I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 650 I have 4 elephants, I can control 4 poles!

Tuzki suddenly took out the cloak from the space ring and put it on, stretched out his hands and flicked it back, letting the cloak flutter.

It put one hand on its hip, and stretched out its index finger with the other hand to shake it, with a look of contempt, as if to say "you can't".

People who didn't know saw this scene, and they probably thought it knocked Cronus out.

In such a situation where the war was about to break out, Tuzki's unrestrained behavior attracted a lot of strange eyes.Seeing this scene, the Goddess of Nemesis was even more furious. She wished she could chop it up and cook it, chewing it with the bones and swallowing it in order to relieve her hatred.

At this time, Cronus had suffered unimaginable injuries, and his consciousness fell into a coma.

The reason why the original source was not injured is that the vitality of the Titans is extremely tenacious, and there is even a legend of "life is not perish". place.Cronus, as the main god of the Titans, is even more terrifying than imagined.

Secondly, although the hundred-armed giant has the strength of a human being for the first time, its use of power is really horrible.Acting entirely by brute force, she belongs to the reckless iron-headed boy, and has nothing to do with the word "delicacy".

Otherwise, even if it is a half-immortal Titan Lord God, the hundred-armed giant can kill him and completely erase the origin.

After temporarily solving the trouble of Cronus, the huge body of the hundred-armed giant stood up straight, opened the cell door with a "creak" sound, and walked out.

Its size is extremely terrifying, it is like a Mount Everest standing between the sky and the earth, full of shocking oppressive force.Titans and Cyclops are insignificant in front of the hundred-armed giant.

Lin Fei's tiny body was not as high as a toe in front of it, and he looked like a small ant that could be trampled to death.

Moreover, the body structure of the hundred-armed giant is extremely strange, with a total of fifty hill-like heads growing out, which are distributed all over the body.Enough to see the front, back, left, right, up and down at the same time, and enough to hear all the little troubles.

In addition, it has a hundred arms, which are densely distributed on both sides, and its name comes from this.On these arms are the giant magic weapons left by the Titans, including shields, spears, swords, etc., all of which are the size of common small mountain peaks.

A born killing machine!

war machine!

Hades, the king of the underworld, became more and more interested when he saw this scene. He looked at this scene with anticipation, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched in a playful way.

Everyone in the underworld was in an uproar, and they were all deeply shocked by the fully revealed hundred-armed giant.

"It's too scary. The hundred-armed giant can lift a mountain effortlessly with one arm. What if it moves really? Now Wansheng Tianzun is also dead!"

"Wait a minute, I was a mathematician before I was alive, let me do the math! The density of rocks such as granite and marble is about 2.6 tons per cubic meter. Suppose a mountain is conical, 100 meters high, and the radius of the base is 200 meters... Fuck, such a rough calculation, a mountain made entirely of stones is about 1000 million tons, not counting the soil and plants!"

"A mathematician is awesome!"

"Hiss...Easily lift 1000 million tons of weight with one arm?!"

"Hehe, it's interesting to be trapped in a cocoon. Outside the formation is Lord Hades, the king of Hades. If you don't leave the formation, you have to face the hundred-armed giant..."

Lin Fei turned a deaf ear to these words, and was even so eerily calm that anyone who noticed this could not help but be surprised.

With his strong sea awareness ability, Lin Fei not only analyzed the exact combat power of the hundred-armed giant, but also calculated the best plan to defeat it.

"Kill!" The hundred-armed giant let out a terrifying roar, and the sound waves alone caused the earth to crack open, and then began to collapse.

However, Lin Fei's expression was as calm as water, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other.


The mysterious and yellow energy surges from the heaven and the earth, and it condenses infinite dao rhymes.Its Taoism is natural, and it does not let the void collapse, but it emits extremely terrible pressure and transmits terrible energy.

At this moment, everyone in the underworld was shocked!

In a trance, they even felt the oppressive force of Peiran Moyu coming, as if they were going to crush them completely, even Yuanshen was not spared.

Even Hades' expression changed. Although he tried his best to maintain a calm face, his heart was still beating wildly.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuangdao rhyme, a ray can crush and crush mountains, so what if it falls like this?

Hades has no doubt that even if he is in it, he will be crushed in an instant!

The hundred-armed giant let out a roar that shook the world, and in an instant, countless prisoners and guards exploded and turned into blood mist.

The sound of "噗噗" was endless, and looking around, except for Lin Fei, all the creatures close to this area turned into scarlet mist.And even if they are farther away, those with stronger strength will bleed strangely, while those with weaker strength will be severely injured immediately, and the primordial spirit will soon be annihilated.

Tuzki hid far away, and there was a trace of black and yellow energy condensed on his head, and thousands of silk strips hung down to protect it.As soon as the terrifying sound wave approached, the black and yellow air was gently swayed by the catkin branches as if blown by the wind, directly making it disappear invisible.

At that moment, Tuzki was so frightened that he almost lost his soul.But after seeing that it was safe, it immediately wiped the cold sweat off its forehead, shook its hair and made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound, and waved its hands on its hips: "No, it's too weak, it can't hurt me at all."

Everyone outside the formation was not affected, and they were dumbfounded to see this rabbit who needed to be beaten.

The prisoners who survived the impact in the prison area exploded in an instant, and immediately began to "breathe fragrance".

"Damn it, can you show some face to your mother?"

"Damn it, no, it's too irritating! I'll kill you when I get out, and the ashes will be thrown away!"

"You're so awesome, why don't you try to protect yourself from the thing above your head?"

Tuzki immediately glared, and began to interact with them intensively, greeting each other's female family members in a friendly and friendly manner.

"It's really great of me to start a debate match with inmates who lack spiritual entertainment, fully exercise their eloquence and mentality, and enrich entertainment activities!" Tuzki's face was full of intoxication, and the prisoners rolled their eyes in anger.

Lin Fei naturally had no time for this living treasure, so he immediately mobilized the power of the entire formation to take down the hundred-armed giant in the shortest possible time.

As long as the formation has not dissipated, in this world, he is the immortal who commands the world, sun and moon with rules!

"I have four elephants, which can control the four poles!"

Lin Fei's voice descended like a decree from a fairy spirit, and in an instant the avenue of heaven and earth roared.

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