I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 658 Moral kidnapping?

On Earth, almost all people with high status or extraordinary strength feel that they have somehow become the Emperor of Europe.

Many people were overjoyed by this situation, without realizing that it was a harbinger of imminent disaster.

From the Beihai Ice Palace, purple air came from the east, and the seven-color auspicious colors fell like a waterfall, and a mirror unexpectedly flew out from the place of trial.When Han Zhenbei saw the mirror, he was so excited that he was trembling all over: "The mirror of all things! It was made by Wansheng Tianzun himself, and the mirror of everything left by the ancestors!"

In the Heavenly Demon God Palace, Lin Kunpeng fell into a mysterious epiphany, and broke through to the middle stage of the cave in one fell swoop.Compared with the situation when he had entered the early stage of the cave with difficulty, it almost made him feel like he was stunned by surprise.

Happiness came so suddenly that it was caught off guard.

While in Yunnan Province, the Patriarch of the Long Family had a dream.In the dream, he went to a mysterious place, opened up the hidden small world of the underground world, and was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

The bones of countless oriental dragons piled up, a large number of natural materials and earthly treasures remained, and dragon souls stared at him, with calls from the soul and blood.

After Long Zeyuan woke up, Dang even went crazy.He didn't have any shoes on, so he rushed out the door in a hurry: "Long Wolei, come out with me now, hurry up!"

Long Wolei was secretly resentful, and when he saw this scene, he immediately said: "Father, why are you crazy? The Yao family found a chance left by Emperor Shun, and now even Yao Zhicheng disagrees with my marriage with Yao Xinyi , is it meaningful for us to go to the Yao family now?"

He was cursing madly in his heart.Yao Xinyi, that bitch, loves Wan Sheng Tianzun Lin Fei wholeheartedly, doesn't she know that other people don't care about her at all?Laozi's Dragon family is powerful and powerful, and has the blood of the dragon clan. After the recovery of the spiritual energy, it has risen all the way. What is it that is not worthy of you?

Besides, the incident in Rongcheng was such a commotion, and the matter of Lin Fei retreating from the two ghosts in the cave was already raging, and he was no longer the supreme powerhouse at all!

"Confused!" Long Zeyuan couldn't hide his excitement, and immediately glared, "Who told you that I'm going to Yao's house? I should have been entrusted by my ancestors to find the legendary Longyuan just now!"

Long Wolei was startled: "Longyuan? It is the sacred place of the dragon clan corresponding to the Phoenix Nest in the legend, Longyuan?!"

Seeing Long Zeyuan nodding, he immediately stood up with a "chuckle": "Father, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Soon, the two of them came to a remote suburb along the way according to the memory of Long Zeyuan's dream.Relying on the blood of the Long family, a small world was actually opened, which was instantly engulfed by the divine light.

The two felt that the scene in front of them was changing rapidly, and when they came back to their senses, they had already seen Long Yuan!

There are countless giant dragon bones entrenched on both sides, forming two magnificent keel bones, among which is the misty abyss.There are many elixirs grown from dragon blood and dragon meat, shining in the mist.

There are also illusory dragon souls, black dragons, white dragons, red dragons, etc., flying in the sky.There seemed to be countless dragon chants sounding in the whole space, filled with endless majestic atmosphere, shocking people's hearts.

"Hahaha! Longyuan, it's really Longyuan!" Long Wolei was too young and not steady enough, so excited that he cried and laughed like crazy.

It's not as exaggerated as Fan Jinzhongju, but it's also like a poor ghost who won a tens of millions of dollars.

Although Long Zeyuan was a bit older, he was trembling with excitement, his eyes were red: "My son, have you heard such a sentence? ***********, you will turn into a dragon when you encounter a storm!"

"Also - 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor! It is inevitable for my Long family to rise and stand tall in the world, hahaha, Yao family? The descendants of Emperor Shun? This is nothing! Now Yao Xinyi is right If you love to answer and ignore it, you will never be able to climb high again in the future!"

Such rare and rare opportunities for good fortune suddenly sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, appearing in various places on the earth.What's funny is that the illusion of prosperity brought about by the harvest and consumption of luck makes many people think that they are destined to be in their bodies, and that they have become existences with great luck, and they must be proud of the world.

Among them, the one who has benefited the most is naturally Noah.

The few younger brothers this guy has taken in are not simple, and they are often the messengers of a certain divine kingdom or a certain demonic land.Interestingly, there is also a human messenger of Hades.

Maybe they are not strong enough, but each of them has a very deep background, and a high-ranking god or even the main god is often involved!

If this is all potential background, then what Noah is facing now is the real great luck.

Yin Shuangtong, a blind girl with double pupils of a saint!

Noah once wanted to dig out her eyeballs, and use her blood essence to perfectly transplant it to himself.But he thinks he is not a cruel person, so he is reasoning with Yin Shuangtong.

"The catastrophe is approaching, I know that such a sacrifice is unfair to you, and my thoughts are also moral kidnapping. But the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, do you have the heart to see the human beings burnt?"

"You have so many juniors and juniors, and there are elders and suzerains who love you in the door. Do you have the heart to watch them die in front of your eyes? At that time, blood will flow into rivers, the sky will be covered with blood, and there will be dead souls everywhere in the world. how can you bear it?" Noah looked dignified, with a heartbroken look on his face.

Yin Shuangtong's face was a little pale, showing signs of struggle.

However, Ji Xue couldn't listen anymore, Dang even sneered, and asked, "Since the situation needs to be sacrificed to save the overall situation, why must Shuang Tong be the one who sacrificed, and not you?"

Before Noah could speak, a believer next to him stood up and scolded angrily: "Bold! Saint Noah is the destiny, the real savior, how dare you make him sacrifice?"

After his words fell, another female believer said angrily: "Yes! Saint Noah can obviously destroy your entire sect with a slap, and use force to complete this matter. Now he is trying to persuade you, you How dare you speak rudely? I simply don’t know what is good and what is bad, I have to—”

Noah's eyes were serious, and he scolded: "Susan!"

The woman named Susan stopped talking immediately, but turned her head away and snorted sullenly.

Noah took a deep look at Yin Shuangtong, put his hand on his chest, knelt down on one knee, and said sincerely: "For the sake of the common people in the world, please sacrifice yourself for righteousness."

Immediately afterwards, countless believers raised their arms and shouted, full of madness and restlessness.

"Dedicated! Dedicated! Dedicated!"

Their voices became louder and louder, resounding from the foot of the mountain to the entire Yinzong.

Yin Shuangtong took a deep breath and took off the white blindfold.

She bit her lip and said in a trembling voice, "Sir, will it hurt?"

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