I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 651 Hades, you don't have the guts!

The light of the holy beast in all directions dimmed in an instant, and correspondingly, four bright phantoms were drawn from its body, flying towards the center of the formation in an instant.


Accompanied by the phantoms of the four hill-like holy beasts falling, the hundred-armed giant let out a terrified cry.

At this moment, all the creatures in the prison area were stunned.

Because the terrifying sonic shock they had expected did not appear, although it still shocked them a lot, it no longer regained its previous terrifying power and did not cause any substantial damage.

The power of the four images can guard the four poles of the world.Even though Lin Fei was not able to fully evolve due to his limited strength, it was still enough to temporarily block the power of some hundred-armed giants.

At this moment, the entire existence of the underworld is terrified!

"What? The hundred-armed giant's strength has been suppressed!"

"It's simply impossible! The hundred-armed giant can even beat the second-generation god king, how could it be suppressed by part of its strength?!"

Not to mention other people, even Pluto's face changed suddenly, he stood up from the throne with a "crack", and pushed the Queen of Pluto away: "Get out!"

His face was full of horror, and even his chest was heaving under the agitation of emotions.

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter, I'm the one who can't fight! Even if the strength of the hundred-armed giant is temporarily weakened, Lin Fei is not its opponent. What's more, it should be able to break this bondage."

Pluto stared at the scene in front of him, unwilling to blink his eyelids, flashing a fierce and cruel light.

At this time, the size of the hundred-armed giant has shrunk. Although it is still impossible to see the top at a glance, it has shrunk by nearly 1000 meters. It seems that the strength in the body is not enough to maintain such a previous shape.

The oppression of the mysterious power of heaven and earth, and the suppression of the power of the four elephants made the hundred-armed giant go crazy.He immediately swung hundreds of arms together, attacking with terrifying force.

The phantoms of the four images stationed in all directions were trembling, and the power of Xuanhuang was also slightly defeated.

"Hahaha!" Seeing this scene, Pluto laughed out loud from the bottom of his heart, full of joy.

Many people were startled, secretly Dao is indeed a hundred-armed giant, his strength is really unimaginable.Judging from such a situation, I am afraid that Wansheng Tianzun will also fall!

"Hehe, you can't overestimate yourself. It's a joke to dare to challenge a hundred-armed giant in the mid-stage of a high-ranking god!" The queen of the underworld also sneered contemptuously.

However, Lin Fei's expression remained unchanged, he just bit the tip of his tongue and spat blood on his palm with a "poof".

"Five Elements!" Lin Fei opened his five fingers slightly, separated them, chin in his palm, and raised his right hand high.


In an instant, the blood on his five fingers radiated strangely, the five colors intertwined, dazzling and gorgeous.

Clean up the smoke and dust, shine everywhere!

Blue, red, yellow, white, and black correspond to wood, fire, earth, metal, and water respectively.

At the moment when the five-color divine light was on, most of the power of the five-element array was absorbed and condensed in his palm, turning into five jumping runes.

"Town!" Lin Fei yelled violently, keeping his palm in the air, and slapped it out suddenly.


An extremely indescribable fluctuation rippled from midair, but no energy leaked out. It can be seen that the power of the five elements is tightly condensed, and there is not even a trace of waste!

Just such a penny-pinching utilization rate of energy has thrown away the hundred-armed giant by tens of thousands of streets—just like before his sound waves were aimed at killing Lin Fei, but countless condensed into a bunch of sound waves, Instead, it spread extremely far, even passing through the dark curtain and the copper wall, causing other unlucky ghosts to suffer.

After Lin Fei slapped this palm, the entire right palm turned into light particles and began to dissipate.

The five-element runes were instantly connected by lines of five-color divine light, and immediately rose in the wind after being slapped away by him, instantly turning from the size of a palm to being invisible at a glance, and then suddenly sealed the hundred-armed giant in the center of the five-pointed star.

"Impossible!" The hundred-armed giant let out an angry and terrified roar, and his figure shrank by a full 2000 meters amidst the bang!

After being weakened by the power of the four images, the power of the five elements obviously had a double impact on him.


The mysterious and yellow power actually gathered on top of the hundred-armed giant's head, and it fell down suddenly, causing the hundred-armed giant's knees to bend, and even lowered the top three heads.No matter how violently and angrily it struggled, using dozens of arms to try to support the dark and yellow energy above the sky, it was still unable to support it and make itself stand upright.

Pluto couldn't sit still, his expression was cloudy and cloudy, and the veins around his temples emerged.

He even wanted to take advantage of Lin Fei and use the power of the formation to go directly to help the hundred-armed giant.

But Hades looked at the intact gossip formation and the remaining four-element and five-element formation, but couldn't make up his mind.

"Hades, you dare not break into battle!"

Lin Fei turned his back to Pluto and didn't even look back at him. His voice was firm, his words resounding, and loud: "You don't have the guts! None of the twelve main gods of the Greek kingdom of God have the guts!"

His voice resounded through the heaven and earth like thunder, and in an instant, countless ghosts from the underworld changed their expressions and let out a cry of surprise.

How domineering, how arrogant!

There is such an astonishing momentum of majestic mountains and rivers, it is asserted that the twelve main gods do not have the guts!

Hearing these insolent provocative words, the Empress immediately shook Hades' arm, her face extremely ugly: "Your Majesty, the power of this grand formation has been invoked, and he dares to threaten you like this, so he must be taught a lesson. !"

Pluto Hades was provoked by this, and his heart was burning with anger, and he almost couldn't restrain himself when he heard this.

But when he saw the roaring and struggling hundred-armed giant, he suddenly felt that a basin of ice water was poured from head to toe, and he woke up instantly—the hundred-armed giant couldn't stand it, should I rush in and die? !

Hades looked around for a week and saw countless looks of expectation, excitement, nervousness, and excitement.

Everyone is waiting for him to make a move.

However, Hades' face turned blue and white, and he smacked his lips twice, but in the end he could only spit out three words in a grievance: "Wait a minute!"

The audience was in an uproar again, and then under the eyes of Pluto, who contained shame and murderous intent, instantly became silent.

It's just that although they didn't dare to speak, they could clearly feel the shock in their hearts—Master Pluto, I'm afraid...

Just like what Lin Fei said, in front of him, even Hades, the king of the underworld, would not have the guts!

Just because he is the Ten Thousand Saints, just because he has set up a killing array!

Even if he only has the strength in the middle stage of the tribulation, even if he uses a lot of formation power, even if he is openly provoking the majesty of Hades, Hades is afraid to the bone and dare not enter the formation to fight!

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