I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 661 Have a will to plant a willow, can it form a shade?

Cronus has never been a reasonable master, and only believes in the dogma of supremacy of strength.

At this moment, he is so mighty as the Titan Lord God that the void is trembling.Under such a terrifying atmosphere, Luanniao Yuanlu was extremely frightened, just like a mortal facing the coming typhoon and tsunami of level [-].Although the disaster has not yet come, it is enough to make mortals without any shelter despair.

That feeling of powerlessness and insignificance is almost enough to completely crush them!

"Kronos, don't make a big fuss." Lin Fei said indifferently, "We didn't come here to fight and kill, we just took the Nirvana Phoenix Grass."

"As for the two of you, as Miss Yuanlu said, we don't have any enmity. It is indeed unacceptable for you to come here to take the holy medicine that you have been waiting for for more than 2000 years. How about we make a deal?"

The two monsters were secretly astonished and looked at him in disbelief.

Because after Lin Fei's voice fell, Kronos restrained his terrifying aura, and even scratched his head in embarrassment, as if obeying orders.

This scene completely overturned the three views of Yuanlu and Luanniao!

What the hell is going on in this world?Why would a dignified Mahayana powerhouse obey a late-stage monk?

Could it be that the second generation of immortals brought the strong family members to Fengchao to make troubles?

Such an idea popped into the minds of the two monsters at the same time, and Dang even thought it was very possible, and he looked at Lin Fei with admiration.Both of them were secretly glad in their hearts, and even broke out in a cold sweat.

If Lin Fei was not willing to bypass them, I am afraid that the huge creature named Cronus would kill them all!

Without further ado, Lin Fei stretched out his fingers and pointed out two auras.The two monsters were also unusual, and they immediately realized that this was a memory pulled from the sea of ​​consciousness, and they didn't dodge or dodge, allowing them to sink into the center of their eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, the two monsters showed shocking expressions, and then became extremely pleasantly surprised, and then became terrified again.

The successive changes in expressions were so exciting that even Lin Fei wanted to complain, could it be that you are still the face-changing masters of Sichuan opera?

The reason for the shock and surprise of the two monsters was that Lin Fei gave an extremely terrifying inheritance, which they had never dared to think about.

"Golden Scale Dragon Abyss Art"!

Ordinary people can still degenerate to a strength comparable to that of a real dragon, so what about their unusual bloodlines?

Once successful in cultivation, the phoenix can return to its ancestors and evolve into a divine beast phoenix!And similarly, a five-color divine deer can also become a five-color fairy deer!

And the panic is because of the origin of the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue" - created by Lin Yuan, the Heavenly Demon Lord.

The Phoenix Nest was almost destroyed by the power of this great demon alone. How could the Luanniao Yuanlu have a long heritage, so how could they not know?Since the human being in front of him can give the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue", can he become the Heavenly Demon Lord Lin Yuan?

The legendary Great Demon King came to Phoenix Nest again?

Just thinking about it like this makes the two monsters almost creepy!

"My Wansheng Tianzun has been acting all my life, and I have never wanted to owe anyone anything." Lin Fei guessed what they were thinking, but he just said lightly, "Since it took away the opportunity of the two of you, then it should be repaid. , the two do not owe each other."

"Wansheng Tianzun?!" The two monsters spoke in surprise almost at the same time, shocked to the extreme.

"Otherwise?" Kronos sneered, "Aside from a supreme person like Tianzun who I admire, who else is worthy of my Titan King's service?"

What he said was quite hypocritical.

respect?If it weren't for the Styx contract, Cronus would definitely slap Lin Fei to death, but he tried every means to take away his fortune.

His words were also quite stupid, and he flattered Lin Fei confidently.

But the two monsters didn't think too much, and knelt down on the spot!

"See Wansheng Tianzun!" The two monsters who turned into humanoid young girls spoke in unison in an instant.They were puzzled as to why Wansheng Tianzun was so weak, but they didn't dare to ask questions rashly, for fear of offending them.

Yuan Lu couldn't help but quietly looked at Lin Fei, thinking to himself, is this the Wansheng Tianzun that the ancestors said?

He has been fascinated by this mythical hero for a long time. He never thought that today he would really meet him, or even be blessed with grace, so he was naturally very excited.

This kind of psychology is not surprising, just like in modern society, some people worship Li Bai, some people worship Du Fu, some people worship Genghis Khan, and some people worship the great man surnamed Mao.Even if you haven't seen it, you can't help yearning and admiring it just based on what you know about his life.

Lin Fei waved his hand and said directly: "There is no need to be too polite. I might as well tell you bluntly that there will be a catastrophe in the world, and the creatures from outside the region are probably already on the way. It just happened to happen to me, so I need this Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass. "

"If you sincerely stand on the side of human beings and want to protect the earth and the human world, then you must have good luck. You might as well go out for a while, and maybe you can find a Mahayana opportunity."

The two were startled at first, but after all, they also had the minds of more than 2000 years of practice. They quickly calmed down, looked at each other and made a quick decision.

Go for it!

Regardless of the human race or the monster race, when the catastrophe strikes, no one will be spared, so it's better to be twisted together!

"Yuan Lu is willing to fight with Tianzun, the success or failure of life and death is in the sky. I would rather be the soul of fighting death than a lackey of a foreign race!" Yuan Lu spoke first, firmly.

When the luanniao named "Yang Luan" heard this, he immediately became anxious-you stole my lines, so what should I say?

"Me too!" Yang Luan said bravely.

"This time, the Heavenly Venerable bestowed upon us the supreme inheritance, and the great kindness will be kept in my heart. Although the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is good, even if the Heavenly Venerable does not come, only one of me and Yang Luan can get it, and the other will get nothing. It is even possible that both of them will perish. Now that I can obtain the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue", I should thank the Heavenly Venerable again!" After Yuan Lu said this, he kowtowed immediately.

Yang Luan stared, then kowtowed hurriedly: "Me too!"

Kronos gave her a disdainful look, and complained: "You are uneducated at first sight, and you will only say that I am the same if others say anything."

Yang Luan choked on these words, and Yuan Lu couldn't help snickering, with the poetic charm of a girl.

Lin Fei gave the extra six-leaf Nether Grass, divided it into two and handed it to the two, which made them ecstatic and moved to the extreme.Not to mention Yang Luan is willing to follow as a slave, Yuan Lu is full of little stars, it doesn't matter even if he is a mount with his head down and blushing face.

Kronos thought for a moment: "Let's not talk about sitting, can you... ride?"

Lin Fei glanced over, and he smiled awkwardly.

Lin Fei declined the two proposals, and only let them find their own opportunities.Then the two saluted respectfully, turned into their original forms and flew past.

"Believe it or not, at the critical moment, these are the two Mahayana powerhouses, who can even change the situation of the battle?" He watched the two leave, and said with a smile.

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