I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 660 Inside the Phoenix Nest

Noah won the double pupil of the saint, and he has the holy bone.With the superposition of the two, he has become a saint of heaven!

What is the concept of a heavenly sage in the later stage of the tribulation?

The body of Taiyin, the body of the sun, the body of the fairy sword, and many other physiques have been able to show a crushing and terrifying dominance in the same situation.And such a physique is not worth mentioning in front of the Heavenly Dao Saint!

Just its birth, there will be auspiciousness, and the heaven and earth avenue will be inspired by it.

At this time, Yin Shuangtong had become a corpse in a miserable state of death, which made many members of the Yinzong unacceptable and deeply grieved.

Noah squatted down in front of her, made a prayer gesture, then stood up, and said, "Humanity will remember your sacrifice."

But at such a moment when people all over the world feel their hearts, Lin Fei doesn't notice it at all.

Because he is in the small world, in the phoenix nest.

Fengchao is a quiet and peaceful place. As far as the eye can see, it is full of sycamore trees as thick as buckets, and vines as thick as the mouth of a bowl are wrapped around it.There are spring water, luxuriant flowers and plants, and even spiritual herbs and elixir, exuding a hazy brilliance, making everything look like a dream, as real as it is false.

Originally, it would take a lot of effort just to enter here, but with the help of "Gold Medal Tool Man" Cronus, Lin Fei directly smashed the broken formation and stepped into it.

After the two entered the phoenix nest, they disturbed some birds and small animals, and fled in all directions.

It looks like a barren place here, and the weeds have grown to the height of half a person.Even the most common and ordinary green grass contains extremely thin aura, and those birds and small animals are also extraordinary.Among them are even the descendants of the phoenix, the cubs of the phoenix, the ones whose fur has not even grown.

This is actually not very good news. After all, no one knows whether there are any monsters here that are strong enough to grow enough to get into the depths of the Phoenix Nest and obtain the Divine Phoenix Nirvana Grass.

If there is, Lin Fei and Cronus may be one step late.

Lin Fei didn't delay any time, and directly turned into a streamer, and flew into the depths together with Cronus.

And just as the two of them flew a short distance away, there was the sound of Qing Yue's phoenix cry.Immediately following the surging wind, the soul of a phoenix soared into the sky, spreading its wings burning with divine fire.

"It's just a remnant soul, don't destroy it, just take it down." Lin Fei gave orders without batting an eyelid.

Cronus didn't talk nonsense, and immediately stretched out his palm.

This palm directly covered the sky, and the shadow instantly diffused and cast on the earth.

The power of the half-step human immortal is extremely terrifying, even the divine beast Phoenix, with only a wisp of remnant soul remaining, was instantly imprisoned in its palm.Covered by layers of divine light, it couldn't even move at all, shrinking to the size of a fist.

The two rushed all the way, but they only encountered this phoenix remnant soul.There are even traces of the elixir being picked or even eaten in many places. For example, a Zixia Jinwu tree was eaten clean, leaving only the root system. It seems that it has spent countless days waiting for it to grow again.

Just seeing this, Lin Fei frowned slightly.

He had a guess in his heart, he was afraid that all valuable things would be swallowed by the powerful creatures inside.I don't know if the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is still there.

And in the depths of the Phoenix Nest, there was news of a great battle.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, and thunderous noises rang out one after another.Countless monsters panicked and fled in all directions.

It was two powerful monsters fighting.

One is a red luan bird, its whole body is red like blood, but it has five-color feathers on its wings, and with a single wave, there are five-color divine lights surging, which is unpredictable.

The other one is a five-color divine deer, with a flash of light from the antlers on its head, a bucket-thick divine light rushes like a sharp sword.

"Yuanlu! The Divine Phoenix Nirvana Grass belongs to the Fenghuang family. Now that the Phoenix is ​​not here, as a descendant of the Phoenix, I take it for granted!" Luanniao sent out a divine thought in the cold voice of a young woman.

"It's a joke, if you want to take something that has no owner, you have to rely on your own ability!" The five-color god deer known as Yuan Lu had a clear and clear voice, but it was also a woman's voice.After the words fell, she even transformed into a human being, holding two swords transformed from horns in her hands.

The phoenix also transformed into a human in an instant, wearing a red feather coat, with five-color flying knives made of feathers between its ten fingers.

But at this moment, the two stopped attacking each other, they both frowned and looked to the side.

Lin Fei showed an indistinct smile when he saw these two powerful monsters.

Sure enough, luck was still on his side.

The Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is about to mature—the "soon" here actually means that there are still two or three months left.It's just insignificant for its long growth cycle calculated in thousands of years.

All in all, it's still there, and it hasn't been pre-empted.

The two powerful monsters looked at Lin Fei and Kronos with unfriendly expressions.They have seen through Lin Fei's cultivation, but in the later stage of Dongxu, it is not enough.

And the guy next to him... is a bit weird, he doesn't seem to be a cultivator, he is a little hard to see through, and he can't tell whether he is strong or weak.

These two powerful spirit beasts have both withstood the test of crossing the catastrophe, and they are already strong in the realm of crossing the catastrophe.Therefore, the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is extremely important, once it is taken, it will be an opportunity to break into Mahayana!

Once the Mahayana comes out, all dharmas will dry up!

In the case that human immortals will ascend to the immortal world, Mahayana is the strongest in the entire earth's cultivation world!

At that time, not only could he kill a powerful enemy who had been fighting for more than 2000 years, and seize everything from the opponent, but he could also break the shackles of the formation outside Xiaotiandi and go directly to the outside world.

"Humans, and that unknown creature—if you don't want to die, just roll away as far as you can!" Luanniao said coldly.

Yuan Lu secretly scolded the idiot in his heart: others can enter the Phoenix Nest, what does this mean?

Either be proficient in the outer formations and carefully break the formations without any mistakes; or use force to break the formations and destroy the formations directly.

If it's the former it's fine, if it's the latter...

That would be terrifying.

Mahayana realm!

If you want to break through the formation with strength, you must at least be in the Mahayana realm!

Against such a person, isn't that suicide?

Yuan Lu kept in mind the principle of being careful when sailing for thousands of years, and Dang even smiled, and saluted with both hands holding his sword: "You two, I have no intention of being your enemy. It's just that the Nirvana Phoenix Grass is mature. I have waited for nearly 2000 years. Please give me two points of thin noodles and don't take them away, how about making friends?"

Kronos sneered, and immediately said arrogantly: "They are just two ants, dare to negotiate terms with me? Just kill them!"

Luanniao and Yuanlu's expressions changed drastically, they didn't expect the visitor to be so unreasonable.

Without any grievances, coming up is killing lives and seizing treasures? !

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