I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 659 The sacrificed girl and the saint of heaven

After Yin Shuangtong's words fell, Noah suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise: "The girl sacrificed for the common people in the world. I admire such righteousness!"

The believers behind him burst into wild cheers in an instant.

No matter how other members of the Yinzong tried to persuade and obstruct him, Yin Shuangtong still made up his mind.For Noah, this is enough.

As long as she promises, the rest of the Yinzong will not be looked down upon by him at all, and the entire Yinzong can be immobilized in a single thought!

But before Noah made a move, Yin Shuangtong couldn't help but said: "Sir, I want to ask one more question, please be honest with each other, sir!"

Noah couldn't wait at this moment. Hearing this, he could only forcefully suppress his impulse, nodded slightly and said, "You ask."

Yin Shuangtong looked at him with those gray double pupils, and said seriously: "Dare to ask, sir, if I don't agree to donate the double pupils, what will you do?"

After her words fell, the entire Yinzong looked at Noah in unison.

Noah's heart shook slightly, but he looked straight into her eyes immediately, and said calmly, "I will use force to still goug out your eyes."


The entire Yinzong was completely boiling, and the curses of countless people intertwined into pieces.

"You hypocrite, you are simply the second Hong Xiaowei!"

"Hehe, you've already made up your mind anyway, so what's the point of persuading Senior Sister?"

"Bah, shameless! To put it bluntly, it is inevitable, and you are still pretending to deceive Senior Sister to sacrifice herself!"

"As the savior, I think that even if you get the double pupil of the saint, you may not be able to turn the situation around, right? In the end, maybe it's up to the Ten Thousand Saints to solve everything. You are useless at all, and you just let the elder sister sacrifice in vain!"

Facing the accusations from everyone in the Yinzong, Noah's believers were not happy anymore, and all of them looked ugly, and immediately yelled and cursed back.

"What do you know? This is righteousness. It is her honor to sacrifice one person to save the world!"

"The whole world is coming to an end, and she won't be able to escape by then. She's going to die anyway, so she might as well sacrifice herself!"

"I don't want to see how weak Lin Fei is now? Lord Noah has a destiny, as long as he gets the double pupil of the saint, he is not worthy to lift the shoes for Lord Noah."

Amidst such din, Yin Shuangtong showed a self-deprecating smirk, but suddenly sighed in relief, as if she had accepted the reality.

"Enough!" Noah said suddenly, interrupting everyone's voices, "You can say a thousand words, but I will just say one thing - no matter what I do, with your humble strength, can you stop me? !"

Everyone in Yinzong was extremely pale, and many people secretly clenched their teeth and clenched their fists, full of aggrieved and powerless feelings.


He is strong and we are weak.

Weak people are not worthy of reasoning!

On the other hand, Noah's believers looked like they were winning. Some even laughed out loud and started clapping their hands in celebration, feeling like they were showing off their might.

Noah pointed out a finger, and the holy light immediately fixed everyone in the Yinzong.

Then he stretched out the two fingers of his right hand, and under the excited and crazy eyes of the believers, under the tearful eyes of everyone in the Yinzong, and under the horrified and fearful eyes of Yin Shuangtong, he stretched them out slowly and firmly.

Yin Shuangtong watched helplessly as the two fingers got closer and closer, and finally occupied all eyes.Then, along the gap between her upper eyelid and eyeball, she resolutely stretched it in.

Dig hard!

"Ah!" Although Yin Shuangtong couldn't move, he let out a heart-piercing scream.

The double pupils were connected to the nerves, and they were directly dug out, making her eye sockets sunken and bloody.A lot of blood even dripped down her cheeks, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

Many people in the Yinzong closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look any longer, and even the younger junior sisters burst into tears.

Noah was trembling slightly all over, feeling the majestic power contained in the double pupils in his hands.Although he couldn't show it, it already shocked him.

"Although I'm sorry, but...you still need your essence, blood and soul, so that I can perfectly fit it. The girl died for the sake of the world, I will remember your greatness, and the whole world will praise your sacrifice!" As Noah said so, Dang even bent his palms, and pierced Yin Shuangtong's left chest with five fingers with a "poof".

"do not want!"

"Elder Sister!"

Blood splattered, and Yin Shuangtong was bloody and bloody in the eye sockets, bleeding from the seven orifices in an instant, and the soul and heart were pulled out together!

Yinzong has too many eyes of anger, grief, despair, and hatred.

And among Noah's believers, there are too many excited, expectant, surprised, and crazy eyes.

A living life, an innocent girl died before their eyes, but they called it the beginning of hope, dawn, and dream.

Noah swallowed Yin Shuangtong's heart and soul in one gulp, and the holy light surged all over his body, refining it instantly.Then without hesitation, he gouged out his own eyeballs amidst the screams, and replaced them with double pupils of saints!


At this moment, a blood-colored beam of light rose into the sky.Countless clouds were drawn by invisible forces, forming a vast vortex of clouds directly on the sky.It's just that they also turned red under the blood light.

In an instant, flowers and rain flew between heaven and earth, and streaks of auspicious colors fell.

Noah seemed to have endured unimaginable pain, roaring like a beast, and the veins on his forehead and temples emerged.

Then, he suddenly opened his closed eyes.

In a pair of black double pupils, there are dense divine lines, mysterious and unpredictable, possessing a terrifying divine power.Just the breath it gave off naturally made countless people present frightened and felt the terrifying coercion, as if there was a mountain pressing down on their hearts, so heavy that it made people breathless.

The sound of "puffing" can be heard incessantly.

Whether it was Noah's disciples or the Yinzong people who had glared at each other before, they all knelt down in an instant.

Except for the small world that existed independently, everyone on the entire earth felt an unspeakable shock, and realized somewhere that something extraordinary seemed to be born in the human race.

Double pupils are divine power, but also clarity and insight.

If a person has two eyes, he can see the world clearly.

The saint has double pupils, and can even analyze exercises for easy understanding and mastery, and analyze the enemy's tricks and flaws.Even under the urging of divine power, slow motion can still be seen in the eyes-this is an extremely terrifying method in the fight between the strong.

With the saint's double pupils, Noah seemed to be enlightened suddenly, and his mastery and application of power had risen several steps!

"It turns out that the holy bone is not used in this way."

"Hehe, when I master the original gossip rune in the sacred bone, Lin Fei... your death will come!"

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