I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 656 Willing to be a slave, or fighting to the death?

After Zeus's voice fell, the entire Temple of Olympus was in an uproar.

At this time, among the twelve main gods, Hades, the god of the underworld, and Poseidon, the god of the sea, had already fallen.The ten main gods immediately discussed and had different opinions on this matter.For Zeus' point of view, the supportive voices are in the majority.

The main gods who most resolutely opposed such a proposal were Prometheus and Athena.

Prometheus is one of the most intelligent gods, the earliest descendant of the Titans, whose name means "foresight"; not to mention Athena, as the goddess of wisdom, almost the focus of attention of other main gods falls on her body.

Even Zeus did not dare to underestimate the decision of the two of them - this is the cognition accumulated from countless years of experience, and the decisions of the two of them are correct most of the time.

"Athena, I want to hear the reasons for your objection." Zeus said in a deep voice, holding the lightning scepter in his hand.

"For those who are not of my race, their hearts must be different. Even if we are extremely powerful, if we seek refuge with creatures from outside the territory, we will only be reduced to sharp knives in their hands. There is an old saying in China, that is, the flying birds do their best to hide their bows, and the cunning rabbits are killed by running dogs. !"

"Taking refuge in a foreign race may not repay us with glory, but it may lead to our perdition, this is one of them." Athena held a green olive branch and wore a plain white gold-rimmed dress, with an elegant and dignified appearance.

Except for the faint holy glow all over her body, she doesn't seem to be much different from human beings, and she doesn't even have the slightest coercion of the main god.She exudes a natural and peaceful atmosphere, which makes people feel close.

Zeus nodded slightly, and said noncommittally, "What about the second?"

Athena smiled slightly, and said softly: "Although Cronus is powerful, he is limited after all. With one against three, he will surely win; with one against five, the outcome is uncertain; with one against seven, he will win If you don’t escape, you will definitely lose.”

"I know His Majesty the God King's worries. Is he afraid that I will try to overthrow your throne again?"

Zeus narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his long white beard, and smiled without saying a word.

His ambitious second brother, Poseidon, had done such a thing before, only to fail.Perhaps because of the historical reasons of the Greek kingdom of God, the new god-king always overthrew the previous one to come to power, and even formed a kind of unspeakable feeling-others can do it, why can't I?

The twelve main gods have never been united!

"Your Majesty, don't worry, now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. We all win together, and we all lose together when we lose."

Athena smiled softly and said softly: "In my opinion, it is the worst policy to take refuge in the creatures outside the territory. Your Majesty's words are ulterior motives, just wait for me to veto such a proposal, and then propose A new proposal - teaming up to imprison Kronos again, right?"

Except for Prometheus, all the gods looked at Zeus in unison, and some even sneered secretly.

Okay, but you still want everyone to think about their own interests and follow his orders?

Zeus narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Athena knew that he had murderous intentions, but she just smiled and waited quietly for him to speak.

"Besides that, is there any other way?" Zeus chuckled, looking extremely bachelor.In his view, even if everyone knew his thoughts, they had no choice but to act like this under the threat of Kronos.

Athena shook her head, and denied: "The imprisoning of Cronus is nothing more than a middle strategy. Not to mention the loss of Pluto's position and the escape of Cronus, what is the terrible existence behind it? I'm just asking you a little-"

"Cronus was taken down, and the power of the strongest against the extraterritorial creatures also dissipated. When the world is swept and flattened, my Greek kingdom will not be spared. Then the question comes, who will fight these extraterritorial creatures to the death in the end?"

The gods fell silent.

Athena then sighed slightly, and continued: "Therefore, we should implement the best strategy - doing nothing. With the power of our ten main gods, we will completely close the country and seal off the entire Olympus mountain."

"Cronus is the enemy of the extraterritorial creatures if he does not fall. Even if he has no intention of being an enemy of the extraterritorial creatures, these invaders will not tolerate such a strong being alive. This is a potentially fatal threat."

"Although our God Realm barrier is not indestructible, we have to pay a price to break it down. Once the war starts, the creatures from outside the territory will never make trouble at this time. In this way, we can wait for the opportunity and move towards the trend. Let's go!"

After all, their intelligence information is limited, and they don't know how powerful the extraterritorial creatures will be.But whether the earth wins or both lose, it will be a wonderful thing for the ten main gods at that time.

Simply sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit.

Especially in the situation where both sides are defeated and injured, they can not only drive away the tigers and completely eliminate Cronus and never suffer future troubles, but also take the opportunity to launch a fatal blow to defeat the invaders and seize all the resources they plundered and carried.

And by that time, the prestige of the Greek gods will surely spread all over the world, and they will become gods of salvation and heroes for people to worship sincerely and gain the majestic power of faith!

"Then what if the earth is defeated and the creatures outside the territory are still powerful?" Zeus asked in a deep voice.

Athena responded with a wry smile: "This is breaking the situation with strength. Any conspiracy is meaningless in the face of absolute strength. At that time, you need to touch your heart and ask yourself—"

"Are you willing to become a slave of a foreign race, or to inherit the glory of the Lord God and fight to the death?"

The Temple of Olympus was silent, no sound came out, and everyone looked different, not knowing what they were thinking.

When any race is in the most critical time, there are generous warriors who throw their heads and blood, and there are cowards who betray their compatriots to live.

Before the mountain rain came, there were thousands of lead clouds hanging down on the sacred mountain, depressing and gloomy.


Hades Palace.

Lin Fei interpreted the four words "robbers and bandits" vividly, regardless of what it is or whether it can be used, he directly swept it all into the space ring.

Looking at his posture, it seems that he can't wait to tear down the floor tiles and the roof and take them away.Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, and Tuzki was left with an empty shell palace.Otherwise, it seems too outrageous for a majestic Pluto to not even have a palace.

It is worth mentioning that even the Eastern Desolation Immortal Gold and the Western Desert Divine Fire were used by Lin Fei in the five-element formation, which belonged to the gold position and the fire position, and were completely exhausted.And it was such terrifying consumables that increased the majestic energy that allowed the hundred-armed giant to be suppressed for three years.

The miniature hundred-armed giant, which looks like an exquisite hand-made model, is still in his pocket at this moment.

As a last resort, this thing can be thrown out directly to give a "surprise" to foreign invaders.

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