I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 652 Suppressing the Armed Giants!

Lin Fei humiliated Hades on the spot, who felt worse than eating a dead fly.

And what humiliated him the most was Lin Fei's reaction—he didn't even turn his head, didn't talk nonsense to himself, and didn't even taunt or ridicule him!

It was as if it had been predicted that Hades would admit defeat, or that no matter what choice he made, Lin Fei would not care.

Completely ignored, and the object of being ignored was the majestic Pluto.

In the dead silence of the audience, Tuzki's behavior seemed particularly strange.It gave thumbs up with both hands, and kept punching back and forth, with little stars popping up in its eyes, as if it was "crazy likes".

Hades was already aggrieved to the extreme, and the behavior of this dead rabbit was tantamount to making his mood worse.He immediately widened his eyes, the eye sockets were full of bloodshot eyes intertwined into a net, he wished he could tear this rabbit into pieces!

Lin Fei had no time to be distracted by these other matters.

The hundred-armed giant is too strong, even if he has all his strength and uses it horribly, but after all, his cultivation in the realm of immortality is there.The power of the four images and the five elements, as well as the Xuan Huang Dao rhyme condensed by the three large formations, could not defeat him.

Lin Fei was not surprised by this, and immediately took the next step.


The celestial sword in his hand was turned upside down, brushing out a brilliant silver halo, and then the blade pointed towards his heart.

poked in.


Lin Fei's attack was extremely ruthless and straightforward, directly piercing his heart!

"Pfft!" He spat out a big mouthful of blood on the spot, so much blood dripped from his eyes, nose, and ears.

After making such a move and enduring terrible pain, Lin Fei didn't even bat an eyelid.The incomparably calm look and the tragic scene of bleeding from the seven orifices formed a stark contrast. It was extremely weird, and it looked even more horrifying and hideous.


The underworld exploded again, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"What do you mean, he's going to commit suicide?"

"Crazy? I don't understand why the hell, what kind of suffocating operation is this?"

"Wait, I don't think he will commit suicide. Could it be some kind of forbidden curse that requires a price?"

Pluto Hades also frowned deeply, feeling very uneasy suddenly in his heart.


Lin Fei directly pulled out the sword, and a string of blood beads emitting red light spewed out like a spring, stagnating in mid-air.

The blood of the Chaos body!

Or call it Blood of Essence, or simply Blood of Essence, it’s just a different name, but it’s essentially the same thing.

Every drop of blood seemed to contain enormous power, exuding a light like the scorching sun, piercing people's eyes.


The most pure and majestic power!

Feeling the breath of this stream of blood, countless creatures in the underworld couldn't help swallowing, their breathing became rapid, and they showed a greedy and crazy look.

It's just that the blood exudes an extremely dangerous aura, and it makes people feel like they are on their backs, greed and fear coexist.

Even the Queen of the Underworld in the late stage of the high gods changed slightly, and even felt a burst of disbelief.Lin Fei's cultivation strength is obviously weaker than hers by a small realm, why does even blood make her feel dangerous? !

Hades looked dignified and remained silent.

"Gossip!" Lin Fei's face turned pale, as if he had hurt his vitality, but his expression was still calm and peaceful, and he suddenly wrote and arranged the gossip runes with his heart and soul.

There are only eight runes in total, which seems very simple.

But under the perception of Pluto, it turned out to be like an endless abyss, extremely deep.Among them is a sea of ​​dense runes. These eight gossip runes the size of a baby's palm are each composed of tens of thousands of tiny basic runes!

It contains profound and mysterious connotations, which made Hades feel desperate and suffocated.

Can't guess, can't understand!

This...is cultivation? !

No wonder, whether it is the Ten Thousand Saints or the Six Demons, they are all willing to take such a path, and it really is the path to the ultimate!

Lin Fei's Road to Cultivating Immortals and the Road to Creating Demons in the Six Paths seem to be completely different, but they lead to the same goal by different routes, leading to the top of the real avenue.


The power of the eight trigrams array was absorbed, and it suddenly evolved into different small spaces in all directions.Although it can't show the innate origin of the earth, feng, shui and fire, the power evolved from the eight different innate laws is still extremely terrifying, directly covering one side and drowning everything.

The four images, the five elements and the eight trigrams come together, and the air pressure of Xuanhuang comes down!

"No!!" The hundred-armed giant uttered a terrified cry, "If you dare to suppress me, I will cut you into pieces as rations after I escape!"

That's right, it's the suppression.

Can't kill.

Really can't kill!

The difference in realm was terrifying. Even with such careful preparations, it was impossible to kill a strong person at the level of a human immortal.Even if it is not worth mentioning in the realm of immortality, it is still immortal!

With the approval of the heavenly way in the dark, as long as he does not encounter a catastrophe, he will live the same life as the heaven and the earth.From the perspective of longevity alone, it is almost exhausted.

However, Lin Fei's complexion was abnormally serious, his long hair fluttered in the wind, and he pressed his hand into the void suddenly: "Stop!"

He knew he could not delay.

The Four Elephants, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams formation is about to lose its hold, and will soon be unable to deter Hades, who is staring outside.


The hundred-armed giant roared crazily and struggled, but it couldn't resist the multiple pressures, and its figure continued to shrink.

From the height of a skyscraper to the height of a skyscraper, to the height of a small building with more than ten floors, the height of a three-story building, the height of one person, and the height of half a person, and finally turned into a pocket version of a hundred-armed giant the size of a baby's fist, even like a hand-made model .

And above it is a palm-sized black and yellow air, surrounded by phantoms of four images and gossip runes, and a pentagram array composed of five elements below. .

All the power poured into the body of the miniature version of the hundred-armed giant, which was not enough to make him fall, or even hurt the source.

But the strength of his struggle quickly dissipated, and his movements were slow.

Finally, the arm of the hundred-armed giant slowly sank and loosened, put down the weapon in his hand, and landed with a crisp clang.

Its fifty heads also closed their eyes, fell into a deep sleep, and fell backwards on the ground.

Countless eyes watched this scene, full of shock, disbelief, and even almost dull.

After the eerie silence of death, there was endless noise, resounding like thunder through the heavens and the earth.

Tuzki even made gongs and drums on the spot, beating the gongs and drums "dang dang dang" while shouting hoarsely: "Boss Niubi!!"

It's all broken.

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