I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 653 Gamble with the Titan God King

Lin Fei extracted most of the energy from the formation. Although the hundred-armed giant was temporarily suppressed, it also caused a great crisis.

The formation of four images, five elements and eight trigrams is already on and off, and it seems that it is about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Hades suddenly screamed, and suddenly stretched out his hands to embrace the void, his hands in the shape of holding a ball.A black spot of light appeared between his hands, and then instantly enlarged, turning into the size of a basketball.

He pushed forward violently, and the black ball of light flew out slowly and firmly.

The black ball of light contained a tyrannical breath of death, crushing the void until it trembled and roared.It rose against the wind, and soon became the size of a house, and when it hit the light curtain of the formation, it was even the size of a mountain.


Amid the shaking of the mountain and the ground shaking, slight cracks opened in the formation light curtain.Although the destructiveness is not obvious, it is a bad omen.

With a loud shout, Hades suddenly transformed into a mountain-like giant.He was surrounded by black ghost flames, punching the formation forcefully!

If the previous formation was intact, his actions like this would be tantamount to sending him to death. I am afraid that the counter-shock force of the formation would be enough to cause him to suffer heavy injuries.It's a pity that the power of the formation has been greatly reduced at this moment, and the situation is completely different.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every punch of Hades has a terrifying power and oppressive force, making the void scream.Its strength and speed were already beyond imagination, he had already swung several punches, and the sound of the first punch exploded like thunder. Obviously, the speed of punching was far exceeding the speed of sound by countless times.

This made people have no doubt that every punch he punched was enough to smash a mountain.And under the horror of the violent flames, even the rocks will be burned up.

Even if he didn't waste his strength in other places, the fluctuation of the collision between the two alone caused many people to vomit blood.

Tuzki was terrified, but Lin Fei didn't dare to waste any time, and Dang even kicked open the unlocked cell door of the hundred-armed giant.

With a sound of "bang", the cell door slammed down on the metal railing. Lin Fei stepped in, pulled up the six-leaf nether grass by the roots, and put it into the interspatial ring.

Then he captured a thin wisp of black and yellow air like lightning, which directly sank into the center of Cronus' eyebrows.

The moment this mountain-sized Taishan God King woke up, Lin Fei's spiritual thoughts sounded in his mind: "Sign this Styx contract, and I will let you out!"

It is worth mentioning that at this time, he had already left the cell and closed the doors.

"Are you qualified to negotiate conditions? When Hades breaks the formation, you will die if you don't let me out!" Cronus is not a talkative master either, Dang even sneered, it seems that Lin Fei is determined He will definitely be let out.

"It doesn't matter! In the worst case, I'll die as a soldier, and you will continue to be imprisoned here forever!" Lin Fei decided decisively, his eyes were extremely firm, "This contract only restricts you from taking action against me or any human beings. The first thing to do after getting out of trouble is to protect me and everyone Tuzki is comprehensive, kills Hades, and there are no other restrictions—”

"Sign it or not, it's up to you!"

Kronos was shocked, and looked deeply at Lin Fei, as if hoping to see his pretentiousness.

But unfortunately, Lin Fei's thoughts were clear and transparent, and even condensed into an indescribable grandeur.

That is the vastness of the world and the smallness of life and death;

That is no hesitation, no concession;

That is to have a well-thought-out plan and a certain chance of winning!

For no reason, Kronos suddenly felt a chill.The frail life in front of him seemed to be filled with endless vicissitudes, experience and wisdom that penetrated into people's hearts, and he was completely seen through.

Cronus has a monstrous hatred in his heart, and the aloof God King was overthrown and imprisoned by his unfilial son.Not only was all the glory deprived, but he was also reduced to a prisoner, and was easily abused by the hundred-armed giant.

Every day he suffered suffering, this hatred deepened.And the endlessness, which made him forget how many years of imprisonment, made him almost crazy.

Every time he fell into a dream, Cronus would tear Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades into pieces, and even strip off their souls, torment them forever.Just the scene in the dream made him tremble from hatred all over his body, as if every pore was relaxed, and even his soul was about to cry out with joy...

In fact, this contract is not too much. As a benefactor who rescued Cronus, it is not surprising that he wants a reward.Firstly, there are no restrictions on him, and secondly, he can't wait to kill Hades to such an extent that his own mother can't even recognize him!

The only dissatisfaction with Kronos is, how can he be restrained by the humble and weak in front of him as a majestic Titan king?

Even if he used to be the Ten Thousand Saints, but now he is a weak guy!

It's just that Kronos took it for granted.He only cared about pure strength, but forgot about other changes brought about by Lin Fei's [-] million years of experience.

For example, to understand people's hearts and predict his thoughts.

To put it bluntly, after living for [-] million years, even a fucking pig should become a sperm!How difficult is it to try to determine people's hearts?


Hades slammed another punch on the light curtain of the formation, causing it to be covered with cobweb-like cracks, and it was already crumbling.

Kronos felt that Lin Fei should panic now.After all, death is about to come, so he has to give up signing a contract with himself, so as to help him stop Hades, the enemy, right?

But Lin Fei not only did not panic, he even smiled: "It seems that I am going to die, and you will be trapped here for the rest of your life. How does it feel to have your last hope flash before your eyes, and then disappear in a flash? Thousands of years later , tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, how does it feel for you to think of today's decision?"

Kronos was frightened and angry, but seeing Hades suddenly defeated the entire formation, and the four images, five elements and eight trigrams formation was broken, he showed a frightened look again.


The frightened person was not Lin Fei who was about to be killed, but him.

Lin Fei knew Cronus too well. This guy was also the guy who overthrew the previous generation of god kings. He was as cruel as Zeus.Coupled with the fact that his mind has been distorted by hatred, if he is not restrained, it is natural for him to come out and kill Hades.But immediately after that, he would also die in his hands, becoming a peerless creation of Cronus.

In the future, forever and ever, there will be no great fortune comparable to it!

He could kill his own father for the benefit, so how could he let Lin Fei go?

Therefore, forcing him to sign the Styx contract is something that must be done!

"Okay, you win!" Cronus gritted his teeth and signed the Styx contract through the sea of ​​knowledge.


Lin Fei opened the cell door abruptly.

Although Hades had already swung his fist and turned into a shadow the size of a black mountain, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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