I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 657 Don't Bet Your Life With Emperor Ou

Lin Fei not only swept away Pluto's palace, but also took away the six-leaf Nether Grass in the Nemesis Garden.

This six-leaf Nethergrass is obviously much worse than the top-quality one obtained from the prison area, and even the sixth leaf is not fully mature.

The entire underworld was completely reshuffled, Hades and the Queen of Hades fell, and Tuzki ascended the throne.The gods of the underworld, such as the goddess of nemesis and the three judges, were also fearful at first, for fear of being implicated.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, neither Lin Fei nor Tuzki had any intention of killing them.Although Kronos was not happy seeing these old Hades, he just sneered and did not make any drastic moves.

Lin Fei returned the celestial artifact to Tuzki, bluntly saying that the matter was over and he was going to find the next holy medicine.

The result was an extremely exaggerated scene.

"Congratulations to the Ten Thousand Saints!"

Countless dead souls in the underworld knelt down and spoke neatly and loudly.Its sound gathers together, the imposing manner is extraordinary, resounds through the heaven and the earth.At a glance, it is full of dark figures, and there are all kinds of races.

When Kronos saw this scene, his complexion suddenly became ugly.These guys were kneeling and kowtowing to Hades not long ago, but in a blink of an eye they changed to another object of kneeling, which inevitably reminded him of his own experience.

After he lost his position and became a prisoner, those courtiers bowed down to Zeus in the same way, right?

Hehe, as expected, those who have breasts may not necessarily be mothers, but those who have strength must be masters!

"Kronos, the underworld belongs to Tuzki, and you can't go back to Mount Olympus. Have you thought about where to go next?" Lin Fei suddenly stopped and asked.

Kronos was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was not letting himself overwhelm Tuzki here.Once a strong man like him stays in the underworld, Tuzki, the new underworld king, is a joke. He is the ruler of all the souls of the underworld.

Kronos chuckled and said bluntly: "That's not true, does Tianzun have any suggestions?"

Lin Fei said calmly, "Atlantis."

Kronos immediately responded.On the other hand, Tuzki covered his mouth and laughed, looking at him with a strange expression.

"Boss," Tuzki thought it would be more affectionate to call him, as if he was Lin Fei's subordinate, "this old guy doesn't know the current affairs, he knows your next move to seize the holy medicine, and he didn't say anything - I'm different Already!"

"Boss, you can use the fairy artifact. Although my strength is low, I probably can't help you, but you are always on call, and I will definitely be at your command!" Tuzki raised his head and winked at Kronos, Full of provocation.

Kronos was scolding his mother in his heart, but his face showed a dazed look. He immediately slapped his head and pretended to regret: "Hey, Tianzun, look at my brain! I have been locked up for too long, and my brain is fast. It's rusty, I didn't think of this for a while!"

"Tuski, you don't need to worry about this matter, let me work for Tianzun!"

He waved his hand, looking very generous.

Lin Fei was amused in his heart, but he didn't let it go. He nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then follow me to the Phoenix Nest. If there are no accidents, there should be Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass there."

The Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is as strong as it is yang, and it is the exact opposite of the Nether Grass, full of boundless and majestic vitality.If it was extremely difficult to see the mature Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass in the past, it would be swallowed by the most powerful Phoenix in the Phoenix Nest almost at the moment of maturity, to complete the transformation and promotion.

But since Fengchao was harmed by Lin Yuan and used to deduce the Nirvana Art of the Heavenly Demon, all the Phoenixes were almost extinct.Those who survived by chance were scared out of their wits, and hurriedly took refuge in the Heavenly Emperor Jun. Since then, they have been far away from their homes and inhabited the Eastern Sea of ​​the Immortal Realm.

It is conceivable how miraculous it is in the habitat of the Phoenix family.For tens of thousands of years, it has been baptized by the blood of the Phoenix Nirvana, and soaked in the grace of countless divine beasts reborn from the ashes, so it is not a problem to breed the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass.

If he could find the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass that exceeded his expectations, plus two six-leaf Nether Grass, Lin Fei would not need to look for medicine.Now that time is running out, it would be best to have this opportunity.

Lin Fei had some guesses in his mind, that is, he should have such an opportunity, so as to avoid the time and energy needed to find medicine.Not for anything else, just because of the profound luck of the human race, and when a catastrophe comes, he is one of the hopes to save the catastrophe, so he should have such luck!

Of course, the luck of Noah's guy is even better.I'm afraid that there is really a big enemy who wants to kill him, or even something like Liu Xiu's deed in history will happen, where a meteorite falls from the sky on the spot and kills the enemy...

After Lin Fei and Kronos left, the whole underworld was still discussing and boiling.

He first broke into the underworld brazenly, then sneaked into the place of pain without telling the judge, escaped from prison, killed the evildoers to get money, and then exchanged for resources, and cooperated with Tuzki to lay out;

Immediately afterwards, they created an earth-shattering formation, trapped Hades outside the formation, suppressed the hundred-armed giant, coerced Cronus to sign the Styx contract, and killed Hades...

A series of events were so close that even the clues of the incident between Styx and the prison could not be exposed, and it directly turned the underworld upside down, and the king changed!

I don't know how many people are excited about it, full of awe and emotion.

"What a powerful method, what a ruthless courage! At least two or three big bets, once the bet is lost, it will be lost!"

"Yes, if Nemesis informs Hades, he will be finished. Could it be that he has identified the character of Nemesis and will never let Pluto know about the embarrassment?"

"It's still a trivial matter, right? He believes that Cronus will give in for freedom, and even fight with his life. This is really ruthless!"

"And that formation... I'm so fucking shocked, what kind of profound background is it that makes such a large formation possible?"

"Let me tell you, the most frightening thing is the compactness of his actions! It's as if he has already figured out all the plans before he starts to act. It doesn't seem complicated, but it is very practical. ! From not having the slightest confidence, to forming a general trend in the dark!"

"Yes, Hades was able to crush him with one finger before, but in the end, he didn't know anything and made him a big deal. He can only stare outside the formation! It's too awesome!"

Naturally, these people didn't know that Lin Fei still had the confidence to take a big gamble.

Still luck!

With a [-]% chance, he dared to bet everything on it.

As long as the extinction of the human race has not passed, and the human race on the earth has not completely disappeared, the general trend is on the human side!

When Tuzki heard these words, he felt a little heartbroken—to be reasonable, I am your new Pluto, okay?Why are you talking about your boss?

Is Tuzki shameless? !

Even though it thought so, it sat on the throne of Pluto happily, with its hands on the bone armrests, its legs crossed, and it looked like a rustling.

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