knowledge beyond imagination?

However, the big formation that Lin Fei wanted to deploy was not as simple as the Four Elephant Formation—it alone would not be enough to resist Hades when the formation was activated to startle the underworld!

That is a main god, equal to a strong man in the Mahayana realm!


While Lin Fei used his [-] million years of terrifying background and knowledge to set up the formation, Tuzki's side was in a mess, and the scene was completely out of control.

Nemesis is holding the vibrating cock, and there is saliva on it, which makes people want to be crooked no matter how you look at it.

She was so angry that she lost all manners, and even if she urged her divine power, she wanted to break off this dirty, despicable, and unsightly magic weapon—how could there be such a disgusting magic weapon in this world?Is there any reason? !

However, this magic weapon was so weird that it broke down into countless light particles and scattered, out of her control.

Immediately afterwards, the light particles turned into a tornado, roaring and passing by.Not to mention the two maids, even Goddess Nemesis's pupils shrank sharply when she saw this power, and felt a dangerous aura!


This thing is indeed the same as inferred, it is a fairy weapon!

The tornado directly tossed Nemesis and the two maids into the sky. They were dizzy for a while, and the maids screamed in terror.

"Rabbit, do you want to rebel?!"

"Even if you have a fairy weapon in your hand, how much power can you exert? If you dare to kill us, Lord Hades will definitely send you into hell!"

However, the pain of death expected by the two maids did not appear, and the tornado composed of light particles ceased in an instant, and returned to Tuzki's hands as a diamond-shaped ray.

The two maids were taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed to find that they were still alive.

But the next moment, they screamed again!


The two maids emitted sound waves that could pierce human eardrums, hurriedly closed their slender and white jade legs, and tightly hugged their chests with their hands.Their pretty faces were flushed, their ears were burning, and they stared at Tuzki with eyes that were so ashamed that they wanted to kill someone.

If eyes could kill, I'm afraid Tuzki would have been reduced to ashes.

Because the clothes of the two maids were torn to pieces in the previous tornado...

Sure enough, this rabbit can't use the fairy weapon to cause damage at all, it can only do such dirty and disgusting things!

The key is that as the culprit, Tuzki still looked embarrassed, scratched his head, touched his chin, and made a thoughtful look: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. But it doesn't matter, I will make a mosaic for you."

As soon as the words fell, the magic weapon in its hand emitted brilliant seven-color light again, sweeping it away.

Immediately afterwards, dense mosaic squares appeared on the bodies of the two maids, only their faces were exposed.

The corners of Nemesis's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help taking deep breaths, her chest heaving and falling.

"Fuck your mother's karma, my mother will kill you today!"

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